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Krungh Crow

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Everything posted by Krungh Crow

  1. Krungh Crow

    Vanilla Note on Key Error

    ah ye the keys give a note ? i never use keys ..... or is that from a plugin ?
  2. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.7
  3. ah ok thx for the feedback
  4. yes i am not sure what they changed again plugins seem to give errors allover now
  5. disable pve mode on the server then everything reflects if set to true
  6. Krungh Crow

    CallHook Error

    did npc hit it ? or obstacles ?
  7. no those count as collectable pickup and can be filtered, from planters it is ongrowable's i do the same with my gatherreward plugin and check if the item is seed or not otherwise they count double
  8. OnCollectiblePickup and OnGrowableGathered can do that
  9. Krungh Crow

    Wrong location message

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  10. Krungh Crow

    Wrong location message

    your welcome
  11. Krungh Crow

    Wrong location message

    "KillRewardMessage": "You recieved {0}$ for Destroying the {1} BradleyApc", yes goes same way {0} is value of economics {1} Is bradleytier
  12. Krungh Crow

    Wrong location message

    ah i see what happened {0} is the bradleytier that will change the name if changed in cfg {1} is the location so in your case you change the {0} into {1} "BradVanilla": "A <color=#EC1349>{0}</color> Bradley has spawned around <color=#EC1349>{1}</color>", "BradEasy": "A <color=green>{0}</color> Bradley has spawned around <color=green>{1}</color>", "BradMedium": "A <color=purple>{0}</color> Bradley has spawned around <color=blue>{1}</color>", "BradHard": "A <color=red>{0}</color> Bradley has spawned around <color=red>{1}</color>", "BradNightmare": "A <color=yellow>{0}</color> Bradley has spawned around <color=yellow>{1}</color>", section from cfg "Tier Names": { "Vanilla": "Normal", "Easy": "Noob", "Medium": "Intermediate", "Hard": "Tough", "Nightmare": "Zombie" }, the names above will change in the message from language file {0} without the need to edit the language file to change the names
  13. Changed Fixed In to 1.1.0
  14. Krungh Crow

    Missing text

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.0
  15. lol why ?
  16. Version 1.0.1


    Notify Addon that will popup the notification when killing animals. Features : works with both the Notify versions. lightweight Simple config Animal naming can be changed through language file. Permission system Option through config to use any Notify profile (can create profiles) Supported Animals : Bear Polarbear Boar Chicken Horse (Wld horse) Stag Wolf Zombie (minecraft) Simpleshark (Shark) Permissions : notifyanimalfeed.use : Grant user permission to see the feed Configuration : { "Notify profile ID": 0 } Localisation : {Killer} : Player name will be displayed on this location {Victim} : Animal name will be displayed on this location (can be customised in language file) {Weapon} : Weapon/explosives/traps/fire will be displayed on this location {_Distance} : Distance between animal and player will be displayed here Make sure to use all 4 when changing the language file text including brackets. { "FeedAnimal": "<color=orange>{Killer}</color> killed a <color=yellow>{Victim}</color> with a <color=yellow>{Weapon}</color> from <color=yellow>{_Distance}</color>m", "Bear": "Bear", "PolarBear": "Polar Bear", "Boar": "Pig", "Chicken": "Chicken", "Horse": "Wild Horse", "Stag": "Stag", "Wolf": "Wolf", "SimpleShark": "Shark" }
  17. yeah i read you can use custom item as currency the skinid's can be found at the top of the plugin if needed ulong SkinBoneBe = 2582006231; ulong SkinBoneBo = 2582018117; ulong SkinBoneCh = 2582002045; ulong SkinBoneFi = 2583801321; ulong SkinBoneHo = 2582022311; ulong SkinBoneWo = 2582021640; ulong SkinBoneSt = 2582020463;
  18. the checks i build in checks for the name and icon to verify the item across other plugins
  19. it is just the actual item icon you want to change the images ?
  20. problem with that is that the original skin used (0) would make them stack and bugg out so a different skin id is used (need to look into that or make them changeable through cfg
  21. Krungh Crow

    bots make no noise

    Changed Fixed In to 1.0.0
  22. Krungh Crow

    bots make no noise

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  23. Krungh Crow

    bots make no noise

  24. Krungh Crow


    Nice UI layout ,been testing it for implementation with my plugins and so far i am loving it. Great that we are able to add more profiles so we can cleanup messages and let other plugins use the different profiles for their system. Love it as a player and as a plugin developer Very nice plugin @Mevent
  25. Krungh Crow

    bots make no noise

    in F1 console `spawn scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol` should work to spawn one in. if you have a testserver (can be vanilla) the npc should make noise. in most cases it is a buggy serverfile


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