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Everything posted by VENIQQ

  1. Hey, Just noticed that players can't pick up workbenches where button is attached. How this can be fixed?

    Craft Panel

    Our previous Craft menu plugin broke with the latest Rust update, so this one worked perfectly with timely update. I was able to migrate custom recepies from other plugin here in under 30minutes and in addition UI looks great as well. Thanks and keep up the good work!


    On Sales page it also says that this plugin works with Skill Tree - Does it mean I can output TOP users by their Level somehow? or what exactly it supports from that plugin? Thanks.


    Is there any way to get stats on regular NPC kills or Barrels destroyed etc? Similar categories that "PlayerRanks" plugin has. For example, if I have prefab path and there is no shortname (e.g. assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/loot/loot-barrel-1.prefab) how can I add it to count kills of certain object (such as barrels)? I bought this but then realized that we can output only collected item count (if I understand correctly), with an exception of a few additional plugins that were intergrated.
  5. Thanks for this @Butters! Hopefully proper fix will be made soon by developer as well...
  6. Please update the plugin to support new game update

    Stacks not working properly

    Thanks I have checked on my local server without loading Oxide at all - stacks work as expected both from gathering and console I've checked with loaded Oxide but without any plugins loaded on server restart - plugin still works. I've tried loading server with Oxide and plugins, but unload all plugins - gives unlimited stack size. I'm using a different plugin (Loottable instead of StackSizeController) to control stack size now, so probably that gives different outcomes from what was initially reported (with values like 1002, etc.) So to sum up: Plugin works perfectly without oxide and when server has been restarted after changing config. Works fine if no other oxide plugin has been loaded upon server start that modifies stacks (Unloading doesn't help). Will conflict with other oxide plugins that modify gather rates e.g. SkillTree I've updated my review and plugin rating The ticket can be closed. Thanks, and sorry that so many people were involved in this, I just wanted timely support feedback. I think it might benefit you to add info that this plugin might have conflicts with other oxide plugins or heavily modded servers so that there are the right expectations before buying.
  8. Ok, clear, thanks!

    Stacks not working properly

    Hey @kasvoton thanks for checking and response. Yes, I'm positive that I've unloaded and deleted Oxide plugin responsible for stack sizes. I've tried both - loading the Harmony plugin while the server is running and also tried restarting server to see if that yields the correct results After each config edit it also produces a different outcome for the stack sizes, even if the same values are used... Maybe there is some RCON command or a method to check if a plugin has been loaded and working properly? Thanks
  10. Hi @Mr01samcould we please keep all info related to the issue in this post instead of DM, if possible? Since @TheDocis not the only one experiencing this and it would be useful to see what's going on and how to fix this. Thanks in advance
    I thought it could be a faster alternative to Oxide plugin that we use to manage stacks, but unfortunately, it doesn't stack items accurately and there is a lack of support for this as well. I've waited for 2 months to get an answer in the Support section, and the developer just closed the ticket without any feedback or help with questions. Update: * Plugin works on a server without plugins that modify gather rate or other similar Oxide plugins. * This won't work if you have plugins like SkillTree or Loottable. * We managed to get feedback and help from the developer after 2 months they were pinged by a moderator. We are now using different plugin to achieve the goal.
  11. VENIQQ

    Stacks not working properly

    Hey, you didn't help with my initial question though
  12. We had the same issue yesterday again. Happened after the oxide update and server restart. Adding server logs. As you can see after the server restart it says "Loaded X new cupboards" the same as it was the first time... logs_0_raid_protection.txt
  13. VENIQQ

    Tugboat protection not working

    Hi, When raid protection is enabled on tugboat - only doors and other deployables are protected not the Tugboat itself. * When I first time shoot tugboat it shows 100% protected shield. * When you shoot subsequent times - damages goes through (tugboat healthbar is reduced) * Damage to tugboats is not logged, only damage to deployables on tugboats * Tugboat & vehicle protection is ON in config. Adding screenshots + log file + config file. As you will see in the log file - only damage to doors is recorded there, nothing about damage done to Tugboat itself. I assume then plugin doesn't recognize that tugboat is part of the same auth/ledger. Any suggestions how to fix that or possible patch planned for this? Since the tugboat config setting doesn't do what it says. Thanks! raidprotection_tc_416790282-2024-01-22.txt RaidProtection (2).json
  14. Hello, Yesterday we had an incident that after the usual oxide update and scheduled server restart all ledgers and protected cupboards were reset. The plugin continued to work as usual but now with 0 scrap balance for all cupboards on the server. We didn't do any wipes or any raid protection config changes, data files also were not touched manually at all. Can you please advise any potential reasons why that might happen so we can try to avoid this in the future? All other plugin data files were fine after the oxide update. Thanks.
  15. VENIQQ

    Computer station not protected

    Hey, Players on my server noticed that raid protection doesn't cover Computer Station for some reason. I've tried it and damage comes through. Even if we have everything set to "true" in config file and protection is enabled. Any idea why that item is not covered? Thanks
  16. VENIQQ

    Custom permission skill issues

    Ok, please disregard and close the ticket, managed to solve everything eventually. Created additional permission in .json file - skilltree.standard Added that as a condition for the node - and it showed up. Once permission removed node also disappeared, as expected. Previously tried to use permissions from external plugins, which didn't work. Thanks
  17. VENIQQ

    Custom permission skill issues

    Please add me to the support group on Discord as well Thanks!
  18. VENIQQ

    Custom permission skill issues

    Ok, question 1 is solved. I can just change enabled: true to false and this did the trick. Since it seems I can't remove it from JSON, it keeps appearing there from somewhere else.
  19. VENIQQ

    Custom permission skill issues

    Hey, When I added the custom permission skill - Backpacks, same as in your video, I encountered several issues: 1) When I just add the skill instead of the "Extra Pockets" it doesn't remove extra pockets but shows the new skill alongside. How to get rid of extra pockets completely (or any other skill in the future)? I don't have that in my config file at all... 2) How to format the field "Permissions required to show this node" ? If I just use string "vip" or "skilltree.vip" it doesn't show up. If Use other plugin permissions it doesn't show up either. I have those permissions, but whenever value is set to something other than NULL the skill just disappears from the tree. In general, I just want to have 2 tiers for my skill - standard backpacks & vip backpacks. Users with VIP won't have permission to see standard skill and all other users won't see vip skill (that gives more slots). Would be great if you could help to clarify those 2 questions above. Adding config file as well. Backpacks are under "Harvesting" tree. Thanks. SkillTree.json
  20. VENIQQ

    Stacks not working properly

    Hey, I'm new to Harmony mods, and I can't manage to make this plugin to work properly. I want to have x3 stacks for everything - what values should I use in the .json config? (attached my current config). Here is what I've tried without success: I've removed my Oxide-based plugin and loaded this one. Then I change json config value from 1.0 to 3.0 but it stacks (e.g. stone) 1002 instead of expected 3000. Server restart doesn't help, it seems stack values are almost random after each file edit or server restart. Then if I change this value from 1.0 to 9.0 then it stacks something like 3031 which is closer to what I would expect. If I change this from 1.0 to 3000 then it stacks more than 50K items in one stack. Any help or guidance for this plugin would be appreciated. Thanks Oxidation.StackManager.json
  21. Thanks for the info! Didn't know you need to restart the server before effects would apply. This works for me now
  22. Hey, I've tried to change some skill icons, but after using the appropriate skin ID and reloading the plugin they are not showing up. For creating skin I was using the same tool as you did The PNG image size was 512x512, here is the link - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3121161185 Am I missing something here? Can't quite understand why the icon doesn't load. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!
  23. VENIQQ

    Errors in console

    I get this error in the console from this plugin Failed to call hook 'OnEntityKill' on plugin 'StashWarningSystem v1.4.4' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.StashWarningSystem.OnEntityKill (StorageContainer entity) [0x0008a] in <40fdd1b927344dd2ab40eba80e603ccd>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.StashWarningSystem.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x001e7] in <40fdd1b927344dd2ab40eba80e603ccd>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <87ce9ac9776a48658bc55eae6debe38b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0
  24. VENIQQ

    Garbage left after base despawn

    I'm not sure if that's client-side only, yesterday we saw items floating in the same place by multiple people at the same time so that's not just visual glitch. And we for sure know that in the same place player had purchased a raidable base, so that was a leftover from RB or a copy-paste plugin. More than that, in some cases those deployables can't be removed using the Remover plugin, but only by using in-game explosives.


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