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Welcome Panel 4.3.5

   (74 reviews)
Message added by David,

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16 minutes ago, Robis said:

well good plugin no comments, but that addons.... why cant be all in one ? same result need more separated plugins.

i have already 148 plugins loaded... and im looking how to decrease this number instead of grove it up...

I think would be great if developers think about it, spend more time to make multiple functions in one plugin...

prefer to pay more money for one big plugin then many separated...

I agree

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18 minutes ago, Robis said:

well good plugin no comments, but that addons.... why cant be all in one ? same result need more separated plugins.

i have already 148 plugins loaded... and im looking how to decrease this number instead of grove it up...

I think would be great if developers think about it, spend more time to make multiple functions in one plugin...

prefer to pay more money for one big plugin then many separated...

Hey thanks for your feedback, but having few extra lightweight plugins will not affect your server performance at all. You should be focusing on how much resources plugin takes and which hooks is using instead of plugin count. I could easily paste everything into one file but I dont see reason to do so. I have multiple reasons why I did split those addons, Few of them:

To not create overloaded config files, people already struggling enough, Im constantly getting messages from people with messed up json formating.

Some owners are not using Kits or maybe they also not running any store with ranks so they can actually can choose what to use. 

I have couple more addons planned like ladderboard, or shop and splitting them up allowing me to sell them separately for affordable prices rather than all in for big price. Again for those who dont need every addon. 

Also if people having issues with particular adddon is making my life easier to debug things...

After all if you dont mind "paying more" just reach out on discord, I will slap everything together for you if you think that wil help your performance.

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Dope plugin + addon easiy configurable been using it for 3 months nearly now with the new addon it's even better.

 A E S T H E T I C S

Also David is a helpful friendly dude bigs up

Edited by Ionut Shiro
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Oh i really dont thinked about those who has low lvl on plugins understanding and editing. in this case you was right.

Just saying personally, i really going crazy about number of plugins i have to use... 🙂

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Is there a way to provide links to other tabs? For instance, if you reference Discord on the Wipe Cycle tab, click on Discord to bring you to the Discord tab.

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9 minutes ago, Bumfuzzler said:

Is there a way to provide links to other tabs? For instance, if you reference Discord on the Wipe Cycle tab, click on Discord to bring you to the Discord tab.

That would require adding some cui elements into code and also I would have to do some changes for config which would make it just more cluttered so due to that this is not something what I would consider adding to public version.

Ofc any customization can be done, feel free reach out on discord if you want something special for your welcome panel. 

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i recently purchased it myself and i love it Thx @David.
Could you add backgroundImage Transparency (alpha) so the background images are not that FULL and in my face ^^

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14 hours ago, Krungh Crow said:

i recently purchased it myself and i love it

I love to hear that! 👌

14 hours ago, Krungh Crow said:

Could you add backgroundImage Transparency 

Unfortunately that is not possible, however you can simply set transparency for image in any editing soft. and save it as png.

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elements.Add(new CuiElement { Parent = "StockUI", Components = { new CuiRawImageComponent { Url = $"{configData.BackgroundImage}",
Color = string.Format($"1 1 1 {configData.BckgrndAlpha}"), FadeIn = 0f }, new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = $"0 0", AnchorMax = $"1 1" } } });

u can set a transparency on images ^^ i do it all the time let me lookup the code examples 🙂 (see above block)
its a setting in my garage plugin aswell 🙂


Edited by Krungh Crow
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3 hours ago, Krungh Crow said:
elements.Add(new CuiElement { Parent = "StockUI", Components = { new CuiRawImageComponent { Url = $"{configData.BackgroundImage}",
Color = string.Format($"1 1 1 {configData.BckgrndAlpha}"), FadeIn = 0f }, new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = $"0 0", AnchorMax = $"1 1" } } });

u can set a transparency on images ^^ i do it all the time let me lookup the code examples 🙂 (see above block)
its a setting in my garage plugin aswell 🙂


So I probably overlooked fact that CuiRawImageComponent contains Color 😄 I guess there is always space to learn something new. Thanks!

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Hi David, trying to get this all setup, but im running out of Tabs, Can i add more Tabs somehow? Or have another page on the tab? Or does it do it automatically?

 I run a PVE server with alot of plugins and players need the info on them.

Edited by DeX
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9 hours ago, DeX said:

Hi David, trying to get this all setup, but im running out of Tabs, Can i add more Tabs somehow? Or have another page on the tab? Or does it do it automatically?

 I run a PVE server with alot of plugins and players need the info on them.

Hey, right now WelcomePanel comes with 10 tabs, I do have plans to make page system eventually but not now since I have other projects going on. 

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19 minutes ago, BetterDeadThanZed said:

Am I able to have more than 1 page? I need more than 10 sections.

As I said, right now only 10 sections available.

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Just a coincidence that I asked right after someone else. There's no search feature on the discussion so it's normally at lot of work going through several pages looking for the same question.

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I was just about to be the third person to ask that question, but luckily caught the end of this discussion topic haha.

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Is there any way to add this shop to the tabs when doing /info or when doing /s to open up /info?


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Just now, Madoosh said:

Is there any way to add this shop to the tabs when doing /info or when doing /s to open up /info?

No, it is not supported. I will be making my own shop for WelcomePanel

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Is it possible to give each tab its own command? For example /info rules. The chat alias plugin could then shorten this to /rules.

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2 hours ago, Dave said:

Is it possible to give each tab its own command? For example /info rules. The chat alias plugin could then shorten this to /rules.

This will be added into config in next update but you can still do it just by copypasting few lines into .cs file, you can message and I will send you example.

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38 minutes ago, baustiman said:

Why is there so little functionality? this plugin has everything https://codefling.com/plugins/welcome-ui-addons and the one I bought, there is nothing. 

welcome ui addons is, as the name would suggest, an add on for this plugin. The base welcome ui is intended for servers that just want to display information and text without needing it to do anything special. The addons add other abilities like giving players social links in the form of notes, having a nice gui screen to use kits, wipe schedules with timers, vip ranks etc.

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2 minutes ago, tobi-polar said:

Welcome ui addons, как следует из названия, является дополнением к этому плагину. Базовый интерфейс приветствия предназначен для серверов, которые просто хотят отображать информацию и текст, не делая ничего особенного. Аддоны добавляют другие возможности, такие как предоставление игрокам социальных ссылок в виде заметок, наличие красивого графического интерфейса для использования комплектов, стирание расписаний с таймерами, VIP-ранги и т. Д.

So I bought the wrong kit?

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5 minutes ago, tobi-polar said:

Welcome ui addons, как следует из названия, является дополнением к этому плагину. Базовый интерфейс приветствия предназначен для серверов, которые просто хотят отображать информацию и текст, не делая ничего особенного. Аддоны добавляют другие возможности, такие как предоставление игрокам социальных ссылок в виде заметок, наличие красивого графического интерфейса для использования комплектов, стирание расписаний с таймерами, VIP-ранги и т. Д.

I'm from Russia, I don't understand the translation well, the translator doesn't translate correctly

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18 minutes ago, baustiman said:

So I bought the wrong kit?

You didn't buy the wrong thing, If I understand correctly you bought "Welcome info UI" which is the base plugin and is also required for 'Welcome UI Addons" to work. Basically if you want the extra features that "Welcome UI addons" has, you'll need both plugins.

Edited by tobi-polar
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