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On 3/3/2023 at 2:09 AM, Veno said:

Prior to the update, I had it set where users earned 3 of the "reset currency" (which I have set to scrap) each level up. Post update, it doesn't seem like this happens anymore, and now I cannot find the setting where they can earn scrap each level up. Am I going blind? Is the setting still there? 

Thank you for being on top of things with today's update imthenewguy, I was able to apply the fix manually before the plugin was updated thanks to the comments here. Still my favorite plugin on the site. 

"List of rewards the player receives based on level"

you probably added a bunch of extra stuff under this

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Is there a way to remove a skill tree entirely by a non-programmer like myself? Not just remove permissions, but not even see it at all. Thanks for the awesome plugin, btw!



From memory the skilltree.tree permission is required for them to see the tree.



I have backpacks and the extra pockets bag are occupying the same space. 

What I want to do is move the extra bag space up to be overtop of the backpack. 

Which one of these lines do I increase to move it up? I want to keep it right where it is, I just want it to be on top of the backpack. 

       "x_min": "185.4",
      "y_min": "25.4",
      "x_max": "227.4",
      "y_max": "67.4"




ymin and ymax

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anyone know how i can add a new skill so i can add this plugin - i dont want to sell it in the shop i want them to use skill points in order to be able to use it





Is there a command to give a player a set number of XP?




5 hours ago, co1eTr4in said:

Is there a command to give a player a set number of XP?


givexp <target player> <xp amount>



Would it be possible to add the Turbo buff to submarines as well as boats in future updates? love this plugin.




Are we able to take skill points away? I gave someone SP they didn't earn. 



It appears the syntax has changed though with a recent update. 

Right now, the code shows:

    "List of rewards the player receives based on level": {},

I'm just looking on the syntax of what specifically to add to it. I tried it the old way (how the plugin used to be) but had no luck. For reference, this is how it used to look: 

    "Reward the player when they level up? - [scrap, economics, srp, custom": {
      "rewardType": "scrap",
      "amount": 3

Thanks for any help. 



4 hours ago, Veno said:

It appears the syntax has changed though with a recent update. 

Right now, the code shows:

    "List of rewards the player receives based on level": {},

I'm just looking on the syntax of what specifically to add to it. I tried it the old way (how the plugin used to be) but had no luck. For reference, this is how it used to look: 

    "Reward the player when they level up? - [scrap, economics, srp, custom": {
      "rewardType": "scrap",
      "amount": 3

Thanks for any help. 

Those are 2 different config options. The first is when they reach a milestone, the second will be handed out each level.



Hi imthenewguy!

Just watched your in depth video in one sitting. Nicely done, explaining everything 💪

I just want to ask you a couple of things (maybe I’ve missed something):

1. Is it possible to add a permission system to each perk and not only for each tree? We want some of the perks to be for VIPs only (mostly the ultimate ones,) since we’re not planing on wiping the data more than once or twice a year.

- This is the only thing holding us back from purchasing the plugin and switching xp plugin 🙈

2. Also, we would like to hear if there is any plan of making separate buttons for each tree in the UI, so players don’t have to scroll through it all?

3. Would it be possible to change Bandage Expert to a percentage that increase instead of a flat 100% bonus?

4. Regarding the Revitalization perk. Could this have a timeout, so players won’t be able to heal to full? Like “x hp per level per second, for a maximum of 20hp”?

5. For better understanding by new players, would it be possible to add a small info box or have a info page? My concern is mostly how to unlock row 2, 3 and ultimate by x amount of points used. Or just a text in between the rows saying something like “You need to use x more points to unlock this row.” Or something like that?

6. Maybe add a shield perk like the Overshield, to the Medical tree, that gives x amount of hp taking from a shield?

7. About the the position of the skinning ultimate perk’s hud, can that be moved?

Thats it (for now), haha. Looking forward to hear from you ^^



Hey mate

1. It isn't possible at the moment, but it may be something I add in the future as it has been requested a few times. Still unsure yet.

2. I feel personally attacked by your logical request, how dare you! All joking aside I do like this idea.

3. Possibly. Alternatively a separate buff for healing increases with a whitelist option may be another route I take.

4. Unfortunately not.

5. A text function on the UI could be interesting if the row is locked.

6. The skinner ultimate has something like this already.

7. I could add anchor points to the button, but it will be global, not used based.



6 hours ago, imthenewguy said:

Hey mate

1. It isn't possible at the moment, but it may be something I add in the future as it has been requested a few times. Still unsure yet.

2. I feel personally attacked by your logical request, how dare you! All joking aside I do like this idea.

3. Possibly. Alternatively a separate buff for healing increases with a whitelist option may be another route I take.

4. Unfortunately not.

5. A text function on the UI could be interesting if the row is locked.

6. The skinner ultimate has something like this already.

7. I could add anchor points to the button, but it will be global, not used based.

Thanks for taking your time, answering my many questions 😀

I am glad you think some of the ideas could be fun! As stated before, permission based skills will unfortunately be the one thing keeping us from switching (atm.) to Skill Tree. I love the style, the work you have putted into it and all the great functions and ideas of it, but yeah, we want to give our VIPs that “boost” and bonus, of supporting our servers.

When that is said, if and when you decide to add skill specific permissions, a great idea could be to let the skills stay on the trees, with the graying out, just with additional text of the permission like “Requires VIP” or “Requires Donator”, if your permission is called that ^^


Again, thanks for taking your time, and hope you’ll get pushed around by more people, wanting you to add the permission function 😝



22 hours ago, imthenewguy said:

Those are 2 different config options. The first is when they reach a milestone, the second will be handed out each level.

I'm sorry, I'm not following. Previously, the config structure was this: 

"Reward the player when they level up? - [scrap, economics, srp, custom": { "rewardType": "scrap", "amount": 3 },

    "Reward the player when they level up? - [scrap, economics, srp, custom": {
      "rewardType": "scrap",
      "amount": 3

Now, that is completely missing from the config. I've tried to re-add it, but it doesn't function. The ONLY function I can find is 

"List of rewards the player receives based on level": {},

but I cannot figure out how to grant an item each level up with this config, unlike the previous one. 

I don't see two config options. I don't see an option for milestone. I only see the config option above 'based on level' and that also has no syntax example for me to follow. I've had 3 scrap given to my players each level up for many months, and only recently did an update remove this config option. How can I restore it? 



Hello ... so i have one question ... If i put like new tree of skills ,etc "lifesteal" permission ..so when they lvl up it ,after the wipe will they have still that perm,or it will wipe it ? not in group perms in player perms ,iam kinda tired of clearing that data,so i will probably buy this plugin if perms reset each wipe  .. 😄 



22 minutes ago, copcopekcro said:

Hello ... so i have one question ... If i put like new tree of skills ,etc "lifesteal" permission ..so when they lvl up it ,after the wipe will they have still that perm,or it will wipe it ? not in group perms in player perms ,iam kinda tired of clearing that data,so i will probably buy this plugin if perms reset each wipe  .. 😄 

Yup, you can add permission based skills. You can also set it to wipe the skills on map wipes. The plugin naturally removes players permissions when players log off, I think the perms also remove when it's unloaded as well. Very convenient overall!



5 minutes ago, Neighigh said:

Yup, you can add permission based skills. You can also set it to wipe the skills on map wipes. The plugin naturally removes players permissions when players log off, I think the perms also remove when it's unloaded as well. Very convenient overall!

Then i have my answer and i know what to do ..to click that buy button 😄 .. Thank you mate!

  • Love 1

Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Veno said:

I'm sorry, I'm not following. Previously, the config structure was this: 

"Reward the player when they level up? - [scrap, economics, srp, custom": { "rewardType": "scrap", "amount": 3 },

    "Reward the player when they level up? - [scrap, economics, srp, custom": {
      "rewardType": "scrap",
      "amount": 3

Now, that is completely missing from the config. I've tried to re-add it, but it doesn't function. The ONLY function I can find is 

"List of rewards the player receives based on level": {},

but I cannot figure out how to grant an item each level up with this config, unlike the previous one. 

I don't see two config options. I don't see an option for milestone. I only see the config option above 'based on level' and that also has no syntax example for me to follow. I've had 3 scrap given to my players each level up for many months, and only recently did an update remove this config option. How can I restore it? 

It should look something like this, where the console command is the left option and the right option is a chat message:

"List of rewards the player receives based on level": {
      "1": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "o.grant user {id} permission": "You've gained a permission!",
          "o.grant user {id} permission2": null
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": [
          "o.revoke user {id} permission",
          "o.revoke user {id} permission2"
      "5": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "o.grant user {id} cooking.level5": null,
          "deposit {id} 100": "You have received $100 and free boxes for leveling! Use /box to open them!",
          "givecase {id} 1 1": null
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": [
          "o.revoke user {id} cooking.level5"

The number represents the level.

Edited by Laminin
  • Love 1


Hi all would it actually be possible to make such an ultimate skill as with the trees with the radius also with the ores . My players have asked me if that would be possible . Wish you still a nice weekend.








How would I go about disabling the "pump bar" from being moved?


Posted (edited)

How do I change the UI position to everyone ?

I want to make it left aligned with the health bar and keep this as default value.


In the previous image it still needs to be moved a few pixels to the left.



I had to change the oxide/data/SkillTree.json for each player that already had the previous values...

Then I changed the default value at oxide/config/SkillTree.json



Edited by gdias92

Posted (edited)

Command: /togglexphud Description: Toggles the xp hud on the players screen.


Edited by WarKingz

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