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I'm still not convinced this is intentional, folks. Oxide update notes suggested they've been trying to fix to allow mixed-case, not prevent it.
Has anyone reported that oxide still isn't handling upper/mixed case perms?

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10 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

I'm still not convinced this is intentional, folks. Oxide update notes suggested they've been trying to fix to allow mixed-case, not prevent it.
Has anyone reported that oxide still isn't handling upper/mixed case perms?

Not sure what you mean about intentional but my point is that they are working fine by command but the plugin that I am writing a response in, PermissionsManager, is not seeing or showing those permissions.

The oxide issue was fixed to my knowledge with an oxide update and I'm not worried about that because permissions that had stopped working were fixed relatively quickly when that was found. My problem is the plugin I've been using to easily navigate them is no longer recognizing them. I'm not worried about oxide until such as a time as they would stop working again due to the mixed case subject.

I can turn them on and off with command but I cannot see them to check on them more easily in PermissionManager. This is a free plugin so I'm not going to lose sleep over it just making sure you understasnd that the plugin isn't showing permissions, has nothing to do with whatever may or may not happen on oxides side.

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11 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

I'm still not convinced this is intentional, folks. Oxide update notes suggested they've been trying to fix to allow mixed-case, not prevent it.
Has anyone reported that oxide still isn't handling upper/mixed case perms?

I have the same experience as Jbird described.  So for example. I have a plugin that registers it's permissions as "XDQuest.use" This plugin's permissions are not showing in PermissionsManager as it did before. However, the permissions do work when assigned manually through commands.  So i can input   "oxide.grant user <STEAM64_ID> XDQuest.use" OR "oxide.grant user <STEAM64_ID> xdquest.use" and both methods will work. 

I brought this up in the UMOD discord and I was told that since the permissions are working/registering with mixed case structure and non-mixed case structures,  that there is nothing that needs to be fixed on the oxide side of things.

However I do find it odd that no changes were made on your end to this plugin to cause the issue, so clearly it's something that they did with oxide that's causing it to suddenly not see these mixed case permissions. 

Is there maybe something that you can adjust on your plugin to detect whatever changes they made with oxide so that it can recognize and list these mixed case permissions again? 

Edited by Zoreeno
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  • Administrator

Makes sense that oxide did about 5 updates to fix permissions case issues but the issue is PermissionsManager which hasn't changed in about 5 years.

Someone fancy giving this a go for me?


Edited by Steenamaroo
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12 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

Someone fancy giving this a go for me?


Looks like  you almost got it. The plugins that were missing from the list are showing up in PermsManager but when you open them up the permissions are not listed.


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Ok, I'll get a look at this tomorrow and get it tidied up.
Thanks for that!

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  • Administrator

@Zoreeno - Actually, this might work.
If it doesn't I'll just leave it until tomorrow when I'm on the test server.



**    EDIT

**    For anyone looking for a quick fix, this seems to do it.
**    I'll update publicly after testing properly tomorrow.





Edited by Steenamaroo
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7 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

@Zoreeno - Actually, this might work.
If it doesn't I'll just leave it until tomorrow when I'm on the test server.

Bingo! You got it. 


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3 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

Hopefully groups aren't messed up too.

I'm just testing via a remote connection from work to my home PC, but at first glance the groups look OK. I was able to assign the admin group the perm and it was showing the "inherited" flag on my user level permissions.  Thanks for patching it up. 

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That's great. Thanks again for all the info.
I'll give it a full run through with exporting/importing tomorrow, before updating, but I think it should be good! 👍
Hope CF server doesn't catch fire with a PermissionsManager update. 😂

Edited by Steenamaroo
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47 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

Makes sense that oxide did about 5 updates to fix permissions case issues but the issue is PermissionsManager which hasn't changed in about 5 years.

Someone fancy giving this a go for me?

PermissionsManager.cs 69.53 kB · 2 downloads

I tried it with atp, and it did not show any permissions with ATP.tp or atp.tp sorry.  My bad, yes the second one is working great.  Good work!

Edited by Mals
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Thanks Mals. I've attached a second one since then. It's looking good! 👍

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2 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

Actually, this might work.
If it doesn't I'll just leave it until tomorrow when I'm on the test server.

Was late on even seeing the 1st one but can confirm the 2nd one you sent had everything popping back up again.
Pretty work Steenamaroo, quick too! Thank you. My OCD appreciates it!

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3 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

Thanks Mals. I've attached a second one since then. It's looking good! 👍

All the permissions are now showing EXCEPT TurretsReborn which has the permission group but no permissions showing at all.

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2 hours ago, pookins said:

All the permissions are now showing EXCEPT TurretsReborn which has the permission group but no permissions showing at all.

Did you try this one?

6 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

He sent it twice. First found groups but wasn't showing permissions.
The one above was showing both again.

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Just dropping a note of thanks!

Had an issue with a different plugin (Shop), joined their discord, they were quick to answer and directed me to update my version of Permissions Manager which fixed me up. They were quick give kudos to the devs of this plugin pointing out how fast an updated was rolled out recently once an issue with permissions not being visible was discovered. 

Sometimes it takes the full community and I appreciate the work you and everyone puts in on these things!

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Does anyone know if running multiple servers if you can copy and paste a file to duplicate permissions from one server to others?
( rather than have to set up all perms and then repeat on each server )  
and if so what is the file you need to copy over?

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  • Administrator

You can do that, although PermissionsManager also has options to export all Perms + Groups to either a local data file, or MySQL.

For a one-off copy/paste @Luuxen's solution is simpler, but if you're likely to want to clone perms or groups between servers fairly regularly, look in to the /perms data menu. 👍

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24 minutes ago, Luuxen said:

These files from the data folder 

Many thanks for lightning reply Luuxen

15 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

You can do that, although PermissionsManager also has options to export all Perms + Groups to either a local data file, or MySQL.

For a one-off copy/paste @Luuxen's solution is simpler, but if you're likely to want to clone perms or groups between servers fairly regularly, look in to the /perms data menu. 👍

Many thanks for quick reply Steenamaroo and for a fantastic invaluable plugin

I must say its fantastic to be part of such an amazing community

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