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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo

    Balanced Categories Error

    Hi, Can you confirm your installed version is up to date?
  2. Steenamaroo

    skins persisting

    Hey, Thanks man. I'll take a look at that tomorrow.
  3. Hi, I can't see it being BotSpawn as it doesn't use that AI type. It does have options to prevent that AI type attacking BotSpawn npcs but, still, I can't see that error coming from there. HTN murderer is the Scarecrow, as far as I know.
  4. Much much easier with an instant-respawn command. That's actually why it's there...so I have convenient troubleshooting, testing various weapons with the different npc types.
  5. Not sure I can help much, I'm afraid, but I would consider unloading all plugins then killing off the rig npcs and letting them respawn again, to see if the issue comes up.If not, you can attribute it to some plugin and start the process of elimination. I'm sure there's a default command to force-repopulate the Oilrig...Can't remember, but I left a command 'repop' in CustomLoot for testing/debugging. CustomLoot does absolutely nothing to loot until configured so, if it makes things quicker, you could install it and use that `repop` console command to speed up your testing.
  6. No, it kills of Oil Rig npcs who can't find navmesh and cause console spam about it. However, your issue could be the weapons you've given them, if you're using NPCKits. Some weapons work well with these npcs and some don't - Might be something to look into.
  7. Steenamaroo


    Actually forget that ^. I can make larger aggro ranges work. Should be in the next update.
  8. Hi, Probably not, to be honest. A few people have asked but I'm not sure I want to have that option in it.
  9. Hi, I can't replicate it here so I can only guess maybe you're making a mistake when editing the data file? Watch server console as you reload BotSpawn - It should show warnings or errors if there's a mistake. https://jsonlint.com is very useful for making sure json files are valid.
  10. Steenamaroo

    Bradley option? (Request)

    I'll see about making it per-profile next time I'm working on BotSpawn.
  11. Steenamaroo


    Hi, If I remember right there's a hardcoded maximum so BotSpawn's aggro range is only really useful for reducing. That sounds like expected behaviour.
  12. Steenamaroo

    Bradley option? (Request)

    Hi, BotSpawn already has a true/false to make Bradley ignore its npcs. If you're seeing death reports in console it's more likely that these npcs are spawning in the Bradley's area and it's running them over, rather than actually targeting them.
  13. I just checked - This is already implemented and working. If a category is disabled in the config under "Categories", or via admin UI, then titles for that category are not shown.
  14. Thinking about it, I should make it that titles are auto-disabled for categories which are disabled in config. Thanks for flagging that.
  15. To disable tags for a category you just make the string empty. "PVPKills": "", Colours can be done as Krungh describes (thanks Krungh). If you want to apply the same colour to all you could do it in the title start and title end values, to save editing each title one by one.
  16. Yeah, I understand. I have a pre-release copy right now that I'm looking for people to test. It has skins, min/max condition, and blueprint chance, per item - but only for items which accept skins, have condition, and/or can be blueprints. If you'd like to test and you're in my discord please ping me. If you're not, you can join here.
  17. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  18. Steenamaroo

    Custom Loot Tables

    No, AlphaLoot's a separate loot plugin I think some people use CustomLoot for some containers/npcs and AlphaLoot for others. Not sure why.
  19. I think there's only condition min/max for weapons. I may look into adding condition for items with adjustable condition and, while I'm there, making it that "skin" only shows for skinnable items.
  20. Steenamaroo

    Custom Loot Tables

    Nice. Thanks for letting me know. I think there was a fairly recent update addressing an issue like this but I guess you know that now.
  21. Steenamaroo

    Custom Loot Tables

    Hi, Edits to the BotSpawn json files aren't needed unless you want loot CustomLoot to spawn in a hackable crate when your npcs die. At present you have the % chance for hackable-crates-on-deat set to zero - If you don't want those, leave it that way. The rest, for populating the npcs inventory main container, looks fine. As far as I can see it should work. I guess just make 100% sure you're killing the right npc for testing. If you only have one profile at the airfield then that's not an issue but if you have multiple double-check you're killing/checking the right guy. For quick proof that the setup is or isn't working I'd oxide.unload * then oxide.load BotSpawn and oxide.load CustomLoot then test. That'll rule out the possibility of some other plugin overriding. Small tip - If you're going to have probabilities the same for all categories you may as well set them to 1 instead of 100. The result will be exactly the same but there'll it'll be quicker/more performant.
  22. It has not but it's on the to do list.
  23. Strange. Can't think of any reason that wouldn't be working. I'll give it a check later when my server's up, to make sure nothing's changed.
  24. Hey, I can understand that. I don't want to make the data file commit every time the user makes a change - it's just overkill - but I can add a /ai save command. I'll also add chat alias option, like PlayerRanks and InfoScreens so users can add their own custom command, like "ai". Pleasure! Glad you're enjoying it.
  25. Thanks for that info. Permissions Manager is just a UI front end for the existing console command system so it would make sense for issue to be underlying.


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