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Posted (edited)

hi, would love to be able to see the corresponding prefab name of each npc type/group on the Ui npc types panel
for instance:

NPC Types ~ Prefab Names

ScareCrow ~ scarecrow

DungeonScarecrow ~ prefabname (dunno xD)


Edited by andremelo90
Papa Bear


Hello Steenamaroo,

I have a request.  Like we have in BotReSpawn, both Large and Small Oil Rig, can we do that in this plugin.  It will benefit in both making uniforms and kits separate according to the different difficulties of these like, but different monuments.

Also, this would allow to the naming of NPCs for the benefit of our PvE server that uses a plugin that announces what scientist the player killed. (i.e. Large Oil Scientist, Small Oil Scientist) letting other players know that someone is already on this monument. 

Thank you very much for your consideration in this matter.

Papa Bear

  • Administrator


Consider it done. 👍

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Papa Bear


New issue.  I have all my A.I. Bots with BotReSpawn and all my NPC's  set up with NPCKits, showing a "DisplayName" to be announced with Deathnotes and Simple Kill Feed.  Stopped working.  When I go to the NPC, in Vanish (Hitting Reload) I can see  their name is clearly Scientist.  Even though my configs still read the same.  Not sure if the Facepunch update has anything to do with this. 

Can you check this out?  Putting this in BotReSpawn too, so anyone that has that plugin, but not this one can see the issue is being addressed. 

Thank you,

Papa Bear

 "DisplayName": "a Heavy Bradley Guard",

  • Administrator


Thanks for letting me know. I'm aware of this.
It's something I can work around in BotReSpawn if necessary but for NPCKits it would mean a quite a bit of work for every npc type in the game.

I'm hoping FP revert or make a change to accommodate us but who knows.
Keeping an eye on it, thanks! 👍

  • Administrator


Scratch that - Looks like I can patch it fairly easily.
I'll push updates for both soon.
Thanks again.



NPCKits 1.2.5 On Carbon:

*  Failed Plugins (1)  Line   Stacktrace                                               
   NPCKits.cs          62:30  The name 'Assembly' does not exist in the current context


  • Like 1
  • Administrator


Handled in private message.
Will update shortly to address this.

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I noticed that the NPC still drops a gun even if you turn it off or put to zero, its because there is no option to prevent the weapon dropping into the bag that the NPC drops after he is removed. Just need to add extra setting, unless I'm missing something. Also the amount of ammo is still dropped from the kit even if turned off.

Also this is an updated list for the NPC's in the game, I tried to do my best to include all of them, hope this helps:

Dictionary<string, string> names = new Dictionary<string, string>()
            {"oilrig", "OilRig"},
            {"excavator", "Excavator"},
            {"peacekeeper", "CompoundScientist"},
            {"bandit_guard", "BanditTown"},
            {"_ch47_gunner", "MountedScientist"},
            {"junkpile", "JunkPileScientist"},
            {"scarecrow_dungeon", "DungeonScarecrow" },
            {"scarecrow", "ScareCrow"},
            {"military_tunnel", "MilitaryTunnelScientist" },
            {"scientistnpc_roam", "RoamScientist"},
            {"scientistnpc_full_any", "FullAnyScientist"},
            {"scientistnpc_full_mp5", "FullMP5Scientist"},
            {"scientistnpc_full_lr300", "FullLR300Scientist"},
            {"scientistnpc_full_pistol", "FullPistolScientist"},
            {"scientistnpc_full_shotgun", "FullShotgunScientist"},
            {"scientistnpc_full_patrol", "FullPatrolScientist"},
            {"scientist_full", "MilitaryTunnelScientist"},
            {"scientist_turret", "CargoShip"},
            {"scientistnpc_cargo", "CargoShip"},
            {"scientist_astar", "CargoShip"},
            {"scientistnpc_bradley", "APCScientist" },  
            {"scientistnpc_bradley_heavy", "APCHeavyScientist"},
            {"scientistnpc_heavy", "HeavyScientist"},
            {"tunneldweller", "TunnelDweller"},
            {"underwaterdweller" , "UnderwaterDweller"},
            {"trainyard" , "Trainyard"},
            {"airfield" , "Airfield"}, 
            {"scientistnpc_roamtethered", "DesertScientist" },
            {"arctic_research_base", "ArcticResearchBase" },
            {"launch_site", "LaunchSite" },
            {"nuclear_missile_silo", "NuclearMissileSilo" },
            {"scientistnpc_roam_nvg_variant", "RoamNVGVariantScientist" },
            {"gingerbread", "Gingerbread" },
            {"missionprovider_fishing", "MissionProviderOutpost" },
            {"missionprovider_outpost", "MissionProviderFishing" },
            {"missionprovider_stables", "MissionProviderStables" },
            {"missionprovider_bandit", "MissionProviderBandit" },
            {"boat_shopkeeper", "BoatShopkeeper" },
            {"bandit_shopkeeper", "BanditShopkeeper" },
public Dictionary<string, Settings> CorpseTypes = new Dictionary<string, Settings>
                {"Airfield", new Settings()},
                {"ArcticResearchBase", new Settings()},
                {"RoamNVGVariantScientist", new Settings()},
                {"NuclearMissileSilo", new Settings()},
                {"BanditShopkeeper", new Settings()},
                {"BanditTown", new Settings()},
                {"BoatShopkeeper", new Settings()},
                {"CargoShip", new Settings()},
                {"CompoundScientist", new Settings()},
                {"DesertScientist", new Settings()},
                {"DungeonScarecrow", new Settings()},
                {"Excavator", new Settings()},
                {"Gingerbread", new Settings() },
                {"HeavyScientist", new Settings()},
                {"APCHeavyScientist", new Settings()},
                {"JunkPileScientist", new Settings()},
                {"LaunchSite", new Settings()},
                {"APCScientist", new Settings() },
                {"MilitaryTunnelScientist", new Settings()},
                {"MissionProviderBandit", new Settings()},
                {"MissionProviderFishing", new Settings()},
                {"MissionProviderOutpost", new Settings()},
                {"MissionProviderStables", new Settings()},
                {"MountedScientist", new Settings()},
                {"OilRig", new Settings()},
                {"ScareCrow", new Settings()},
                {"RoamScientist", new Settings()},
                {"Scientist", new Settings()},
                {"FullAnyScientist", new Settings()},
                {"FullMP5Scientist", new Settings()},
                {"FullLR300Scientist", new Settings()},
                {"FullPistolScientist", new Settings()},
                {"FullShotgunScientist", new Settings()},
                {"FullPatrolScientist", new Settings()},
                {"Trainyard", new Settings()},
                {"TunnelDweller", new Settings()},
                {"UnderwaterDweller", new Settings()},



Posted (edited)

9 minutes ago, JustANoob said:

I noticed that the NPC still drops a gun even if you turn it off or put to zero, its because there is no option to prevent the weapon dropping into the bag that the NPC drops after he is removed. Just need to add extra setting, unless I'm missing something. Also the amount of ammo is still dropped from the kit even if turned off.

Also this is an updated list for the NPC's in the game, I tried to do my best to include all of them, hope this helps:

Dictionary<string, string> names = new Dictionary<string, string>()
            {"oilrig", "OilRig"},
            {"excavator", "Excavator"},
            {"peacekeeper", "CompoundScientist"},
            {"bandit_guard", "BanditTown"},
            {"_ch47_gunner", "MountedScientist"},
            {"junkpile", "JunkPileScientist"},
            {"scarecrow_dungeon", "DungeonScarecrow" },
            {"scarecrow", "ScareCrow"},
            {"military_tunnel", "MilitaryTunnelScientist" },
            {"scientistnpc_roam", "RoamScientist"},
            {"scientistnpc_full_any", "FullAnyScientist"},
            {"scientistnpc_full_mp5", "FullMP5Scientist"},
            {"scientistnpc_full_lr300", "FullLR300Scientist"},
            {"scientistnpc_full_pistol", "FullPistolScientist"},
            {"scientistnpc_full_shotgun", "FullShotgunScientist"},
            {"scientistnpc_full_patrol", "FullPatrolScientist"},
            {"scientist_full", "MilitaryTunnelScientist"},
            {"scientist_turret", "CargoShip"},
            {"scientistnpc_cargo", "CargoShip"},
            {"scientist_astar", "CargoShip"},
            {"scientistnpc_bradley", "APCScientist" },  
            {"scientistnpc_bradley_heavy", "APCHeavyScientist"},
            {"scientistnpc_heavy", "HeavyScientist"},
            {"tunneldweller", "TunnelDweller"},
            {"underwaterdweller" , "UnderwaterDweller"},
            {"trainyard" , "Trainyard"},
            {"airfield" , "Airfield"}, 
            {"scientistnpc_roamtethered", "DesertScientist" },
            {"arctic_research_base", "ArcticResearchBase" },
            {"launch_site", "LaunchSite" },
            {"nuclear_missile_silo", "NuclearMissileSilo" },
            {"scientistnpc_roam_nvg_variant", "RoamNVGVariantScientist" },
            {"gingerbread", "Gingerbread" },
            {"missionprovider_fishing", "MissionProviderOutpost" },
            {"missionprovider_outpost", "MissionProviderFishing" },
            {"missionprovider_stables", "MissionProviderStables" },
            {"missionprovider_bandit", "MissionProviderBandit" },
            {"boat_shopkeeper", "BoatShopkeeper" },
            {"bandit_shopkeeper", "BanditShopkeeper" },
public Dictionary<string, Settings> CorpseTypes = new Dictionary<string, Settings>
                {"Airfield", new Settings()},
                {"ArcticResearchBase", new Settings()},
                {"RoamNVGVariantScientist", new Settings()},
                {"NuclearMissileSilo", new Settings()},
                {"BanditShopkeeper", new Settings()},
                {"BanditTown", new Settings()},
                {"BoatShopkeeper", new Settings()},
                {"CargoShip", new Settings()},
                {"CompoundScientist", new Settings()},
                {"DesertScientist", new Settings()},
                {"DungeonScarecrow", new Settings()},
                {"Excavator", new Settings()},
                {"Gingerbread", new Settings() },
                {"HeavyScientist", new Settings()},
                {"APCHeavyScientist", new Settings()},
                {"JunkPileScientist", new Settings()},
                {"LaunchSite", new Settings()},
                {"APCScientist", new Settings() },
                {"MilitaryTunnelScientist", new Settings()},
                {"MissionProviderBandit", new Settings()},
                {"MissionProviderFishing", new Settings()},
                {"MissionProviderOutpost", new Settings()},
                {"MissionProviderStables", new Settings()},
                {"MountedScientist", new Settings()},
                {"OilRig", new Settings()},
                {"ScareCrow", new Settings()},
                {"RoamScientist", new Settings()},
                {"Scientist", new Settings()},
                {"FullAnyScientist", new Settings()},
                {"FullMP5Scientist", new Settings()},
                {"FullLR300Scientist", new Settings()},
                {"FullPistolScientist", new Settings()},
                {"FullShotgunScientist", new Settings()},
                {"FullPatrolScientist", new Settings()},
                {"Trainyard", new Settings()},
                {"TunnelDweller", new Settings()},
                {"UnderwaterDweller", new Settings()},


I think this can be taken out now: {"Scientist", new Settings()},

Edited by JustANoob
  • Like 1
  • Administrator


Weapon drop means drop on the ground.
If you set weapon drop chance to zero then the weapon will be in the npc's belt instead.

There are no controls that relate to ammo as the npcs don't need ammo.
Whatever is preloaded into the weapon in the kit is what the npcs will fire, and they'll have infinite free reloads.


I appreciate the info but you'll notice that my categories are by location for user friendliness,
whereas what you've added is by prefab name.

If I was to go by prefab name I'd make the settings automatically update and self populate so all would be covered.

If the prefabs you've listed represent a particular location I'm not aware of, though, please do let me know and I'll add them.

  • Administrator


Also, it's a contains check rather than a match check, so all of your entries beginning with scientistnpc_full are presently handled as MilitaryTunnelScientist.


The "Scientist" entry is removed for the next update. Thanks. 👍

Papa Bear


Not sure if this is happening to anyone else, but NPCKits loads in, but doesn't work (at first) ... so, it shows as loaded in my Admin Menu / Plugins ... but when I try to bring up the UI, it doesn't come up and the NCPs in game are not wearing their assigned kits.  When I type /O.Reload NPCKits into chat, the plugin's UI will now show and the npcs are now affected by this plugin.

I tried to right a script to reload after our restart, but it's not working properly.  So, I came here to see if anyone else is having this problem? 

Thank you

  • Administrator





is there a way to change the amount of NPC's spawning at each monument? 

  • Administrator


Not with this plugin, no. It just allows you to customise the vanilla compliment.

I think some of populations might have convars for control. That might be worth looking into.

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