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5 hours ago, imthenewguy said:

That is a bug from my end. I forgot to add the part where it registers the permission :x

Will be in the next update.

Awesome. I wasn't going crazy then lol.

Any chance we could have level based rewards? I could have these behind a node that they buy into, but would rather that it was a global grant/unlock. "Level 15 - you can now raid hard bases" Alternatively, guess I could use STOnPlayerLevel to check for new level and apply economics/perms that way.


"level rewards": {
	10: {"type": "SP",
		amount: 2,
		perm_list: null},
	15: {"type": "perm",
		amount: null
		perm_list: {"buyraid.hard"}}
	20: {"type": "perm",
		amount: null,
		perm_list: {"epicloot.craft",
	30: {"type": "economics",
		amount: 10000,
		perm_list: null}



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1 hour ago, jaybee3 said:


Any chance we could have level based rewards?


This is a great idea. I have some very powerful skills set up that folks are trying to unlock right away on a wipe, which kind of messes up the natural flow of the wipe. If i could lock the perm for the tree behind a level requirement, (ie, have the SkillTree plugin give them the perm to access the overpowered tree automatically when the level is reached)... that would be huge. 

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Ill look at adding something.

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On 9/13/2022 at 5:37 PM, Delltus said:

I have an idea of adding which would be really great, the possibility of allocating rewards for a level level chosen example level 10 the player gains an exp bonus, + a personalize object, + a permission that will allow a lot of things like not being able to craft or buy the item until you pass level 10 to gain permission




I mentioned an idea earlier about getting xp from rightclicking researchpapers.
Im running a pve server. and want more things to do on my server.
There are alot of plugins that i can use, but not many gives xp in the skilltree, since skilltree is using its own xp system and are depended on that they support eachother.
Most of the plugins is supporting for example economics or / and server rewards so you can get RP / items as reward to complete quests etc.
Adding the feature so you can get xp from for example research papers would make an huge improvement on my server.
We can then also buy xp for scrap.
Hope you can add this feature.



Feels like it would be a separate plugin for something like that.



3 hours ago, imthenewguy said:

Feels like it would be a separate plugin for something like that.

Im willing to pay for it if you make it.
Would make a great addition to my server.
Just need a simple plugin where i can right click on research paper to get xp in the skilltree. One researchpaper gives one xp.
Then players on my server can get rewards from other plugins in form of research papers to get xp and even buy xp for scrap.
I bet there is others than me that would love this..... hope you are willing to make this in the near future.



59 minutes ago, Hawkhill said:

Im willing to pay for it if you make it.
Would make a great addition to my server.
Just need a simple plugin where i can right click on research paper to get xp in the skilltree. One researchpaper gives one xp.
Then players on my server can get rewards from other plugins in form of research papers to get xp and even buy xp for scrap.
I bet there is others than me that would love this..... hope you are willing to make this in the near future.

If I made it, it would use items with interactive buttons such as presents. Ill have a tinker and let you know though.



7 hours ago, Hawkhill said:

I mentioned an idea earlier about getting xp from rightclicking researchpapers.
Im running a pve server. and want more things to do on my server.
There are alot of plugins that i can use, but not many gives xp in the skilltree, since skilltree is using its own xp system and are depended on that they support eachother.
Most of the plugins is supporting for example economics or / and server rewards so you can get RP / items as reward to complete quests etc.
Adding the feature so you can get xp from for example research papers would make an huge improvement on my server.
We can then also buy xp for scrap.
Hope you can add this feature.

I do this exact thing, but with large presents using CommandsItems plugin. It's available here on Codefling. You have to be creative and create your own skin and ways to distribute the presents into the loot system. But you can 100% make it work just how you described.

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Posted (edited)

6 hours ago, imthenewguy said:

If I made it, it would use items with interactive buttons such as presents. Ill have a tinker and let you know though.

As long as it wont conflict with the holliday event items its no prob.  Just want the functionallity..... researchpapers was just an example i saw on another server. 
Thx for looking into this

Edited by Hawkhill


Ive built something. Will test it and wack it up.

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How is the developing going?😇





 * Added console command: stgiveitem <id> <shortname> <quantity> <skin ID> <optional: displayName> for use with level rewards.
 * Reworked LevelRewards to allow for servers to add commands that run based for specific level milestones. 

You sir are a golden god. If only it were possible to rate this plugin over 5 stars. Your support and adding requested features on this is amazing. Thanks!

  • Love 1


Thank you for the fast update , That update fixed my rcon error that he gived me 

The error i got and is fixed now with the update.

Failed to call hook 'OnLootEntityEnd' on plugin 'SkillTree v1.2.1' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.SkillTree.OnLootEntityEnd (BasePlayer player, StorageContainer container) [0x0000c] in :0 at Oxide.Plugins.SkillTree.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x03132] in :0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <09575a60985045248bcb43b20faeeb99>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in :0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in :0



Glad to hear it! 😄



Hey just out of curiosity, what is the proper use of this perms section under each node used for? I played around with it trying to change null to different permissions to see what it does, but it always throws an error




4 hours ago, Zoreeno said:

Hey just out of curiosity, what is the proper use of this perms section under each node used for? I played around with it trying to change null to different permissions to see what it does, but it always throws an error


Here is an example of how it works:

          "permissions": {
            "description": "Cooking food with the Cooking plugin will be instant and you may get admin.",
            "perms": {
              "1": {
                "perms_list": {
                  "cooking.instant": "Instant Cook",
                  "cooking.use": "Cooking access"
              "2": {
                "perms_list": {
                  "cooking.instant": "Instant Cook",
                  "cooking.use": "Cooking access",
                  "cooking.admin": "Cooking admin"

You can add permissions to node unlocks, so that when the player unlocks the node, they will get access to a permission. If you have multiple levels that you would like to grant perms, make sure you add the perms to both levels that you would like the player to keep, as it unassigns perms from previous levels.


Posted (edited)

19 minutes ago, imthenewguy said:

Here is an example of how it works:

Ohhhh gotcha. So it's just like the seperate custom nodes/skills that we can create, but you can also add perms to be granted on the default nodes as well That's cool.  Thanks for explaining 🙂 

Edited by Zoreeno


    "List of rewards the player receives based on level": {
      "10": {
        "List of commands and chat messages that the player receives when reaching the specified level [Left = command. Right = Private message to player]. {id} = steam ID. {name} == name.": {
          "o.grant user {id} cooking.recipemenu.chat": null,
          "o.grant user {id} cooking.gather": null,
          "o.grant user {id} cooking.use": "You made it to level 10 and can now cook meals by typing <color=#ffae00>/recipemenu</color>!"
        "List of commands that are fired off when the player data is reset": [
          "o.revoke user {id} cooking.recipemenu.chat",
          "o.revoke user {id} cooking.gather",
          "o.revoke user {id} cooking.use"


All I heard when I read the patch notes and saw the above were choirs of angels singing "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


Now we've got a full progression system, this is amazing and thanks for implementing the idea 😄

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First, I love this plugin, so thank you for all of the hard work. I know it is probably a big lift, but is there any way the PVP specific skills can have a PVE counterpart, with a config setting for IsPVEServer=true/false? A good example is the combat tree, it has 3 PVP specific skills that have no real use on a pure PVE server. Is there something in the config that can be edited to accommodate this in the existing version?



17 minutes ago, MrNastyTime said:

First, I love this plugin, so thank you for all of the hard work. I know it is probably a big lift, but is there any way the PVP specific skills can have a PVE counterpart, with a config setting for IsPVEServer=true/false? A good example is the combat tree, it has 3 PVP specific skills that have no real use on a pure PVE server. Is there something in the config that can be edited to accommodate this in the existing version?

Unfortunately not as the plugin stands. I may look at an option for it down the line, but in the mean time you could easily replace the buffs with PVE related ones.

        "Thick Skin": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 3,
          "value_per_buff": 0.10,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 25,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "https://imgur.com/wG7cG8X.png",
          "permissions": null
        "Assassin": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 3,
          "value_per_buff": 0.05,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 59,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "https://imgur.com/xMp1fhd.png",
          "permissions": null
        "Guarded": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 3,
          "value_per_buff": 0.05,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 61,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "https://imgur.com/cVhnv41.png",
          "permissions": null


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For the perms based modifiers, if a player has multiple, is the largest taken or is it multiplicative/additive?

Say one of my players had unlocked xpBoost5, but I'd also given them the punishment perm because they broke rules.

Would it be Max: 1.1, Min: 0,001, Additive: 1.101, Multiplicative: 0.0011, or other?

Also does it modify a bonus amount of xp they would get or the starting amount. e.g. x*(1 + modifer) or x*modifier

XP rate at 1 - Chop Tree: 5

XP rate at 1.1 - Chop Tree 5 (Guaranteed) + 0.5 (bonus) = 5.5
XP Rate at 0.001 - Chop Tree 5 (Guaranteed) + 0.005 (bonus) = 5.005
XP Rate at 0.001 - Chop Tree 5*0.001 = 0.005

      "xpBoost1": 1.02,
      "xpBoost2": 1.04,
      "xpBoost3": 1.06,
      "xpBoost4": 1.08,
      "xpBoost5": 1.1,
      "vip": 2,
      "punishment": 0.001



Posted (edited)

This should explain how the logic works.

Although I realize a mistake I made is that the modifier is set to 1.0 by default, so I need to adjust it so it takes into consideration lower modifiers than 1. So your 0.001 modifier won't work at the moment. Will patch this next release.

        double GetXPModifier(string id, PlayerInfo pi, out bool modified)
            modified = false;
            double result = 1;
            // Checks each permission that you have created in the config for xp override.
            foreach (var perm in config.xp_settings.xp_perm_modifier)
                // If the permissions value is greater than the value stored in result, result is set to the new value.
                if (permission.UserHasPermission(id, "skilltree." + perm.Key) && perm.Value > result) result = perm.Value;
            if (config.rested_xp_settings.rested_xp_enabled && pi.xp_bonus_pool > 0)
                // If rested XP is enabled, then we add the rested xp value on top of our result.
                result += config.rested_xp_settings.rested_xp_rate;
                modified = true;
            if (TOD_Sky.Instance.IsNight && config.xp_settings.night_settings.night_xp_gain_modifier != 1)
                // If night time xp gains are enabled, we add (or remove) that value onto our result as well.
                result += config.xp_settings.night_settings.night_xp_gain_modifier - 1;
                modified = true;
            return result;


Edited by imthenewguy
  • Like 1


Ah cool yeah that's clear!

So basically looping over the perms checking if the players has them and if it's greater than 1 or the last one found then setting that as a new base, in other words the max. Then the modifiers are apply to that additively.

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Wajeeh Agbariya


is there a way to apply a multiplier to components

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