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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. I'm not sure I'm following. DropsLooted should increase for any airdrop, no matter where it came from, but only the first person to loot it gets the point.
  2. @Alter Ego Can't you just make the titles "[Heli-Hunter]", "[APC-Killer]" etc? If I'm misunderstanding please let me know. I'll make sure #2 is in the next update. @saintmichel13To be honest I avoided getting into specifics because I feel like requests would keep coming, once I start, and it'd get out of control fast. That being said, TCs destroyed seems like a stat that might be worth having.
  3. Hi @Alter Ego 1: There's no automatic option for brackets per title but there's nothing to stop you including them in the titles in config. It might take a few seconds to fill it out but I think that's OK. 2: The oxide groups are there so that server owners can use them for perks/privs. PlayerRanks should be destroying all those groups when it unloads. I don't think the plugin actually uses them for anything, though, so I can see about a config option to disable them.
  4. @ProducerNot top 10, no, but there's a top 30 table in the UI.
  5. Hi Chad, Thanks for the info. I have an update more or less ready to push with some nice additional features. I *think* that was a known issue that I resolved but I'll make sure before posting.
  6. Version 3.2.3


    Gives reward payments to players for performing various in-game actions. Uses Economics, Server Rewards, or Scrap. **Although V3 is a rewrite, the original plugin was written and maintained by MalS** Thank you to MalS for the original submission and continued support. Chat Commands. /rr – Opens RustRewards UI. UI allows players to customise their notification preferences. It also allows viewing of reward and multiplier values, if that option is enabled in config. Holders of rustrewads.admin permission can use the same UI to adjust reward and multiplier values. See images. Permissions. rustrewards.adminui Enables adjustment buttons for values in UI. Players with the following permissions can earn rewards for that category. rustrewards.harvest rustrewards.kill rustrewards.open rustrewards.pickup rustrewards.activity rustrewards.welcome All reward values are 0.0 by default. All multipliers have basic default values. Reward categories. Kill Harvest Open Pickup Activity Welcome Harvesting and looting containers must be carried out to completion in order to receive the reward. Multipliers. Group Permission Weapon used Happy hour (optional) Day of the week RaidableBases (action within RB area) Zone (action within specific zone) Distance (for kill rewards) Group and permission multipliers apply to players in X group or players holding X permission. Adding group or permission names to their lists in config will automatically create that group or permission. Permissions from other plugins can also be added here, in full, without issue – eg “kits.vip” "Group_Multipliers": { "Regulars": 1.0 }, "Permission_Multipliers": { "loyalty": 10.0 }, This, for example, will register the permission 'rustrewards.loyalty', and create the group “Regulars”. General Settings UseServerDayNightHours = true UseRealTime = false UTCHourOffset = -1 DayStartHour = 8 NightStartHour = 20 Reset_Activity_Reward_At_Wipe = false Disable_All_Notifications = false, TakeMoneyfromVictim: false, LogToFile = false, LogToConsole = false HappyHour_BeginHour: 17, HappyHour_EndHour: 21, Player_Kill_Reward_CoolDown_Seconds: 0, View_Reward_Values": true - Enables UI access to reward and multiplier values for players. Default_Notification_Type - 0/1/2/3 : The numbers correspond to Chat/Banner/Icon/Off Chaticon: 0 Only_Reward_Growables_From_Planters: false, Use_Harvesting_Cooldown = true, Add_Multipliers = false, Use_Highest_Multiplier_Only = false, Delete_Player_Prefs_After_Days = 100, RewardCurrency UseScrap: true, UseEconomics: false, UseServerRewards: false Chosen currency for rewards. Only one can be used at any one time. Allies UseFriendsPlugin: true, UseClansPlugin: true, UseRustTeams: true Prevent rewards for killing friends/clan mates/team mates. Plugins UseGUIAnnouncementsPlugin: false, - Enables 'banner' notification option UseZoneManagerPlugin: false, - Allows for zone specific multipliers UseNoEscape: false - Prevents rewards when NoEscape-blocked Data file. 'Friendly names' for items and entities can be customised in the data file. Each item or entity has a pair listed – Edit the right hand value. Example : "vehicle_parts": “vehicle parts, "loot_barrel_2": “barrel”, "loot_barrel_1": “barrel”, "crate_tools": “tool crate", Notes. Npcs. An extensive list of npcs types has been added for 'Kill' and 'Harvest' (flesh) rewards, including entries for BotSpawn and Zombiehorde. Item Actions 'Open' rewards are now given for items with “Unwrap” or “Gut” actions, including all recently added fish. AI vehicle kills. Rewards are given to the player who caused the most damage to APC / Patrol Heli / CH47. UI Amount adjust increments. As different servers will have different base units of currency, you can change how much the + and – buttons in UI adjust the amounts. Reward_Small_Increment: 1.0, Reward_Large_Increment: 10.0, Multiplier_Increment: 0.1, API OnRustReward(BasePlayer player, string category)
  7. Hi, Q: What weapons can my bots use? A: I recommend sticking to basic bullet-weapons, hand tools and melee weapons. Bows have worked on and off over the years but they were never recommended or officially supported.
  8. Hi, I think most people just keep the relevant files for permissions/groups intact when wiping but, sure, I could add a save/recall function to the plugin. I'll take a look at that sometime soonish.
  9. Hi, No; there's no provision for multiple loot tables per corpse/container type. If it's BotSpawn you could just make an additional custom profile and place it at the airfield, then halve your profile numbers. That would achieve the same thing. Since categories are picked per-item in the loot, what you're proposing would be the same as just setting food/weapons/ammunition to the same probability. You still end up with a mix of food + weapons/ammo, unless you're asking for only 1 item per container.
  10. Steenamaroo

    Error in console

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  11. Steenamaroo

    Error in console

    @machinehead- I'm only seeing this thread now - Not sure why. Thank you for updating with the solution. Much appreciated.
  12. We've had issues like this a few times in different areas. Wether or not Facepunch fix it probably depends on whether or not they intend to let npcs roam in these areas. If they don't intend to then there's no problem - Not in vanilla game, anyway.
  13. Thanks for reporting. It's just a quirk when all players have score 0. It's addressed in an upcoming update.
  14. That's a feature in BotSpawn. You can disable it with "PeaceKeeper": false, per profile.
  15. Ah, ok. I wasn't aware that item name could be set but since it can clearly be done I don't see why I couldn't add it. I'll keep it in mind. Thanks!
  16. Hey. Skins is already there. It's a list, though, so you can add multiple to have one chosen randomly, but you could still just have one there. Name...I'm not sure. Is that a thing?
  17. Hey, That's something I get asked quite a lot. To be honest it would probably take a bit of a rewrite so it's not something I'm considering right now. Not ruling it out but it's not something I'd be checking back weekly for. Sorry.
  18. Hi, Sorry I didn't see this sooner. I'm not aware of issues right now so I guess this is an obscure one - Maybe something to do with a specific character in some clan name? If it's a persistent issue would you mind sending me a copy of your /data/PlayerRanks.json privately? Thanks.
  19. HI Aislinn. It's the # player per category only. When you lose #1 spot you also lose your title.
  20. Steenamaroo

    Bradley Loot Stopped Working

    Hi Jaws, I haven't checked with BradleyGuards plugin but I'm pretty sure it doesn't change anything relevant except the number of crates to spawn. Just tested killing a regular Bradley on my test server and it worked fine. I guess double check the loottable you're using for bradley_crate in CustomLoot, and make certain at least one category, and item in that category has probability greater than one. If that checks out, make sure there's no other loot plugin that might be filling bradley crates, overriding CustomLoot?
  21. Steenamaroo

    skins persisting

    Totally responded.
  22. If any other plugin is loaded PermissionsManager will reload, to list perms for the new plugin, and, as such, your UI will be closed. Maybe that's what's happening?
  23. Hi, Sounds like it's working fine. It'll will show the min/max condition option for any items which have a condition scale. Whether it actually makes sense to adjust condition for any given item is a different story, but if there's a visible scale there CustomLoot will give you the options. I'd recommend blanket setting everything to min 100/max 100, then tweaking the specific items that you want to set specific, or random in range, conditions for.
  24. Steenamaroo

    Failed to compile

    Sorted, thank you.
  25. Thanks, Jaws.


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