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Everything posted by Khan

  1. Khan

    WIpe Time section

    When you first install it, it will not have the last wipe date / time ( Only the date / time of installation ) because it was not installed when your server last wipe occurred. Those fields are Auto-Updated by the plugin when you do wipes & force-wipe occurs.
  2. Khan

    performance problem

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  3. Khan

    performance problem

    If you have multiple permissions applied to you in game it will default to the first permission in the config list. So it is working as intended based off your configuration setup. { "Sets Global Wind Mills": { "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Wind Mills (Default is 100)": 150, "Overrides target speed (Default is 0)": 0.0, "Reset all Wind Mills on unload (recommended true if uninstalling)": true }, "Enables use of permissions based setting": true, "Player Permissions": { "windmillmodifier.fisteur": { "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Wind Mills (Default is 100)": 200, "Overrides target speed (Default is 0)": 0.25 }, "windmillmodifier.sodomite": { "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Wind Mills (Default is 100)": 250, "Overrides target speed (Default is 0)": 0.5 }, "windmillmodifier.prolapseur": { "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Wind Mills (Default is 100)": 300, "Overrides target speed (Default is 0)": 1.0 } } } If you want to receive the 300 you need to remove permissions windmillmodifier.fisteur & windmillmodifier.sodomite from your self. Or you can change your configuration setup so that if players have multiple permissions granted to them it will default to the highest one in the ordered configuration list! Example: { "Sets Global Wind Mills": { "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Wind Mills (Default is 100)": 150, "Overrides target speed (Default is 0)": 0.0, "Reset all Wind Mills on unload (recommended true if uninstalling)": true }, "Enables use of permissions based setting": true, "Player Permissions": { "windmillmodifier.prolapseur": { "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Wind Mills (Default is 100)": 300, "Overrides target speed (Default is 0)": 1.0 }, "windmillmodifier.sodomite": { "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Wind Mills (Default is 100)": 250, "Overrides target speed (Default is 0)": 0.5 }, "windmillmodifier.fisteur": { "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Wind Mills (Default is 100)": 200, "Overrides target speed (Default is 0)": 0.25 } } }
  4. Khan

    Not working

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  5. Khan

    Not working

    1. You're command you put into the config is not valid. Switch to this: "turret.tc": 3 2. That's not how this plugin is designed to work or it's intended use. 3. You cannot limit specific commands with dedicated timers. All this plugin is designed to do is to stop players spamming multiple plugin commands back to back in a row. So basically the way this works is you setup the commands list you want to check for. And then the player has to wait ( Example: 180 ) seconds before being able to run their next plugin command. Also whatever commands you do not put into the check list will not be affected by the cool-down.
  6. Khan

    Stack Modifier

    You'll have to send me a video of it happening, also i am not able to re-create this issue on my test machine. But add me on discord @ Khan#8615 because this sounds like another plugin causing this issue all together.
  7. Version 1.2.0


    Using Discords Webhooks it sends an embed to discord notifying users of server wipes. * Different message support between FacePunch Forced wipes & Manually wiped * Includes Automation * Includes test console command * Includes Embed Setting Options * Coded for optimal performance Now requires RustMaps.com API key! Because they re-wrote the website forcing all users to sign in & make one, the day before wipe this month, lol. Notes: * When you see " [Discord Wipe Embed] Waiting on rustmaps retrying in 60seconds." It means exactly what it says... * It means it's waiting on the rust-maps website to generate the Image & will re-try posting the discord embed in 60 sec. Configuration { "Sets Console Command": "sendwipe", "Disable Auto Send (Requires you to manually use console command to send embed message)": false, "ConnectionInfo": { "DiscordWebhookURL": "", "ServerName": "[US] -10X No BPs [KITS/TP/PVP]", "RustServerIp": "", "DonationURL": "https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/darkcrow2nd", "EnableStaging": false, "EnableBarren": false, "RustMapsApiKey": "" }, "ForceWipe": { "AtEveryone": false, "AtRoleID": "", "EmbedHexColour": "#ffc348", "This will replace the Map Image if used": "", "This will generate the Custom Map Image if enabled": true }, "Manually": { "AtEveryone": false, "AtRoleID": "", "EmbedHexColour": "#ffc348", "This will replace the Map Image if used": "", "This will generate the Custom Map Image if enabled": true }, "Sets Server Commands to run after wipe": [ "o.reload GUIShop", ], "Do not touch.": { "WipedTime": "Monday, 27 February 2023 16:42", "LastWipe": "Monday, 27 February 2023 16:42" } }
  8. Khan

    Some issues

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.6.8
  9. Khan

    Some issues

    Ya, the umod version was already updated the codefling was 2 updates behind. I forget about both sites sometimes..
  10. Khan

    having issues

    1. I do not support Clans Reborn. 2. If its not working that doesn't help me any you would have to send me the data file. Which no one ever does.
  11. Khan

    Power Modifier

    Version 2.1.2


    Supports: Wind Mills | Solar Panels | Fuel & Test Generators | Small-Medium-Large Batteries | Tesla Coils | Heaters Both Globally & with permission-based settings allowing you to create as many different levels as you wish! Written for the best performance possible! Defaults to first permission assigned in the config if you give out multiple. Wind Mill Note: Max height Needed for Max output is floor 18 Battery Options Explained MaxOutput: Maximum Power Out Put Efficiency: How Efficient Battery is When Charging ( this How Fast it Charges ) MaxCapacitySeconds: How Much Energy We Can Request From Power Sources For Charging is this value * our maxOutput Batteries will not show new Max Out-Puts Batteries will show New Power Usage! ( Pic is below, this is because its hardcoded on client side ) Fuel Generator Options Explained StackSize: Sets Inventory Stack Size for Fuel Inside The Fuel Generator OutputEnergy: Sets Power OutPut FuelPerSec: Sets How Much Fuel to Use Per Second Electrical Heater Options Explained GLOBAL SETTER ONLY > "Sets the Max Temperature Range for Electric Heaters Only (Default is 4.0)": 4.0, FadeDuration: Sets How Long Before Heat Dissipates ( when powered off ) HeatAmount: Sets Heat Amount ( when powered on ) Solar Panel Explained To get max Output you Need 1 floor up else it will only ever be half! + Panel must Face Direct Sun-light! Tesla Coil Options Explained A TeslaCoils Power consumption amount Is Calculated By ( MaxDamageOutput Divided / By PowerToDamageRatio ) A TeslaCoils DamageAmount is Calculated By Its (currentEnergy input * powerToDamageRatio) * dischargeTickRate A TeslaCoils SelfHarmAmount is Calculated By Its ( dischargeTickRate Divided / By maxDischargeSelfDamageSeconds * SetHealth ) SetHealth: Sets Item Condition Level MaxDamageOutput: Sets the Maximum Damage it Can OutPut Like Ever PowerForHeavyShorting: Sets Electrical Input Amount Needed for Strong-Zap Zap else = Weak-Zap Zap DischargeTickRate: Sets How Fast A TeslaCoil Discharges its Zap Zap MaxDischargeSelfDamageSeconds: Configuration { "Enables use of permission based settings": true, "Reset all modifications on unload (recommended true if uninstalling)": false, "Global Battery Small": { "MaxOutput": 9000, "Efficiency": 4.0, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 1, "Permissions": { "toptier": { "MaxOutput": 30, "Efficiency": 2.0, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 18000 }, "midtier": { "MaxOutput": 20, "Efficiency": 1.4, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 13500 }, "lowtier": { "MaxOutput": 14, "Efficiency": 1.0, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 11250 } } }, "Global Battery Medium": { "MaxOutput": 50, "Efficiency": 0.8, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 540000, "Permissions": { "toptier": { "MaxOutput": 100, "Efficiency": 2.0, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 1080000 }, "midtier": { "MaxOutput": 75, "Efficiency": 1.5, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 810000 }, "lowtier": { "MaxOutput": 60, "Efficiency": 1.0, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 675000 } } }, "Global Battery Large": { "MaxOutput": 100, "Efficiency": 0.8, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 1440000, "Permissions": { "toptier": { "MaxOutput": 200, "Efficiency": 3.0, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 2880000 }, "midtier": { "MaxOutput": 150, "Efficiency": 2.0, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 2160000 }, "lowtier": { "MaxOutput": 125, "Efficiency": 1.0, "MaxCapacitySeconds": 1800000 } } }, "Global Electric Generator": { "MaxOutputTestGen": 8, "Permissions": { "toptier": { "MaxOutputTestGen": 30 }, "midtier": { "MaxOutputTestGen": 20 }, "lowtier": { "MaxOutputTestGen": 12 } } }, "Global Fuel Generator": { "StackSize": 1000, "OutputEnergy": 35, "FuelPerSec": 1.0, "Permissions": { "toptier": { "StackSize": 2000, "OutputEnergy": 70, "FuelPerSec": 1.2 }, "midtier": { "StackSize": 1500, "OutputEnergy": 60, "FuelPerSec": 1.1 }, "lowtier": { "StackSize": 1250, "OutputEnergy": 45, "FuelPerSec": 1.0 } } }, "Global Solar Panel": { "MaxOutputSolar": 20, "Permissions": { "toptier": { "MaxOutputSolar": 30 }, "midtier": { "MaxOutputSolar": 20 }, "lowtier": { "MaxOutputSolar": 13 } } }, "Global Electric Wind Turbine": { "MaxOutput": 100, "TargetSpeed": 0.0, "Permissions": { "toptier": { "MaxOutput": 250, "TargetSpeed": 3.0 }, "midtier": { "MaxOutput": 200, "TargetSpeed": 2.0 }, "lowtier": { "MaxOutput": 140, "TargetSpeed": 1.0 } } }, "Global Electric Heater": { "FadeDuration": 1.0, "HeatAmount": 5.0, "HeaterTemperatureGrowableRange": 4.0, "Permissions": { "toptier": { "FadeDuration": 9.0, "HeatAmount": 16.0, "HeaterTemperatureGrowableRange": 14.0 }, "midtier": { "FadeDuration": 6.0, "HeatAmount": 12.0, "HeaterTemperatureGrowableRange": 10.0 }, "lowtier": { "FadeDuration": 3.0, "HeatAmount": 8.0, "HeaterTemperatureGrowableRange": 6.0 } } }, "Global Tesla Coil": { "SetHealth": 250.0, "PowerToDamageRatio": 2.0, "DischargeTickRate": 0.25, "MaxDischargeSelfDamageSeconds": 120.0, "MaxDamageOutput": 35.0, "PowerForHeavyShorting": 10, "Permissions": { "toptier": { "SetHealth": 350.0, "PowerToDamageRatio": 2.0, "DischargeTickRate": 0.25, "MaxDischargeSelfDamageSeconds": 120.0, "MaxDamageOutput": 50.0, "PowerForHeavyShorting": 10 }, "midtier": { "SetHealth": 325.0, "PowerToDamageRatio": 2.0, "DischargeTickRate": 0.25, "MaxDischargeSelfDamageSeconds": 120.0, "MaxDamageOutput": 45.0, "PowerForHeavyShorting": 10 }, "lowtier": { "SetHealth": 300.0, "PowerToDamageRatio": 2.0, "DischargeTickRate": 0.25, "MaxDischargeSelfDamageSeconds": 120.0, "MaxDamageOutput": 40.0, "PowerForHeavyShorting": 10 } } } }
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Prevents spamming of chat & console commands perfect for players abusing plugins excessively! Includes Debugging issues for any configuration mishaps! Example of adding GUIShop: "Add commands to block ( Must be lowercased do not add the slash! / ) ( 3 = Block Both | 1 = Block Chat | 2 = Block Console )": { "shop": 3, "shop.buy": 2, "shop.sell": 2, }, ## Configuration { "Add commands to block ( Must be lowercased do not add the slash! / ) ( 3 = Block Both | 1 = Block Chat | 2 = Block Console )": { "command": 3 }, "Sets the time between command usage": 3.0, "Sets the max accumulated cooldown time limit before kicking the player if they keep trying to spam": 120.0, "Exclude players from being blocked ( Add their steam 64 id's to the list )": [ 4678678647, 4678678678 ], "Message Responses": { "( Chat Icon ) Just insert a valid steam 64 ID to set": 0, "CommandBlocked": "You are on command cooldown, try again in {0} seconds", "KickReason": "Kicked for excessive command spam!" } }
  13. Khan

    Team Fix

    If you are having issues and never send the data file how do you expect me to debug it? Also this plugin will never support any clans plugin espically Clans Reborn. Due to compatibility issues. I am 1 person with no one to help test or re-create your problems and the data files are all I have to go off of which nobody bothers to send with their problems.
  14. Khan

    Stack Modifier

    I do not believe this plugin would cause issues with quarries, feel free to add or msg me further about this issue so that we can see about getting it resolved for you. My discord ID is Khan#8615
  15. Khan

    Stack Modifier

    All you have to do is install mine with the old one still loaded, mine will generate a config file based on your current stack settings applied on the server. Then simply remove your old one. If you want a default config simply open the UI editor and inside the search field under the All category just type reset and hit the enter key. It will default all game stack items live and restore the config back to defaults as well for you.
  16. Khan

    stack modifier issue

    Changed Fixed In to 1.5.3
  17. Khan

    Advanced Researching

    Latest update should resolve the compiling error due to rust adding an additional argument.
  18. Thanks for destroying my players stuff when they use it in base next to there other items. Maybe destroy the ground watch component on the CCTV Station. Also if someone spawns one while they next to a wall they cannot dismount or close the CCTV Station and you have to ent kill it to set them free.. Maybe add a console command to free them or something or maybe idk check wall distance before allowing them, not really your fault that's just a mounted issue in general check. Also if you do it next to a wall it will auto de-mount you giving players free computer stations, lol Players are just using the command to spawn them in using a hammer to pick them up and re-place them and they never ever get removed. Others are camping recycler as well and just recycling them for parts. This creates a bigger problem when they start getting console to spam because when your plugin unloads it can never clear up the multiple spawned in ones. Failed to call hook 'ChatStation' on plugin 'MountComputerStation v1.0.1' (ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: Khan[76561198021388082]) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x000c1] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].Add (TKey key, TValue value) [0x00000] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.MountComputerStation.SetComputerStation (BasePlayer player) [0x000c0] in <ae3d2583b0ae4120bdab25cd31232f6f>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.MountComputerStation.ChatStation (BasePlayer player, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <ae3d2583b0ae4120bdab25cd31232f6f>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.MountComputerStation.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00138] in <ae3d2583b0ae4120bdab25cd31232f6f>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <e23ba2c0f246426296d81c842cbda3af>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <46ff2b534abb4b35952608167523b7ec>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <46ff2b534abb4b35952608167523b7ec>:0
  19. Khan

    Fused Recycler

    Yeah man carrying them batteries sucks gotta jump start that bitch. ( Lmao JK ) It's good plugin tho
  20. Khan

    stack modifier issue

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  21. Khan

    stack modifier issue

    If you are referring to typing o.load or o.reload you are typing the command wrong.. Plugin names are CASE Sensitive you must spell it correctly in console.
  22. Do you mean like have them pre-add at locations for you? I am working on the next update for this, but your request will take some time.
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Allows adjusting of Wind Mills Globally & with different permissions based settings you can create as many different permission levels as you wish! Max height Needed for Max output is floor 18 Note Default is 100 Configuration { "Sets Global Wind Mills": { "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Wind Mills (Default is 100)": 150, "Overrides target speed (Default is 0)": 0.0, "Reset all Wind Mills on unload (recommended true if uninstalling)": false }, "Enables use of permissions based setting": true, "Player Permissions": { "windmillmodifier.vip": { "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Wind Mills (Default is 100)": 250, "Overrides target speed (Default is 0)": 0.0 }, "windmillmodifier.vip2": { "Sets the Max Generation OutPut for Wind Mills (Default is 100)": 300, "Overrides target speed (Default is 0)": 0.0 } } }


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