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Everything posted by fermens

  1. fermens

    Error in Console

    update for last version
  2. fermens

    not lang change

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.44
  3. add me fermens#8767, you forbade yourself to be added as a friend
  4. there is no such user in discord
  5. fermens


  6. fermens


    if you buy another plugin from me, I can make an additional discount (10% of the current discounted price) on the AAlertRaid plugin
  7. fermens


    Is active now
  8. fermens


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.0
  9. fermens


  10. fermens

    Skill Rates

    Если есть какая то идея по поводу этого, то опиши мне ее в fermens#8767 , реализую, если будет интересная идея
  11. fermens

    not lang change

    send me to discord fermens#8767 full description of the error, your config and Korean lang
  12. fermens

    not lang change

    no need to delete json file from /oxide/lang/en folder copy it to your folder and then translate
  13. fermens


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  14. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 0.0.5
  15. I will add now
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Automatic chat alerts at intervals easy to set up --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Config { "Message text": [ "<color=#ffff66>[HAXLITE]</color> There is an info menu on the server.\n<size=10><color=#ffff66>/info</color></size>", "<color=#ffff66>[HAXLITE]</color> Wipe every Friday at 15:00\n<size=10><color=#ffff66>/info</color></size>", "<color=#ffff66>[HAXLITE]</color> Join us on our discord channel to stay up to date with the latest changes on the server.\n<size=10><color=#ffff66>ds.haxlite.ru</color></size>", "<color=#ffff66>[HAXLITE]</color> There are daily free roulettes in our game store.\n<size=10><color=#ffff66>rust.haxlite.ru</color></size>" ], "Message sending interval": 300.0, "SteamId who sends [for avatar]": 1 }
  17. fermens


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  18. fermens


    sorry for the long reply, for some reason there are no notifications when someone writes here. I will add this feature in the next update
  19. fermens


    Yes, will added in next update
  20. fermens


    I can do, do you have any sketches?
  21. fermens

    ui doesnt load on login

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.2.1
  22. fermens


    Version 2.0.1


    You can set up rates both for everyone and for privileges: - Rates of pick up resources - Rates of gather resources - Rates from boxes and barrels - Rates from NPC bots - Quarry rates - Smelting speed in furnaces - Length of day and night - Vote skip night - Night rates Chat Command /rate - find out personal loot rates Localization const bool fermensEN = true; // true - ENGLISH | false - РУССКИЙ // 18 line in cs file Hints If the player has several privileges, then the one below in the config is taken! Config { "Experimental. Do not touch": false, "Disable accelerated melting": false, "Furnace prefabs (where accelerated smelting will work)": [ "furnace", "furnace.large" ], "Default rates": { "Collectible & growable": 2.0, "Gather": 2.0, "Sulfur": 2.0, "Quarry": 2.0, "Crates & barrels": { "Helicopter crates": 2.0, "Bradley crates": 2.0, "Locked crates": 2.0, "Supply crates": 2.0, "Elite crates": 2.0, "Regular crates": 2.0, "Barrels": 2.0 }, "Scientists": 2.0, "Melting speed": 2.0 }, "Adjusting the length of day and night": { "Enable?": true, "Night length": 10.0, "Day length": 50.0, "Autoskip night": false, "Voteskip night": false, "Nightly increase in rates (ex. 1.0 - increase by 100% , 0 - disable)": 0.0 }, "Premium rates [permission|setting]": { "xrate.x3": { "Collectible & growable": 3.0, "Gather": 3.0, "Sulfur": 2.5, "Quarry": 3.0, "Crates & barrels": { "Helicopter crates": 3.0, "Bradley crates": 3.0, "Locked crates": 3.0, "Supply crates": 3.0, "Elite crates": 3.0, "Regular crates": 3.0, "Barrels": 3.0 }, "Scientists": 3.0, "Melting speed": 4.0 }, "xrate.x4": { "Collectible & growable": 4.0, "Gather": 4.0, "Sulfur": 2.5, "Quarry": 4.0, "Crates & barrels": { "Helicopter crates": 4.0, "Bradley crates": 4.0, "Locked crates": 4.0, "Supply crates": 4.0, "Elite crates": 4.0, "Regular crates": 4.0, "Barrels": 4.0 }, "Scientists": 4.0, "Melting speed": 4.0 } }, "Blacklist, for what won't work": [ "sticks", "flare" ], "Messages []": { "NightHasCome": "<size=15><color=#ccff33>Night has fallen</color>, gather and loot rates increased by <color=#ccff33>{num}%</color>!</size>\n<size=10><color =#ccff33>/rate</color> - find out your current rates.</size>", "DayHasCome": "<size=15><color=#ccff33>The day has come</color>, gather and loot rates are back!</size>\n<size=10><color=#ccff33>/rate</color> - find out your current rates.</size>", "INFORMATION": "<color=#ccff33>INFORMATION | {name}</color>\nPick up: x<color=#F0E68C>{0}</color>\nGather: x<color=#F0E68C>{1}</color> <size=10>(sulfur: x <color=#F0E68C>{6}</color>)</size>\nQuarry: x<color=#F0E68C>{2}</color>\nCrates/barrels: x<color=#F0E68C>{3} </color>\nLoot from the scientist: x<color=#F0E68C>{4}</color>\nSmelting Speed: x<color=#F0E68C>{5}</color>", "SkipNight": "<color=yellow>The majority voted for the day. Let's skip the night...</color>", "NoSkipNight": "<color=yellow>—Let there be light! - said the electrician and cut the wires.</color>", "NoActive": "<color=yellow>VOTING IS NOT ACTIVE!</color>", "Voted": "<color=yellow>YOU ALREADY VOTE!</color>", "Night": "<color=yellow>Vote for NIGHT successfully received.</color>", "Day": "<color=yellow>Vote for the DAY successfully received.</color>" } }
  23. fermens


    I will add telegram bot support soon
  24. fermens


    I'll add it in the next update
  25. fermens


    Diversity has not been canceled


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