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Posted (edited)

16 hours ago, imthenewguy said:

I just tested using your config and I am getting the proper amount (see pic here). It could be another plugin that is using the OnCollectiblePickup hook and is returning a non-null value, or is modifying the item amount. My suggestion to test this would be to unload all plugins, reload ImageLibrary, then reload SkillTree and test.

I must have royally screwed something here. Following this advice, using only Image Library and Skill Tree, I still get only the default amount. I've even tried respec'ing and reinstalling the plugin using the default config and even that gives me a default amount. The only thing I haven't changed is the data file.

Do you think my data file could be somehow corrupt which is causing this?

EDIT: I've been reading through server logs to see if I can find anything related to Skill Tree, but the only thing I can find is

[SERVER v1.0.24] Console: SkillTree.cs(4159,20): warning CS0472: The result of comparing value type `System.DateTime' with null is always `false'
SkillTree.cs(4161,17): warning CS0162: Unreachable code detected
SkillTree.cs(3723,64): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.SkillTree.ZombieHorde' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
SkillTree.cs(7235,24): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.SkillTree.ItemInfo.frequency' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `0'
SkillTree.cs(7243,31): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.SkillTree.ItemInfo.contents' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'


Edited by ChristopherS


What loot tables do Treasure Hunter and Shark Vet pull from in the new Underwater Skill Tree?

I cant seem to find any reference to them



8 hours ago, ChristopherS said:

I must have royally screwed something here. Following this advice, using only Image Library and Skill Tree, I still get only the default amount. I've even tried respec'ing and reinstalling the plugin using the default config and even that gives me a default amount. The only thing I haven't changed is the data file.

Do you think my data file could be somehow corrupt which is causing this?

EDIT: I've been reading through server logs to see if I can find anything related to Skill Tree, but the only thing I can find is

[SERVER v1.0.24] Console: SkillTree.cs(4159,20): warning CS0472: The result of comparing value type `System.DateTime' with null is always `false'
SkillTree.cs(4161,17): warning CS0162: Unreachable code detected
SkillTree.cs(3723,64): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.SkillTree.ZombieHorde' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
SkillTree.cs(7235,24): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.SkillTree.ItemInfo.frequency' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `0'
SkillTree.cs(7243,31): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.SkillTree.ItemInfo.contents' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'


Have you modified the .cs file at all? o.O

haven't seen those errors appear before, especially since all of those variables are being used.



2 hours ago, Rockefeller said:

What loot tables do Treasure Hunter and Shark Vet pull from in the new Underwater Skill Tree?

I cant seem to find any reference to them

They are inbuilt loot tables.

        Dictionary<string, List<LootItems>> GetUnderwaterLoot()
            Dictionary<string, List<LootItems>> result = new Dictionary<string, List<LootItems>>();

            List<LootItems> items = new List<LootItems>();
            foreach (var item in ItemManager.GetItemDefinitions().Where(x => x.category == ItemCategory.Component))
                items.Add(new LootItems(item.shortname, 1, 3));

            result.Add("assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_underwater_basic.prefab", items);
            result.Add("assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/underwater_labs/crate_normal_2.prefab", items);
            result.Add("assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/underwater_labs/crate_normal.prefab", items);
            foreach (var item in ItemManager.GetItemDefinitions().Where(x => x.category == ItemCategory.Electrical || x.category == ItemCategory.Weapon || x.category == ItemCategory.Attire))
                if (item.category == ItemCategory.Attire || item.category == ItemCategory.Weapon) items.Add(new LootItems(item.shortname, 1, 1));
                else items.Add(new LootItems(item.shortname, 1, 3));
            result.Add("assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_underwater_advanced.prefab", items);
            result.Add("assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/underwater_labs/crate_elite.prefab", items);

            return result;


crate_underwater_basic, underwater crate_normal_2 and underwater crate_normal all have the chance of giving players with the perk who open them (assuming they are the first to open the crate), any component.

crate_underwater_advanced and crate_elite have the same components as the above, in addition to any electrical item, weapon item or attire item.

The reason there is no config for this is due to the sheer size that it would add to the config, including all of these items.


Shark loot simply includes all items in the game

        List<LootItems> GetSharkLoot()
            List<LootItems> loot = new List<LootItems>();
            foreach (var item in ItemManager.GetItemDefinitions())
                loot.Add(new LootItems(item.shortname, 1, item.isWearable ? 1 : item.isHoldable ? 1 : UnityEngine.Random.Range(2, 5)));
            return loot;




29 minutes ago, imthenewguy said:

Have you modified the .cs file at all? o.O

haven't seen those errors appear before, especially since all of those variables are being used.

No, it's not something I would have a clue on where to start. I assumed those errors were nothing though, because everything else works perfectly. That is a compiler log readout from an initial load of the plugin.

I got those errors after doing a fresh install. I downloaded the file again and uploaded it to see if I could fix my issue, unsuccessfully though. I honestly don't know what to do with this, because even with no plugins other than image library and skill tree, I can't get this to work any more 😞 



4 minutes ago, ChristopherS said:

No, it's not something I would have a clue on where to start. I assumed those errors were nothing though, because everything else works perfectly. That is a compiler log readout from an initial load of the plugin.

I got those errors after doing a fresh install. I downloaded the file again and uploaded it to see if I could fix my issue, unsuccessfully though. I honestly don't know what to do with this, because even with no plugins other than image library and skill tree, I can't get this to work any more 😞 

That is really weird. Do you have a test server in addition to your main server that you could test on?
If so, delete all other plugins besides ImageLibrary and a fresh copy of 1.2.0 SKillTree and see if the issue persists there.

Also what item are you gathering?

A video may assist as well, showing your invested skill points, then gathering a hemp plant etc, just so I can see what is going on.



8 minutes ago, imthenewguy said:

That is really weird. Do you have a test server in addition to your main server that you could test on?
If so, delete all other plugins besides ImageLibrary and a fresh copy of 1.2.0 SKillTree and see if the issue persists there.

Also what item are you gathering?

A video may assist as well, showing your invested skill points, then gathering a hemp plant etc, just so I can see what is going on.

Unfortunately no test server. I should be able to get a video for you, but it'll probably be about 15 hours off given the time for me at the minute.

I've tried gathering everything from hemp, berries, stone, metal etc etc. Basically everything you can pick, I've tried.

I honestly really appreciate your time, bouncing ideas while having a conversation is great for keeping me sane while I try to figure what I've done to make this happen.




Sounds good, look forward to it.

One question: are you getting xp when you gather?



15 hours ago, imthenewguy said:

Sounds good, look forward to it.

One question: are you getting xp when you gather?

Hey mate,

No exp is given, no. I'll be feeding my kids, then get to making the video. Hopefully I shouldn't be too long before I can make it.




On 24.8.2022 at 03:48, imthenewguy said:

Solange die {0} {1} {2} {3} usw. bestehen bleiben, können Sie die englischen Wörter beliebig ändern.

Yes they are, do I have to put the translation in the lang de folder or en folder?



Posted (edited)

21 hours ago, imthenewguy said:

Sounds good, look forward to it.

One question: are you getting xp when you gather?

EDIT: Several hours later and the HD copy has processed.

So I've made the video, it's a 5 minutes but the HD is processing so it's unwatchable at only having 360p (it's too pixelated to see anything). In the video I thought out loud about the possibility of the data file being corrupt, but since making that I've also deleted the data file and ran with a default one and it still didn't work so it's not a corrupt data file.

I honestly don't know what to do. Here's the video, but I would give it some time to actually become watchable.

Basically the steps I've taken is:
 - Ran the plugin with nothing but image library going,
 - Re-downloaded the plugin from Codefling and carried out a fresh install,
 - Used the default config, language and data files.


Edited by ChristopherS


7 hours ago, Herrcooles said:

Yes they are, do I have to put the translation in the lang de folder or en folder?


Best to look up a guide for language in oxide. I only add support; have never had to actually use it before.


4 hours ago, ChristopherS said:

EDIT: Several hours later and the HD copy has processed.

So I've made the video, it's a 5 minutes but the HD is processing so it's unwatchable at only having 360p (it's too pixelated to see anything). In the video I thought out loud about the possibility of the data file being corrupt, but since making that I've also deleted the data file and ran with a default one and it still didn't work so it's not a corrupt data file.

I honestly don't know what to do. Here's the video, but I would give it some time to actually become watchable.

Basically the steps I've taken is:
 - Ran the plugin with nothing but image library going,
 - Re-downloaded the plugin from Codefling and carried out a fresh install,
 - Used the default config, language and data files.


This is incredibly odd. Add me on discord and perhaps we can discuss it over voice. im the new guy#0001


  • Like 1


Hi, is there xp points for supply drop? i can't remember if it had before but but when i lot a supply drop, it only gave me 1 point. May i know the name of the crate so i can edit it? thank you ^^



2 hours ago, youronlylight said:

Hi, is there xp points for supply drop? i can't remember if it had before but but when i lot a supply drop, it only gave me 1 point. May i know the name of the crate so i can edit it? thank you ^^

There is not. I will add it for next release though

  • Like 1


16 hours ago, imthenewguy said:

There is not. I will add it for next release though

thank you ^^ 

I have another question, about this "Air_Event_Winner" : 2000 

Is this from the plugin Airfield Event? 




On 8/26/2022 at 2:39 AM, imthenewguy said:

This is incredibly odd. Add me on discord and perhaps we can discuss it over voice. im the new guy#0001

Hey mate,
I've just sent a request on Discord. I also have more news. I've just got a working farm up and running, and guess what... This gives exp and bonus amounts just fine. The only gathering things that aren't working are just the wild spawns.

I'm so confused 😕



In the new version, even without pumping on the server, damage to sharks does not pass, they are immortal) PvE server, I use truepve. Can this be fixed somehow?



Its been added to the next patch. Just waiting for a few more bugs to appear before I release.




10 minutes ago, imthenewguy said:

Его добавили в следующий патч. Просто жду, пока появится еще несколько ошибок, прежде чем я выпущу релиз.





The /Setgenes does not work if you have the Ultimate Skill Botanist, but I also have the original plugin on it Custom Genetics, in Custom Genetics I have already changed the command so that they do not bite each other, 

-When we type /set genes the window opens where we can choose which genes we want but the plant does not change. 

2 Does anyone have a German translation for the plugin, mine doesn't want it, I only get errors and there is no tutorial for it.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)




56 minutes ago, Herrcooles said:

The /Setgenes does not work if you have the Ultimate Skill Botanist, but I also have the original plugin on it Custom Genetics, in Custom Genetics I have already changed the command so that they do not bite each other, 

-When we type /set genes the window opens where we can choose which genes we want but the plant does not change. 

2 Does anyone have a German translation for the plugin, mine doesn't want it, I only get errors and there is no tutorial for it.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


The only reason the genes wouldn't set is if another plugin is setting the genes to something else once deployed (ie the custom genetics plugin). I recommend unloading the other plugin, reloading SkillTree and testing it like that to see if the issue persists.



That's for the updates and great work!!! So excited for wipe. 🥰

Kaptain Krumbles


its not showing a download for this plugin anymore. i cant download the update.



hi, is there an option to hide Admin's skill points from the scoreboard?



6 hours ago, Kaptain Krumbles said:

its not showing a download for this plugin anymore. i cant download the update.

Working fine for me.

1 hour ago, youronlylight said:

hi, is there an option to hide Admin's skill points from the scoreboard?

Unfortunately not. Its XP based.

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