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For some reason the plugin stopped working on my servers... The command /pr is now an unknown command and will not open the menu.

I have updated the servers yesterday  to the latest Rust version (and oxide version).. And since it is the same on all servers I think it is related..

Anyone else has the same problem? Is it just me?

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Hi @Mortis

No problem here for me.
The hard coded "pr" chat command was removed some versions ago, in favour of using whatever is specified in the config under chatCommandAliases.

Have a look in your config file and make sure "pr" is included there. 👍

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I just noticed there was no group created for the title fisherman. I have a player that has top 1 in only that category and he has no title. 

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If you dont use sql database does it just save the stats internally in data folder?

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If the title for that category is blank, or there are no stats recorded against that category, the group won't be created.
Could either of those be the case?

PlayerRanks relies 100% upon local data file.
SQL is completely optional and enabling it/disabling it has no impact on the functionality or workings of the plugin.

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I'm sorry, I don't know what that means.

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that Elo same Rank if player kill 2 players he got #1Elo [username] that on Chat if he Chating he have that next to his name can u do that @Steenamaroo

Edited by xAlloshFN
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On 2/27/2024 at 3:35 PM, Mortis said:

For some reason the plugin stopped working on my servers... The command /pr is now an unknown command and will not open the menu.

I have updated the servers yesterday  to the latest Rust version (and oxide version).. And since it is the same on all servers I think it is related..

Anyone else has the same problem? Is it just me?

I had the same issue. The command /pr didn´t work anymore since last update. Just add the command /pr in your config and everything´s fine.

Edited by MaxxxEdge
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Is there a plugin that works with Player Ranks that will display points next to the players name in the leaderboard and the player with the most points is the top player of the server

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The Top 1 Players and Top 30 players isn't listing anyone under any category. I've check the data folder and every one of my players has their stats recorded.

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Maybe you have all the categories disabled in Top1 and Top30?
You can toggle this via the admin UI.

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On 4/4/2024 at 5:55 AM, Steenamaroo said:

Maybe you have all the categories disabled in Top1 and Top30?
You can toggle this via the admin UI.

Hello! I actually have everything turned 'on' beside edconomics and server rewards for top-1 and top-30. "chat" and "title changes" are turned off as well since I'm not using the titles for the ranks

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Have you given everyone playerranks.excludedfromstats permission by mistake?

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"losttitle": "You have lost the title {0} to {1}."

The variables for this message are swapped. I thought I had seen this mentioned and fixed a long time ago but must have been mistaken. I recently replaced my customized lang file with a freshly generated one from 2.2.7 and it still had the problem.

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I think I fixed that but haven't done a public update since.
If you swap the 1 and the 0 in that lang entry it will serve as a workaround for now.

Thanks for raising it. 👍

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How does this work when a player is top in multiple categories? I only want to display one title, how is it decided or how can the player choose which of their titles to display?

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The player can't decide but you can - every category has a 'ChatPriority' number.
Whichever has the lowest number will be shown.

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On my server, moderators are titled [Moderator].
The doctor on the roll has the title [Dr].

The settings overview for Better Chat is as follows.
Maximum number of titles: 3
[Moderator] priority: 1
[Dr] Priority: 5
[test1] priority: 5

An overview of PlayerRanks settings is below.
Maximum number of titles: 2
[BradleyHitter] Priority: 10
[BradleyKiller] Priority: 10

Moderator and doctor player
When owning PlayerRank's APCkill and hit titles, the player's chat will now look like this:
[Moderator][Dr][BradleyKiller][BradleyHitter]PlayerName chat

The title limit of 3 has been exceeded.
Is it possible to set it within the Better Chat title limit?
It is preferable that it looks like this:
[Moderator][Dr][BradleyKiller]PlayerName chat

Also, when the titles of test1 are obtained after this, the priority order will be as follows, and I hope that the maximum number of titles and priority order are properly maintained.
[Moderator][Dr][test1]PlayerName chat

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I'm not sure I can really help with this, I'm afraid.
I don't know if BetterChat is aware of the difference between PlayerRanks sending one title or many titles.
Certainly from your example it appears BetterChat is processing many as if they are one,
but I don't think it's something I have any control over.

I think you'd have to talk to the BetterChat author to be sure.

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