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Everything posted by fermens

  1. fermens

    Skill Rates

    Version 2.0.2


    Skill system for your server Chat command /skill Console command set.lvl steamid lvl skill skill: 0 - miner, 1 - alchemist, 2 - woodcutter, 3 - hunter, 4 - marauder, 5 - technicist, 6 - jeweler, 7 - dustman Ex. set.lvl 76561198125444659 10 5 - ADD 10 levels for player skill (technicist) Screenshot Localization const bool fermensEN = true; // true - ENGLISH PLUGIN | false - РУССКИЙ ПЛАГИН // 18 line in cs file Config { "Level generation": { // Generator exp for lvls "Maximal lvl": 100, "Exp - 0 lvl": 1.0, "Magnification": 1.05 // "Exp - 0 lvl" * "Magnification" * nextlevel + level.exp [Ex. 1 lvl = 1.05; 2 lvl = 1.05 * 2 + 1.05 = 3.15] }, "Quary rates - static": 5.0, // in next updates add to skills "Additional boxes from helicopter and tank": { "Enable?": true, "Amount crates": 2 }, "Messages": { "uplevel": "The skill <color=#ccff66>{skill}</color> has been upgraded to <color=#ccff66>{level} lvl</color>\nYour new bonuses:\n{bonuses}\n\n<color=#ccff66>/skill</color> - list of available skills and their bonuses", "welcome": "Welcome to the server.\nThere is a skill leveling system on the server, command <color=#ccff66>/skill</color>.", "broadcast": "<size=11>Player <color=#ccff99>{name}</color> upgraded <color=#ccff66>{skill}</color> to <color=#ccff66>{level} lvl</color>\n<color=#ccff66>/skill</color></size>" }, "Skills - setting": { "miner": { "Name": "MINER", "Color - lvl": "0.73 0.87 0.745 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.21 0.42 0.26 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#5da86c>x{0}</color> stone mining\n<color=#5da86c>x{1}</color> iron ore mining\n<color=#5da86c>x{2}</color> mining of high quality iron ore", "Clue": "mine stone and iron ore", "Bonuses": { "STONE": { "First lvl": 10.0, // rates for 1 lvl "Last lvl": 20.0 // rates for maximal lvl }, "METAL": { "First lvl": 10.0, // rates for 1 lvl "Last lvl": 20.0 // rates for maximal lvl }, "HQM": { "First lvl": 10.0, // rates for 1 lvl "Last lvl": 20.0 // rates for maximal lvl } } }, "alchemist": { "Name": "ALCHEMIST", "Color - lvl": "0.73 0.87 0.745 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.21 0.42 0.26 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#5da86c>x{0}</color> sulfur mining\n<color=#5da86c>x{1}</color> melting speed in furnaces", "Clue": "mine sulfur ore", "Bonuses": { "SULFUR": { "First lvl": 5.0, "Last lvl": 10.0 }, "REMELTINGSPEED": { "First lvl": 5.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 } } }, "woodcutter": { "Name": "WOODCUTTER", "Color - lvl": "0.73 0.87 0.745 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.21 0.42 0.26 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#5da86c>x{0}</color> wood mining\n<color=#5da86c>{1}%</color> chance of coal from a tree", "Clue": "chop down trees", "Bonuses": { "WOOD": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "COALSHANCE": { "First lvl": 0.75, "Last lvl": 1.0 } } }, "hunter": { "Name": "HUNTER", "Color - lvl": "0.91 0.75 0.75 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.51 0.25 0.25 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#b76c6c>x{0}</color> resource from fleshed animals\n<color=#b76c6c>{1}%</color> animal damage reduction\n<color=#b76c6c>{2}%</color> increased damage to animals", "Clue": "kill animals and fleshed them", "Bonuses": { "ANIMAL": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "ANIMALARMOR": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.25 }, "ANIMALDAMAGE": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.5 } } }, "marauder": { "Name": "MARAUDER", "Color - lvl": "0.91 0.75 0.75 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.51 0.25 0.25 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#b76c6c>x{0}</color> loot from bots\n<color=#b76c6c>{1}%</color> bot damage reduction\n<color=#b76c6c>{2}%</color> increased damage against bots", "Clue": "kill bots and loot them", "Bonuses": { "NPC": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "NPCARMOR": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.1 }, "NPCDAMAGE": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.25 } } }, "technicist": { "Name": "TECHNICIAN", "Color - lvl": "0.91 0.75 0.75 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.51 0.25 0.25 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#b76c6c>x{0}</color> loot from tank and helicopter\n<color=#b76c6c>{1}%</color> reduced damage from tanks and helicopters\n<color=#b76c6c>{2}%</color> increased damage to tanks and helicopters", "Clue": "destroy bradley and helicopter and loot it", "Bonuses": { "MECH": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "MECHARMOR": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.25 }, "MECHDAMAGE": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.1 } } }, "jeweler": { "Name": "JEWELER", "Color - lvl": "0.756 0.75 0.87 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.26 0.25 0.46 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#7773b4>x{0}</color> loot from supply drops\n<color=#7773b4>x{1}</color> loot from locked boxes\n<color=#7773b4>x{2}</color> loot from elite crates", "Clue": "loot airdrops, elite and locked crates", "Bonuses": { "AIR": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "LOCKEDCRATE": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "ELITE": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 } } }, "dustman": { "Name": "SCAVENGER", "Color - lvl": "0.756 0.75 0.87 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.26 0.25 0.46 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#7773b4>x{0}</color> loot from barrels\n<color=#7773b4>x{1}</color> loot from regular crates and trash cans", "Clue": "loot barrels, trash cans and regular crates", "Bonuses": { "BARREL": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "CRATE": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 } } } }, "Exp": { // experience for completed activities "Barrel": 1.5, "Regular box": 2.0, "Stone - mined": 1.5, "Metal - mined": 1.5, "Sulfur - mined": 2.0, "Tree - downed": 2.0, "Helicopter - downed": 50.0, "Stone - picked up": 0.1, "Metal - picked up": 0.1, "Sulfur - picked up": 0.1, "Wood - picked up": 0.1, "Bradley - exploded": 25.0, "Bradley - mining parts": 0.5, "Helicopter - mining parts": 0.5, "Helicopter - crate": 2.0, "Bradley - crate": 2.0, "Wolf - killed": 1.0, "Boar - killed": 0.75, "Horse - killed": 0.75, "Riding horse - killed": 0.1, "Stag - killed": 0.75, "Chicken - killed": 0.2, "Bear - killed": 1.5, "Supply crate": 2.0, "Locked crate": 10.0, "Elit crate": 3.5, "Wolf - fleshed": 1.5, "Horse - fleshed": 1.25, "Boar - fleshed": 1.25, "Stag - fleshed": 1.25, "Chicken - fleshed": 0.4, "Bear - fleshed": 3.0, "NPC - killed": 1.5, "NPC - looted": 1.0 }, "Show progress of other players in global chat": false, "Exp boosters : permissions": { // increase experience rates for player "skillrates.x3boost": 3.0, "skillrates.x2boost": 2.0 }, "Gather/loot boosters : permissions": { "skillrates.x3": 3.0, "skillrates.x2": 2.0 } }
  2. fermens


    Version 2.4.2


    Info panel showing: # online and connecting players # balance # your message # server time # cargo plane # cargo ship # helicopter # CH47 # bradley # announcement text Console command gategui - show/hide UI Screenshot Localization const bool fermensEN = true; // true - ENGLISH PLUGIN | false - РУССКИЙ ПЛАГИН // 18 line in .cs file Tips Can change display online to display the economic balance Example: "Message | Online": "Balance {economic}" Webconfig using webconfig for download json UI Config { "Announcement (if empty, disabled)": [ "<color=#ffff99>Announcement</color> can be configured in <color=#ffff66>PanelV2</color> plugin config", "<color=#ffff99>Announcement</color> can be configured in <color=#ffff66>PanelV2</color> plugin config", "<color=#ffff99>Announcement</color> can be configured in <color=#ffff66>PanelV2</color> plugin config" ], "Announcement | Refresh frequency in seconds": 60.0, "Images": { "chelnok": "https://i.ibb.co/RyxsYyd/mUaUn.png", "heli": "https://i.ibb.co/WVf9vRk/mUSE7.png", "plane": "https://i.ibb.co/2nLsxBx/mUR8K.png", "cargo": "https://i.ibb.co/TTf479q/mUOGE.png", "tank": "https://i.ibb.co/6ByLvVW/UCU8o.png" }, "Top row": { "Text size": "12", "Show [0 - time 0-24, 1 - time 0-12 am/pm, 2 - online]": [ 2, 0 ] }, "Bottom row": { "Text size": "12", "Text | Online": "Online {players}/{maxplayers}", "Text | Balance": "Balance {economic}", "Text | Your text": "PanelV2 by fermens", "Frequency of display mode change": 20.0, "Show [0 - online, 1 - balance, 2 - your text]": [ 1, 2 ] }, "UI": { "parent": "Hud", "anchormin": "1 0", "anchormax": "1 0", "offsetmin": "-215 16", "offsetmax": "-215 16", "Background color": "0.95 0.95 0.95 0.025", "Text color - online": "1 1 1 1", "Text color - time": "1 1 1 1", "Icon colors": { "tank_p2_image": { "Active": "0.7 0.9 0.5 0.7", "Inactive": "1 1 1 0.7" }, "ship_p2_image": { "Active": "0 0.7 1 0.7", "Inactive": "1 1 1 0.7" }, "ch47_p2_image": { "Active": "0.2 0.8 0.4 0.7", "Inactive": "1 1 1 0.7" }, "heli_p2_image": { "Active": "1 0.5 0.5 0.7", "Inactive": "1 1 1 0.7" }, "plane_p2_image": { "Active": "0.5 1 0.5 0.7", "Inactive": "1 1 1 0.7" } } } }
  3. fermens


    Version 2.0.1


    Raid alert in # Game [UI] # Rust+ # Discord # VK.COM # Telegram Need mod: DiscordAPI (https://umod.org/extensions/discord) Attention, first you need to turn off the server, then install the mod Chat command /raid UI The menu is not distorted when changing the screen resolution Messages edit in oxide/lang Localization const bool fermensEN = true; // true - ENGLISH PLUGIN | false - РУССКИЙ ПЛАГИН // 35 line in .cs file SETTING UP ALERTS IN DISCORD How create bot: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/discord.html How copy ChannelID: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/206346498-Where-can-I-find-my-User-Server-Message-ID- SETTING THE ALERTS IN VK.COM "API from the group" a short beginner's guide To get this key, go to the group, select the "Community Management" item in the menu, then the "Work with API" item and click the "Create Key" button, check the box "Allow the application to access community messages", click "Create". The resulting key is inserted into the plugin configuration file, the column "API". Fill in the columns! "Token (https://discordapp.com/developers/applications)" "Channel ID, where the player will take the code to confirm the profile" SETTING UP ALERTS IN TELEGRAM Add bot @botfather via telegram, press /start Write /newbot Come up with a name and write in response, as well as specify in the plugin config Write /mybots, select your bot and click API Token, copy it and specify it in the plugin config Reload plugin, done CONFIG { "Server name, will using for alerts": "HaxLite X10", "VK.com": { "Enable?": true, "API": "", "Cooldown for sending": 1200.0 }, "Rust+": { "Enable?": true, "Cooldown for sending": 600.0 }, "In game": { "Enable?": true, "Cooldown for sending": 60.0, "Send game effect when notification are received": "assets/prefabs/weapons/toolgun/effects/repairerror.prefab", "Time after the UI is destroyed": 4.0, "UI": "[{\"name\":\"UIA\",\"parent\":\"Overlay\",\"components\":[{\"type\":\"UnityEngine.UI.RawImage\",\"material\":\"assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur.mat\", \"sprite\":\"assets/content/ui/ui.background.transparent.linearltr.tga\",\"color\":\"0 0 0 0.6279221\"},{\"type\":\"RectTransform\",\"anchormin\":\"1 0.5\",\"anchormax\":\"1 0.5\",\"offsetmin\":\"-250 -30\",\"offsetmax\":\"0 30\"}]},{\"name\":\"D\",\"parent\":\"UIA\",\"components\":[{\"type\":\"UnityEngine.UI.Image\",\"color\":\"1 0 0 0.392904\"},{\"type\":\"RectTransform\",\"anchormin\":\"0 0\",\"anchormax\":\"1 0\",\"offsetmin\":\"0 0\",\"offsetmax\":\"0 5\"}]},{\"name\":\"T\",\"parent\":\"UIA\",\"components\":[{\"type\":\"UnityEngine.UI.Text\",\"text\":\"{text}\",\"fontSize\":12,\"align\":\"MiddleLeft\",\"color\":\"1 1 1 0.8644356\"},{\"type\":\"RectTransform\",\"anchormin\":\"0 0\",\"anchormax\":\"1 1\",\"offsetmin\":\"5 0\",\"offsetmax\":\"-5 0\"}]},{\"name\":\"U\",\"parent\":\"UIA\",\"components\":[{\"type\":\"UnityEngine.UI.Image\",\"color\":\"1 0 0 0.3921569\"},{\"type\":\"RectTransform\",\"anchormin\":\"0 1\",\"anchormax\":\"1 1\",\"offsetmin\":\"0 -5\",\"offsetmax\":\"0 0\"}]}]" }, "Discord": { "Enable?": true, "Cooldown for sending": 600.0, "Token (https://discordapp.com/developers/applications)": "", "Channel ID, where the player will take the code to confirm the profile": "401360615521648663", "Info text": "Enter the received code in the integration menu for raid alerts.\nChat command /raid\nEnter it in the game itself, not in the discord!", "Info text - line color on the left": 14177041, "Text on button": "Get code", "Reply after button click": "Your code: {code}", "Don't touch this field": "938118623707430983" }, "Additional list": [ "wall.external.high", "wall.external.high.stone", "gates.external.high.wood", "gates.external.high.stone", "wall.window.bars.metal", "wall.window.bars.toptier", "wall.window.glass.reinforced", "wall.window.bars.wood" ], "Telegram": { "Enable?": true, "Cooldown for sending": 1200.0, "Bot tag": "@haxlite_bot", "Token": "" }, "Menu UI": { "Background color": "0.07843138 0.06666667 0.1098039 0.9490196", "Strip color": "0.8784314 0.9843137 1 0.5686275", "Rectangular container background color": "0.8901961 0.8901961 0.8901961 0.4156863", "Button text color": "1 1 1 0.9056942", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Green button color": "0.5450981 1 0.6941177 0.509804", "Red button color": "1 0.5450981 0.5450981 0.509804", "Gray button color": "0.8901961 0.8901961 0.8901961 0.4156863", "Header text color": "1 1 1 1", "Error text color": "1 0.5429931 0.5429931 0.787812", "Text color of <exit> and <back> buttons": "0.5938045 0.5789595 0.5789595 1", "Rectangular container text color": "1 1 1 0.7843137", "The color of the text with hints at the bottom of the screen": "1 1 1 0.6699298", "Abbreviations and their colors": { "Abbreviation for telegram": "TG", "Telegram icon color": "0.5479987 0.9459876 1 0.4156863", "Abbreviation for vk.com": "VK", "Vk.com icon color": "0.5803922 0.6627451 1 0.4156863", "Abbreviation for rust+": "R+", "Rust+ icon color": "1 0.5803921 0.6013725 0.4156863", "Abbreviation for discord": "DS", "Discord icon color": "0.6313726 0.5764706 1 0.4156863", "Abbreviation for in game": "UI", "In game icon color": "1 0.7843137 0.5764706 0.4156863" } } }


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