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Everything posted by Kaho

  1. Kaho

    Cargo Plane Crash

    Thanks for the Update. Tested on the Test Server.... But seems not working with the Zone. Also the NPCs directly Die after the Crash Any way to Kill the Crates after time X?
  2. Version 1.0.2


    A world of living Undeads means that you need to die before you can life forever Full Graveyard with Puzzle and Redroom find the underground ritual room and place a fuse find 4 timer in the gravehouses that need to be activated after that activate the RedRoom by pushing the button on the ritual room Redcard Reader will be activated in the Waterspring Grave
  3. Version 2.1.0


    Small Weaponshop to intigrate in your City Bluecard Puzzle 1x Greencrate 1xc Recard Spawner To solve the Puzzle 2x Fuse 2 Bluecard Swipes Turrets are set to Peacekeeper! If you dont want Autoturrets you need to remove it.
  4. Version 1.0.3


    Find a way out... but dont do it alone. It could be a problem and youll be there... forever! Green & Recard Puzzle Power Up the Prison on the Outside Get into the Control Room and fuse & fuel the Lift Take the lift to the Cell Stage and find... your way down You cant take the lift down. Door will not Open. Someone made a way down... you just need to find it!
  5. Version 1.0.0


    One drunken guy from the street started his trip to claim the ladder to be the best brewer in Rustcoon City. Loplop Original Met - get drunk... and vomit! Blue Card Puzzle 2x Green Crates Prefab with whole Scene like seen in the RustEdit Screenshot. Also one House with Accessoires inside
  6. Kaho

    Zombie Swamp

    Version 1.0.2


    Full Swamp Puzzle with normal crates and barrels 1x Green Crate is hidden under the house Greenroom 1x Green Crate Blue Room 2x Green Crate Red Room 2x Green Crate 2x Elite Crate To solve the Puzzle you need 1x Green-, Blue-, Redcard 4x Fuse Lowgrade Fuel
  7. Version 1.0.3


    a small Scene of a sunken Ship with 2 Puzzles Greencard Puzzle Redcard Puzzle Just place it on the Water and check that the height is right
  8. Hey, need a plugin that execute a chat-/Console Comand if a player is online for Min-/MaxTime and in TC Range (authed on that TC) After execute command should not be executed for time X Please let me know what you wanna Charge? ($) for something like chat Thank you
  9. Yeaha well using: BotReSpawn ZombieHorde NightZombies WalkingDead but dont have any problems if i start the Testserver without this Plugin. Errors startet since i installed JunkpileNPC Ill try and start the server without the NPC plugins and start with only one at a time to recheck.... Will give you a feedback later. Thanks for your fast reply
  10. deleted. Current config was generated: { "Scarecrow Settings": { "Spawn chance (0-100)": 10, "Spawn Amount": 1, "Max Roam Distance": 15, "Prefix (Title)": "Scarecrow", "Health (HP)": 250, "Life Duration (minutes)": 30.0, "Damage multiplier": 0.6, "Use kit (clothing)": false, "Kit ID": [] }, "Scientist Settings": { "Spawn chance (0-100)": 10, "Spawn Amount": 1, "Max Roam Distance": 15, "Prefix (Title)": "Scientist", "Health (HP)": 250, "Life Duration (minutes)": 30.0, "Damage multiplier": 0.6, "Use kit (clothing)": false, "Kit ID": [] } } Still Errors
  11. Thanks for the fast Reply. Uploaded the new Version - Still the same issiue...
  12. Hey installed your addon and changed the Config to following: { "Scarecrow Settings": { "Spawn chance (0-100)": 50, "Spawn Amount": 1, "Max Roam Distance": 15, "Prefix (Title)": "Scarecrow", "Prefix (Title) if chainsaw equiped": "Chainsaw Murderer", "Health (HP)": 250, "Life Duration (minutes)": 30.0, "Damage multiplier": 0.6, "Use kit (clothing)": false, "Kit ID": [] }, "Scientist Settings": { "Spawn chance (0-100)": 0, "Spawn Amount": 1, "Max Roam Distance": 15, "Prefix (Title)": "Scientist", "Health (HP)": 250, "Life Duration (minutes)": 30.0, "Damage multiplier": 0.6, "Use kit (clothing)": false, "Kit ID": [] } } But i get Nullreference Spam every millisecond in console...
    Fast Support, Fast updating Requests and Nice UI! Thank you. Works Fine with TruePVE and ZoneManager
  13. Hey Spoock, Love your plugin and use it for long time... There is a free Plugin called FacePunch (dont Know if a link is allowed... So will Not link hehe) Players start to punch the ppl while they are cuffed. Possible to remove permissions when Player get cuffed? Greetings Kaho
  14. Kaho


    Jetpacks do Jetpacks things.... Great and Funny Plugin! Work like it should!
  15. Kaho


    Still dont know how not to Crash... But Works great and Player love it!
  16. Kaho

    Pocket Zipline

    Alot of Fun... Players love it! Works without Problems. Nice Plugin Adem!
  17. Kaho

    Armored Train

    Another Great Plugin by Adam! This Event is like Convoy... only on the rails! Nice Plugin! Thank you Adam
  18. Kaho

    Raid Time Manager

    Yes. Should only work for the Buildings in that specific zone :3
  19. Kaho

    Raid Time Manager

    Hey, is there a way to give the possibility to add the timer to a zoneid form zonemanager? So we have a PVE Server with PVP Zone. Would like to Add this Plugin to the PVP ZOne wiht ID XXX. Or Multiple Zones... Anyone to handle that?
  20. Kaho

    Bears despawning after Restart

    They dont dye... they get ported to location...
  21. Hey, searching for a new buff using the custom hooks (i think^^) for the "Cooking" Plugin. So if Player eat or drink something they womit and get shake effects. Contact me here or on Discord. Also send me your "price" if you know it already
  22. Kaho

    Bears despawning after Restart

    As title say. Bears despawn after Server restart if not picked up.
  23. Ill do a Update for the enxt wipe... currently i didnt find the time... Sorry! But it will get the Facepunch rails. So no need to manually add the,. There was a pool prefab. Used the wrong one so it despawns... will be fixed on the next Update Currently not As there are green crates in it it would be a free spawn But if you are into mapbuilding the prefab is buyable


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