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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. /perms group default - Check that group has X permission /perms player <some player name> - Click 'groups' - check that this player is in the default group. Click 'back'. Check that player has 'inherited button' showing for X permission. *Clicking 'inherited' will show you a list of groups from which the player is inheriting the permission, as there may be multiple.
  2. When you grant a permission to a group then check the perms for an individual player in that group, you will see an 'inherited' button beside the permission, indicating that the player has it because they are in a group which has it. The player may or may not have the permissions themselves - This is indicated by the granted/revoked buttons. I laid it out like this because often it's important to know what permissions a player will/won't have once they are removed from a group. In your case, if no 'inherited' button is showing, it sounds like the players aren't in the default group, or the permission has not been granted to the default group.
  3. No probs. Thanks for reporting.
  4. Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  5. Hi ManMarc. Thanks for buying, and for the kind words. You're right, it only saves to file when it unloads. Any data you've added is in live memory, though, and all editing should be done through UI, so it shouldn't matter. Is there a reason you need the data committed to file straight away?
  6. Hey, Thanks for the video. I'll take a look at it. I was pretty sure their 'built in' deaggro would make them forget you after LOS is lost for X (no idea how long) but if you say you can break LOS for minutes and they're still on you I'll code something in to fix that. Thanks again.
  7. Hi, I don't think it would work very well because of categories like StucturesBuilt, ResourcesGathered, Economics, etc, but you can set MaxDisplayedTitles to 1 then put the title entries in the config into an order you like. Only one title will show per player, and it'll be the first one they hold as they appear in that list.
  8. Steenamaroo

    Duplicate GUI

    Hi, I'll write in a UI kill at the start of the create method. Thanks.
  9. Steenamaroo


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.1.1
  10. It is. BotSpawn only really supports held melee weapons and regular bullet weapons. Anything else is iffy.
  11. also, feel free to jump in to my discord and/or Codefling discord.
  12. Ok, thanks for trying that. Since I can't replicate it I can only make suggestions. How about unloading AlphaLoot to test?
  13. No, you have the right idea. It's working fine here, though. I suspect you're not getting CustomLoot at all. Maybe change "lootTable" to something new then in that new loottable just set weapons category probability to 1, and a bunch of individual weapons to 1. That way it's super obvious if it's CustomLoot you're seeing, or just the regular rust loot.
  14. Steenamaroo


    Thanks for that. I'll take a look.
  15. Hi, There was an update for AlphaLoot about a month ago which addressed an issue where disabling NPC profiles was ignored. Are you up to date?
  16. Steenamaroo

    Some bots never respawn

    Hi, I notice that Night_Time_Spawn_Amount is 0. Could that be it? If not, I'd reduce the respawn timer for testing and kill the npc then watch console (server window or rcon...not f1), around the time he should be respawning, to see if there are any warnings or errors.
  17. Yes, that's right. For any profile to spawn automatically 'AutoSpawn' needs to be true, whether they're Murderer types or not. No, there's no option for that right now. There is an in-game chat command to spawn toplayer but no console command. A few people have asked so I'll hook up a console command for it in the next update.
  18. You've got AutoSpawn false for all four biomes. That would need to be true. No, Kits are optional. The murderer prefab started spawning naked a while back - I presume that's still the case? Not sure. Either way, I made BotSpawn give them the scarecrow outfit if no Kit is specified.
  19. Ok. Have a look through your server logs and see if there are any warnings "Failed to find spawnpoints at <BiomeName>"
  20. Hi, Make sure you've allowed enough time because Biome spawns begin after a delay. The delay is longer the more npcs you ask for - It could even be a minute or two before BotSpawn scans and finds enough spawn points in the correct biomes.
  21. Steenamaroo

    CustomLoot not working

    Your images don't seem to be working but just to clarify, BotSpawn isn't looking for a loottable/data file name. It's looking for the name of a profile from CustomLoot.json. That profile points to a loottable/datafile. That means you can choose to use an existing profile...one of the existing npc types or container types, or just enter in some new name which would give you a new custom profile in CustomLoot.json, under the heading "API". You'd then have to point that at a loottable.data file.
  22. Steenamaroo

    CustomLoot not working

    You have to specify a profile name from CustomLoot.json, not a loot table name. If the name you specify doesn't exist BotSpawn/CustomLoot will create it in CustomLoot.json under the 'API' heading, so you could go and find that new entry and set the loot table name there to botconclave.
  23. Steenamaroo

    Autowipes for SQL

    That's how it works. These additional Leaderboard snapshots are totally optional. You have to manually create/save them one by one, by clicking in UI, and manually delete them by clicking wipe in the UI. They serve no in-game purpose and are only there for people who might want a snap shot of the leader for each category at a specific time, like at the end of an event for example. The main ranks table is the one that constantly accumulates stats and is viewable in-game and, with the settings you have above, should automatically wipe when you first load a new map. If you're using SQL to mirror the main stats then, with your pasted settings, that table should have been automatically dropped too, meaning that local + SQL main data both reset. Is that not what happened?
  24. Steenamaroo

    Autowipes for SQL

  25. Steenamaroo

    Need help

    Hi. Have a look here then let me know how you get on. https://codefling.com/files/support/121-i-cant-get-this-plugin-to-work-p/


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