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Everything posted by fermens

  1. fermens

    Arena Tournament

    and fix your server, because it is full of errors
  2. fermens

    Arena Tournament

    based on your log, something does not agree with your words
  3. fermens

    Arena Tournament

    hi, no plans for the near future, possibly early summer
  4. fermens

    Arena Tournament

    No, this will be done on Monday-Tuesday
  5. Console command combatlog STEAMID
  6. fermens

    Arena Tournament

    Show on screenshot
  7. fermens

    Arena Tournament

    Show on screenshot where you want to move. I will add this feature to the configuration and tell you what parameters should be specified in the configuration
  8. fermens


    I think I’m going to implement that in future upgrades, but not in the next seven days
  9. fermens


    record a video
  10. fermens

    Arena Tournament

    this is an example of executing commands, for keys you need a case plugin, for add privileges need a TimePermissions plugin
  11. fermens


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.3
  12. fermens


    I will think about it
  13. fermens


    didn't understand you
  14. fermens


    and add compatibility with truepve plugin
  15. fermens


    I will add the feature in future updates
  16. fermens


    say name your pve plugin or link
  17. fermens

    Arena Tournament

    fixed in version 1.0.22
  18. Version 1.1.9


    Event-tournament duels between players (1x1, 2x2, 3x3, etc) Event goal Players duel among themselves until the last survivor. In a situation with team muzzles, first they duel in teams, and then if there are not enough players for a team duel, then among themselves. What features: - Outsiders cannot enter the arena - Tournament participants in the role of spectators do not take damage and have a hardened metabolism - All things are saved and given to the participants after leaving the tournament, in the same form in which they were - After the event, the player returns to the same place from where he teleported to him - After a duel in the arena, all items dropped from duelists are cleaned - There is an API for compatibility between plugins - There is a blocking of prohibited chat and console commands in the tournament - Very thoughtful matchmaking generator for duels - Present UI - There is a full-fledged plugin setting with great functionality - There is an automatic start of tournaments after a certain time - Easy installation and configuration Installation: - Install CopyPaste [https://umod.org/plugins/copy-paste] - Install ArenaTournament - Ready Commands: /qq - register for the tournament [optional, as there is a button with UI] Admin commands: /o - launch a random tournament [admin or permission arenatournamentbeta.admin] at.start - start random tournament [admin] at.copy name of existing name of new - copy arena settings to create a new one [admin] Creating a new arena: Build an arena Put resources in the closet so that it would be enough for a wipe and hide it Place the spawn point of the first team using regular chairs [https://rustlabs.com/item/chair] Set a spawn point for the second team using gaming chairs [https://rustlabs.com/item/secret-lab-chair] Set a spectator respawn point using sirens [https://rustlabs.com/item/siren-light] Save arena /copy name Add the arena to the config using the command at.copy nameexisting namenew Open plugin config Change in the config in your new arena "Position [coordinates]" to random, but within the map (not outside the grid!) Set up the arena (Important! Do not specify "Tournament Modes" more than you have specified spawn locations for each of the teams) Restart plugin API: API: [PluginReference] Plugin ArenaTournament; private bool IsOnTournament(ulong userid) { return ArenaTournament != null && ArenaTournament.Call<bool>("IsOnTournament", userid); } private bool IsDueling(BasePlayer player) { return ArenaTournament != null && ArenaTournament.Call<bool>("IsOnTournament", player); } Arena pack: https://haxlite.ru/fermens_Arenas.zip Demonstration: from the buyer
  19. fermens


    Read the update log carefully And write to console server.ip YOUR_SERVER_IP writecfg
  20. fermens

    ZXC Smelter

    Version 1.0.2


    Smelting ore during mining and in inventory using the chat command Defalut chat command: /smelt Permissions: "zxcsmelter.instant" - smelting ore during mining "zxcsmelter.command" - smelting ore in inventory using the chat command Config: { "Cooldown": 300.0, "Chat command": "smelt", "Smelt wood?": true, "Special smelting rates": { "crude.oil": 3 } }
  21. fermens


    screenshots how to set up telegram 1. https://ibb.co/NTpgy9K 2. https://ibb.co/9ZQQGPz 3. https://ibb.co/mFn2pw7 4. https://ibb.co/MnSQwhh
  22. fermens


    Ok, no problem
  23. fermens

    Error in Console

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.44


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