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Everything posted by SgtKamato

    Really good and simple plugin. For 2$ simply a must have for every RP server. Easy to configure and use.
  1. SgtKamato

    NRE in console

    Thanks for the Update, Steen!
  2. SgtKamato

    NRE in console

  3. SgtKamato

    NRE in console

    Have the version 1.0.8 with Oxide/Umod v2.0.4948 (18:02:01) | [Oxide] 18:01 [Error] Web request callback raised an exception (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.UpdatesChecker.GetPlugin (System.Int32 code, System.String response) [0x00099] in <daadfab144ba42838c309643479ca945>:0 at Oxide.Core.Libraries.WebRequests+WebRequest.<OnComplete>b__42_0 () [0x00034] in <c2afd8354b8b4f3ca451cf5a1aa111c3>:0
  4. SgtKamato


    is there a way to give this item without the playername? i want to make it buyable via my server shop for economy money... if the player buys the radio a command will execute to give the player the radio. But i cant write a playername in...
  5. radio.give "player" 1 i had the same error with only radio.give
  6. SgtKamato


    { "1. CONFIG": { "» Chat Command": "radio", "» Chat Prefix message": "RADIO", "» Chat prefix size": 18, "» Chat prefix color": "#ce422b", "» Work only radio item in inventory ?": true }, "2. VERSION": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 3 } }
  7. SgtKamato


    I have instaled the plugin then i forgot to change the Item in NewItemManager. Then i change the Item and change the config in CRadio to true. Then i reloaded the CRadio and got that error message... then i reloaded again and there was no error but didnt worked.... i unloaded both plugins and loaded Newitem first and then Radio. Got the same error... i reloaded the CRadio again and the error was gone and it works now.
  8. SgtKamato


    I have in some way the same problem... If i set everything up i give myself a radio and set it up then i give me a secound and i cant change the mhz... and then its bugging... and i get an error from CRadio Sry for bad english xD (16:38:41) | [Oxide] 16:38 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'CRadio v1.0.3' (KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CRadio.OnPlayerConnected (BasePlayer player) [0x000cf] in <3fefbebd9f774a02ae8595c549e2d5c3>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CRadio.OnServerInitialized () [0x0011a] in <3fefbebd9f774a02ae8595c549e2d5c3>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CRadio.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0008d] in <3fefbebd9f774a02ae8595c549e2d5c3>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <3606d2af539c45e4b5c61658e6a8b307>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <c2afd8354b8b4f3ca451cf5a1aa111c3>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <c2afd8354b8b4f3ca451cf5a1aa111c3>:0 €dit: I dont know how but it works now... ???
  9. ufff okay sry im dumb... my bad... Got it mixed up with another plugin that changes skins on items in hand.... Sry for the false report. the Plugin works fine... xD
  10. Got this error if i use the command... can you look over it? (19:37:48) | [Oxide] 19:37 [Error] Failed to call hook 'SkinObject' on plugin 'SkinSight v1.1.0' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.SkinSight.Skin (BasePlayer player, System.UInt64 skinid) [0x0005e] in <95e47d4f0ba14eda99c33351db64f4f0>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.SkinSight.SkinObject (Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayer player, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x0001f] in <95e47d4f0ba14eda99c33351db64f4f0>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.SkinSight.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0009c] in <95e47d4f0ba14eda99c33351db64f4f0>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <3606d2af539c45e4b5c61658e6a8b307>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <c2afd8354b8b4f3ca451cf5a1aa111c3>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <c2afd8354b8b4f3ca451cf5a1aa111c3>:0
    Really nice! I searched for this type of plugin! Its simple and clean. Like your WelcomeUI!
  11. Thx for the update! It works now!
  12. Hello, i got your plugin and have this problem I type /skinitem 563783704 and it change to the normal skin and says The skin has been applied, Please wait for it to load! and i wait for over 10 min...
    Really nice Plugin! I use it for my RP Server and we have fun with it! I would recommend it!
  13. but is it normal that the parts still there when i destroy the car?
  14. Im a idiot... sry i was tired and have not seen the last 2 lines in the discription... sry for false alarm it works now^^
  15. Hey sadly if i write /policecar or /policetransport in my chat, nothing happens ingame... and my console show me this i think thats not right or? €dit: Boat, Heli and Scrap Heli are fine
  16. Not really a bug... ^^ I think you forgot to change the Version number. the updatechecker says there is a new version. Im downloading and load the plugin and it says 1.0.3... ^^ Downloaded 21.02.2021 4:19pm german time...
    Realy nice! Before that plugin i had a welcome screen with some information. That war a little tricky because not so much space and now i can write everything down in some tabs! Realy like it and for 9,99$ its a fiar price. A gui editor would be really cool but i know how much work it would be... so its a unnessential "qol" feature... but if you know how to text formating (its really easy and you can google it if you dont know how...) its a really nice peace of work. If some of my friends need this kind of plugin i would recommend this plugin!


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