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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. I wasn't aware of that - Thank you Pookins! I'll get that sorted.
  2. Steenamaroo


    Hi, I'm looking into the scientistnpc_roam right now. For the excavator guys - Are you on the latest version? I remember fully testing the excavator not that long ago. It's possible something's changed or I missed something, but I did make sure they all worked prior to the last release.
  3. Hi, Almost... If you want your custom profile and spawnpoints to follow a monument when the map changes you need to 1: Create the new custom profile 2: Set Parent_Monument (Other tab) to the desired monument, 3: Add your custom spawn points. It needs to be done in that order to work. Set Parent Monument then add spawn points. I think there might be an open issue relating specifically to the harbours - I think I need to differentiate between large and small otherwise there's the possibility of them getting mixed up and the custom spawn points not really making sense, but other than that there should be no issue. I should be looking into this before the next update.
  4. Hi, It's around line 120. if (container?.OwnerID != 0 && !(container is SupplyDrop)) return;
  5. Hi, There are no steps required at the BotReSpawn end - It's all done from CustomLoot. CustomLoot just treats the npc corpses like any other loot container. There's a CustomLoot config option - corpseTypePerBotReSpawnProfile. This tells it whether to show a 'BotReSpawn' config entry, covering all BotReSpawn npcs, or to show a separate entry for each profile of BotReSpawn npcs. Other than that, you just pick out the npc profile you want to populate with loot (in CustomLoot config), and assign a loot table name to it, the same way you would for barrels or crates. If you need more info hit me up.
  6. Oh, they attack sleepers? I'd have to write in an option to prevent that. I'll do it soon. Thank you!
  7. No worries. I'll do that for the next update. Thanks!
  8. Steenamaroo

    consol error

    Hi, That's most likely coming from some unsupported weapon. I'll be looking at these weapons in the near future but, for now, things like flamethrowers and bows are no good. Check through your kits and make sure you're only giving the npcs normal bullet weapons or melee weapons.
  9. Hi, There's API so other plugin makers can make calls to spawn BotReSpawn npcs, using existing profile names, and there's the UI button for spawning npcs toplayer, but no console commands. I think the only thing missing that was in BotSpawn is a console command for toplayer. I can add that back in.
  10. Steenamaroo


    Hi, Do those appear somewhere on the map? If so, what monument are they associated with?
  11. Ok, great. That makes sense. Thank you, again.
  12. Ooh, nice catch. Thanks for reporting that! Is that melee bots, or any? I'll have a look regardless.
  13. For sure. I'm glad you reported it - No one else has, so far. I think it's because it's only affecting the profile location (for random spawnpoints) - not custom spawn points. I guess most people are using combination of custom spawn points + Parent_Monument. Anyway, it's fixed now but I have some other things to do before updating. Would you like the fixed V by DM? I'm afraid you'd have to move these problem-profiles again with the patched version, in order for them to work at your next wipe.
  14. Ah, I see! I don't think it's possible to have activer hyperlinks in-game but I'll look into it and make sure. Thank you.
  15. Testing now and have found an issue. I'll get back to you today on this. Thanks again.
  16. You're quite right - you don't need to use 'Move profile here', but I'm aware of an issue with relocation data when people do use 'Move profile here'. If that's the case, it'll be solved in the next update which is coming pretty soon. Thank you for reporting!
  17. Hi Electrik, Thanks for reporting. Do you know, did you happen to use the "Move Profile Here" button for any of these profiles? I did find an issue with that function which I'll be solving in the next update. I'll do a bit of testing either way, before next update, to ensure it's all good.
  18. Hi, I don't think that's supported in-game at all, is it? Do other plugins do it?
  19. What's the issue with behaviour?
  20. Hi, Those are on my list of things to be looking at for upcoming updates. The practical reason for switching to scientist AI only is that Scarecrows and murderers don't exist in game anymore. Technically scarecrows do but, as far as I know, it's pretty much a placeholder type, also based around the newest AI. The scarecrow, as you know it, is gone, as is the murderer. As long as the asset remains in-game I can add back in the old murderer sound effect, and offering alternative corpse-loot options shouldn't be a problem.
  21. 0 would be assigned to any crate spawned by the server. Some plugins assign a specific user's ID to track ownership - say if it's a reward or something like that.
  22. Not really, to be honest. You can have npcs of a certain type which only spawn during day, or only spawn during night, and you can adjust the thresholds for day/night yourself in the main config, but at preset there's no support for roaming hordes, or for customised on/off times or rotation for profiles. The closest you'd get is probably to use the biome profiles, or custom profiles with massive radius, or custom spawn points, then use the day/night numbers to have some control of which spawns and when, but you're right; In doing that these npcs could overlap with monuments or other areas of interest on the map. You could have a number of custom profiles with small roam_range and spawn radius, which would result in a little band of npcs sticking together in that area. Most likely if one aggrod a player many of the others would, so that would be horde-like, but they won't roam as a horde.
  23. Hi, Sorry, no. That's not really a feature with BotSpawn/BotReSpawn. It was always more about npcs protecting an area. You can control how far they'll roam around that area, of course, but there's no horde mentality. Even the biome npcs, which may appear to roam the map, are still just npcs with a given spawnpoint, roaming within a radius around that point.
  24. Hey, Sorry you're having trouble. Unfortunately if you're admin or have the perm it really should be as simple as making sure it's loaded then just typing in `/botrespawn` in game. Are you in Codefling discord or my discord? If not, jump in - Codefling discord link is in the footer of this site. We'll get you up and running.
  25. Hi, That's correct - They don't use grenades right now. I will be looking at non bullet/melee weapons in the near future, though.


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