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Everything posted by CoreSnap

  1. CoreSnap

    Kits not showing all items

    This doesn't answer my question, nor does it even work when I use Rust Kits from UMod. Please look into this.
  2. well holy dam. Just throwing it into the other RustEdit (that I didn't know existed) fixed that right up! lol Thanks again!
  3. Oh, ok. I'm sure I wasn't the only one, but didn't see it on here so figured I'd ask. lol Thanks again for the awesome map! Everyone loves it!
  4. Hello, I was just adding some things to the map for wipe tomorrow and noticed that the entire canyon (pics attached) is filled with invisible water. lol I noticed you just have water coming in from the ocean for this, but in a previous version I was able to go down in the canyon without there being any water. This is for Ue canyon B 235.38, 35.93, -720.2 In RustEdit the water shows up, but in-game it's not visibly there from above. Only when you jump down into the canyon are you met with the water 'volume' and you can then swim. Is there something either you can do for this before wipe? Or a way I can remedy this on my end? I'm not super experienced with RE and have put a fair amount into this map so would like to NOT have to start fresh. lol Appreciate the assistance. Love the map as a whole! edit: doesn't appear as though it added file names.... first photo is RustEdit view, the rest are from in-game.
  5. CoreSnap

    Kits not showing all items

    When adding a kit with all 7 slots filled and a backpack, the kit menu (when viewing a kit) doesn't show all of the clothing items available in said kit. I'm assuming this is because this was created/configured before backpacks were a thing so it hasn't been taken into account yet. Attached 2 photos for reference... 1 showing the full kit in Kits UI, the second showing the kit in the WelcomeMenu kits UI. (I also noticed it places items in a different order. Not a big deal, but just wondering why this is). Am I missing something in the configuration that takes this into account? If not, are there plans to remedy this? I also see that there's still an 'x' for "Carbon Compatible". I'm using Carbon, for reference. Everything else within the WP series works perfectly without issue. I ALSO also noticed that the WPKits says it works with UMods Kits plugin... is there a difference in how this would be handled? Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
  6. CoreSnap


    Are you referring to externals and/or anything that's not directly connected to the base? That's what it sounds like, and you'll have to use externals to upgrade those. If you're referring to building blocks directly connected to your base and they don't update correctly, definitely log a support ticket. This does have very little information to go off of.
  7. CoreSnap

    Skill Tree

    Pretty sure you can turn that off in the Player Settings within the UI as well, making it so you can keep it enabled within the config and each player can decide if they want that.
  8. CoreSnap

    Custom Items

    I inquired about this awhile back and never heard anything, but is there a plan of adding in the ability to recycle custom items, ie. Bag of Holding bags, or even keycards and/or any other items managed by RecycleManager? This is pretty much what keeps me from using it as much as a normal recycler on my server. Just inquiring. Thanks!
  9. CoreSnap

    Mode Cycle

    Ok cool. Thanks!
  10. CoreSnap

    Mode Cycle

    Hello, just checking in to see if you've been able to find anything on this. Thanks!
  11. CoreSnap

    Storage Auctions

    never seen Storage Wars? lol
  12. CoreSnap

    Simple Radar

    Hello, Really enjoy how smooth this is over the original Radar. Just a couple quick questions: 1. Are you planning on adding in additional categories of entities you're able to look at? Or is the plan to just make it so it's players, tcs and satchels? I know your primary goal is to have this be as stripped-down and performant as possible. 2. Is there a way to change the default from 1sec 250m? Are there any plans to possibly make it so the last setting chosen is baked into the plugin? Just gets a little annoying having to retype the rate and distance when activating every time. I do have this key-bound for ease of use, but just wanted to inquire. Thanks!
  13. SOO is this not supported anymore? lol
  14. CoreSnap

    Mode Cycle

    And to add, I've reset my controls to default to ensure no custom binds were affecting it at all, and still nothing. I reloaded the plugin from scratch with fresh config file and this still didn't work. I have used the in-game UI to add the 'Middle Mouse Click' setting, as well as modifying the config file manually (I know this shouldn't matter) and still nothing. Let me know if you would like me to try anything specific and I'd be happy to do so. Thank you!
  15. I guess kind of in line with this, is there functionality built-in that allows for adding permissions based on specific values? Like, can I make a permission that allows for the m2 to do 2x damage, and another that grants 4x damage? And/or can you add the same weapon twice with different values with said permission functionality? Or is that not something that is available? Jw. That would be the only thing keeping me from this, but really love the idea and the UI that's provided. Thank you!
  16. CoreSnap

    Mode Cycle

    I do, and stated that in my opening response... "Turning 'middle mouse click' on worked perfectly in the past, but no longer does." This does not work.
  17. CoreSnap


    Hello, Is there a way to add Toggle commands as a button? Or can a button only handle a singular command at once? ie. ~graphics.hud true;graphics.hud false or ~audio.master 0.05;audio.master .7 This would be an amazing addition if possible, and not currently present. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!
  18. CoreSnap


    If you're wanting to change that before a config update comes, you can just comment out this part, keeping in mind it completely removes sorting from the inventory: // DrawInventoryUI(player); I had to do this for another plugin I use while in my inventory and the buttons get in my way.
  19. CoreSnap

    Mode Cycle

    Hello, I just redownloaded this after taking a break from it since it didn't suit my needs. I've been playing with it for about an hour now and have run thru every setting I can think of... cycling thru using middle mouse doesn't work at all. Is this a known issue? Am I doing something wrong? Are there settings that combat one another when trying to accomplish this? Turning 'middle mouse click' on worked perfectly in the past, but no longer does. Let me know if you have any questions or if I need to change something else. Thanks!
    Great simple plugin to add to any server where you'd like to add in some temporary perms by use case. Welcome addition to mine and definitely recommend.
  20. Hello, Would it be possible to implement the ability to utilize this for newly-joined users? For instance, users that have never joined, and then the temp permission is activated when they do join? Or can it only be done by active users? I've looked at how you can set variables, but it's not clear to me on how to configure it for this use case, if even possible. Thank you!
  21. CoreSnap

    Custom Portals

    Hello, Receiving this error: Failed compiling 'CustomPortals.cs': 1. 'PlayerInventory' does not contain a definition for 'AllItemsNoAlloc' and no accessible extension method 'AllItemsNoAlloc' accepting a first argument of type 'PlayerInventory' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [CS1061] (CustomPortals 50 line 481)plgs, 8/13 mdls, 4 exts Can you please advise on how to fix this? Thanks!
  22. CoreSnap

    Skill Tree

    This is in the config file: "Awareness settings": { "How often should awareness update?": 0.5, "Show corpse locations?": true, "Show bag locations?": true, "Show dropped item locations?": true, "Show animal locations?": true, "Show Human Npc locations?": true HumanNPC is last option. Set to false and you're good to go!
  23. Ok, so where in the discord should I go to discuss this? Just General Chat? Is there an open forum for it already? Should I create a ticket? Just don't wanna repeat what others have already said or done if it's unnecessary. Thanks!
  24. I get that it's probably a common response. My retort would be that players aren't going to hop onto a server just for this plugin, in which they'll get a start going, get their base up and running, get it solidified and figure out they can run events like Brad Drops, Heli Signals, and DHomes, finding only one of which checks their base on whether or not it's in a suitable location (and/or has the option to even modify this). Many players I know won't wanna just go setup a whole new base and HQ the hell out of it to run a Hard-level Flare event for this. I know this is likely case-by-case in regards to preference, but plugins are obviously meant to act as a suitable modification for 90% of the player base during their play time. I understand that as a dev, you're giving the instruction of 'inform your players how this works', but when, as an admin of a server, you can barely get it to work makes it seem extremely unviable to host the plugin reliably and put effort into it from a user standpoint. No real need to expand upon this, and I will seek out any other answers to my questions in that discord (happens I'm already part of it...didn't even know!). Would definitely like to learn what sets this plugin apart from others similar to it and why foundation checks are so touchy. Again, appreciate the open correspondence on this and other topics we've discussed thru this platform!


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