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About XRate

You can set up rates both for everyone and for privileges:
- Rates of pick up resources
- Rates of gather resources
- Rates from boxes and barrels
- Rates from NPC bots
- Quarry rates
- Smelting speed in furnaces
- Length of day and night
- Vote skip night
- Night rates


Chat Command
/rate - find out personal loot rates



const bool fermensEN = true; // true - ENGLISH | false - РУССКИЙ // 18 line in cs file


If the player has several privileges, then the one below in the config is taken!



  "Experimental. Do not touch": false,
  "Disable accelerated melting": false,
  "Furnace prefabs (where accelerated smelting will work)": [
  "Default rates": {
    "Collectible & growable": 2.0,
    "Gather": 2.0,
    "Sulfur": 2.0,
    "Quarry": 2.0,
    "Crates & barrels": {
      "Helicopter crates": 2.0,
      "Bradley crates": 2.0,
      "Locked crates": 2.0,
      "Supply crates": 2.0,
      "Elite crates": 2.0,
      "Regular crates": 2.0,
      "Barrels": 2.0
    "Scientists": 2.0,
    "Melting speed": 2.0
  "Adjusting the length of day and night": {
    "Enable?": true,
    "Night length": 10.0,
    "Day length": 50.0,
    "Autoskip night": false,
    "Voteskip night": false,
    "Nightly increase in rates (ex. 1.0 - increase by 100% , 0 - disable)": 0.0
  "Premium rates [permission|setting]": {
    "xrate.x3": {
      "Collectible & growable": 3.0,
      "Gather": 3.0,
      "Sulfur": 2.5,
      "Quarry": 3.0,
      "Crates & barrels": {
        "Helicopter crates": 3.0,
        "Bradley crates": 3.0,
        "Locked crates": 3.0,
        "Supply crates": 3.0,
        "Elite crates": 3.0,
        "Regular crates": 3.0,
        "Barrels": 3.0
      "Scientists": 3.0,
      "Melting speed": 4.0
    "xrate.x4": {
      "Collectible & growable": 4.0,
      "Gather": 4.0,
      "Sulfur": 2.5,
      "Quarry": 4.0,
      "Crates & barrels": {
        "Helicopter crates": 4.0,
        "Bradley crates": 4.0,
        "Locked crates": 4.0,
        "Supply crates": 4.0,
        "Elite crates": 4.0,
        "Regular crates": 4.0,
        "Barrels": 4.0
      "Scientists": 4.0,
      "Melting speed": 4.0
  "Blacklist, for what won't work": [
  "Messages []": {
    "NightHasCome": "<size=15><color=#ccff33>Night has fallen</color>, gather and loot rates increased by <color=#ccff33>{num}%</color>!</size>\n<size=10><color =#ccff33>/rate</color> - find out your current rates.</size>",
    "DayHasCome": "<size=15><color=#ccff33>The day has come</color>, gather and loot rates are back!</size>\n<size=10><color=#ccff33>/rate</color> - find out your current rates.</size>",
    "INFORMATION": "<color=#ccff33>INFORMATION | {name}</color>\nPick up: x<color=#F0E68C>{0}</color>\nGather: x<color=#F0E68C>{1}</color> <size=10>(sulfur: x <color=#F0E68C>{6}</color>)</size>\nQuarry: x<color=#F0E68C>{2}</color>\nCrates/barrels: x<color=#F0E68C>{3} </color>\nLoot from the scientist: x<color=#F0E68C>{4}</color>\nSmelting Speed: x<color=#F0E68C>{5}</color>",
    "SkipNight": "<color=yellow>The majority voted for the day. Let's skip the night...</color>",
    "NoSkipNight": "<color=yellow>—Let there be light! - said the electrician and cut the wires.</color>",
    "NoActive": "<color=yellow>VOTING IS NOT ACTIVE!</color>",
    "Voted": "<color=yellow>YOU ALREADY VOTE!</color>",
    "Night": "<color=yellow>Vote for NIGHT successfully received.</color>",
    "Day": "<color=yellow>Vote for the DAY successfully received.</color>"


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