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Raul-Sorin Sorban


Everything posted by Raul-Sorin Sorban

  1. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  2. Changed Status from Pending to Gremlins
  3. Hey! Currently i cannot tell what's causing that nor have I seen this problem happening anymore. If this persists again, please report back. I'll close it for now.
  4. Since this is not an event plugin, that's not really something that'd fit natively. Although I can add permissions so other plugins may manage when players can loot or can not loot things by granting their groups the permission. Avoided added permissions initially because it's only fair all players would be able to loot containers.
  5. Raul-Sorin Sorban


    On it right now. Sorry about the delay!
  6. Raul-Sorin Sorban


    Changed Status from Closed to Work in Progress
  7. Version 1.2.5


    With Portable Recycler, you and your players will benefit exponentially in time saving for searching for Recyclers around monuments like never before. Access your own portable recycler anywhere you like! FEATURES Use /recycler (by default, can modify in the config) to open up your private recycler. Group-based cooldown support in the config. Friendly integration with NoEscape by Calytic with configurable rules of behavior. Chat message custom icon Steam ID. Phrase support. Group-based recycling quality. Group-based recycling rates. PERMISSIONS PortableRecycler.use: To allow anyone to open up their recycler. COMMANDS (CONFIGURABLE) Following commands are chat and console commands. recycler: Opens up your own personal portable recycler. CONFIG DISCLAIMER The yellow and green buttons while using the Recycler in the GIF, does not come with the plugin. That's another plugin called Quick Sort by MONaH.
  8. Next version will include an API so other plugins that have loot table editors and such, can manipulate preset lootable definitions. Stay tuned.
  9. Hey there. I don't see how SL in any way could relate to modifying any vehicle behavior. Can you give me more insight on why you'd think this could be related to the issue you're having?
  10. Hey there! The Updated messages are all just letting you know that Multiverse has done things. Those are for testing purposes and if they show up, it's happening what it's supposed to. If the Chinook becomes upside down it's because something hit it haha. In the console error, please make sure that both servers are correctly connected and the handshake's valid - so connection is done between servers.
  11. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  12. Please have a look at the description and make sure things are in the right place as described, including scheduled events. Let me know if you still get this issue.
  13. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.2.7
  14. Sorry for this, I'll be having a look in max 2 days, currently away. Will make sure I'll get the hang of this issue. Thanks!
  15. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  16. Raul-Sorin Sorban

    Console spam and lag

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Not a Bug
  17. Raul-Sorin Sorban

    Console spam and lag

    As that error's directly caused by a different plugin and no track or warning of conflicting with Static Lootables, I don't think I can help you with that. Please report that error to the developer of the Shop plugin you're using.
  18. That's only included because the initial core and concept of the plugin is there, and once Nexus gets released, I'll "flood" the plugin with cool features I've promised. Lots of it is already done, but it's not released to the public yet due to testing.
  19. Nope. You'll always get the updates and never have to renew due to your license - which is unlimited because that's what it was when you bought it.
  20. Please read the NOTICE section at the top of the description.
  21. You haven't let me know about any issues that I most likely could've helped you with. What are the problems you're experiencing?
  22. It's not ideal, no. But other than that element which should be released at some point by Facepunch, the plugin should work as expected / advised.
  23. Hey! What are the issues you're encountering?


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