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BotReSpawn 1.3.6

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  • Administrator


Thanks @Malkizid- Very happy to hear that!

william long


hey mate 
i think you should have a pdf read me for the info of a standard npc then a heavy scientist aswell 


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  • Administrator


It's all there in the UI, although I guess I could include a document too.

There is no standard vs heavy in BotReSpawn - There's just npc.
You customise how they look and what weapons they have via kits, and modify their health and behaviour via the UI options.

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Yup its all in what you make them, you can equip them with bows or M249's , you can choose armour, health, aggro range, speed and weapons,

william long


2 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

It's all there in the UI, although I guess I could include a document too.

There is no standard vs heavy in BotReSpawn - There's just npc.
You customise how they look and what weapons they have via kits, and modify their health and behaviour via the UI options.

i get the above but what im saying is what is default bots so i can make them harder



Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, william long said:

i get the above but what im saying is what is default bots so i can make them harder


the default bots are the ones you assign to a monument without making any changes, go to the /data/BotResPawn/default-DefaultProfiles.json  and look at the unchanged profile(s),

This is mine from the Airdrop one which i dont use

  "Events": {
    "AirDrop": {
      "type": 3,
      "Spawn": {
        "AutoSpawn": false,
        "Radius": 100,
        "BotNames": [],
        "BotNamePrefix": "",
        "Keep_Default_Loadout": false,
        "Kit": [],
        "Day_Time_Spawn_Amount": 5,
        "Night_Time_Spawn_Amount": 0,
        "Announce_Spawn": false,
        "Announcement_Text": "",
        "BotHealth": 100,
        "Scale_NPC_Count_To_Player_Count": false,
        "FrankenStein_Head": 0,
        "FrankenStein_Torso": 0,
        "FrankenStein_Legs": 0
      "Behaviour": {
        "Roam_Range": 40,
        "Aggro_Range": 30,
        "DeAggro_Range": 40,
        "Peace_Keeper": true,
        "Bot_Accuracy_Percent": 50,
        "Bot_Damage_Percent": 50,
        "Running_Speed_Booster": 10,
        "Roam_Pause_Length": 0,
        "AlwaysUseLights": false,
        "Ignore_All_Players": false,
        "Ignore_Sleepers": true,
        "Target_Noobs": false,
        "NPCs_Attack_Animals": false,
        "Friendly_Fire_Safe": false,
        "Melee_DamageScale": 1.0,
        "RangeWeapon_DamageScale": 1.0,
        "Rocket_DamageScale": 1.0,
        "Assist_Sense_Range": 30,
        "Victim_Bleed_Amount_Per_Hit": 1,
        "Victim_Bleed_Amount_Max": 100,
        "Bleed_Amount_Is_Percent_Of_Damage": false,
        "Target_ZombieHorde": 0,
        "Target_HumanNPC": 0,
        "Target_Other_Npcs": 0,
        "Respect_Safe_Zones": true,
        "Faction": 0,
        "SubFaction": 0,
        "Dont_Fire_Beyond_Distance": 0
      "Death": {
        "Spawn_Hackable_Death_Crate_Percent": 0,
        "Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile": "",
        "Death_Crate_LockDuration": 10,
        "Corpse_Duration": 1,
        "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 0,
        "Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 50,
        "Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100,
        "Wipe_Main_Percent": 0,
        "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 100,
        "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 100,
        "Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent": 100,
        "Rust_Loot_Source": "Default NPC",
        "RustRewardsValue": 0.0,
        "XPerienceValue": 0.0
      "Other": {
        "Chute": false,
        "Invincible_Whilst_Chuting": false,
        "SamSite_Safe_Whilst_Chuting": true,
        "Backpack_Duration": 10,
        "Suicide_Timer": 5,
        "Die_Instantly_From_Headshot": false,
        "Require_Two_Headshots": false,
        "Fire_Safe": true,
        "Grenade_Precision_Percent": 50,
        "Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons": [],
        "Disable_Radio": true,
        "Use_Map_Marker": false,
        "Always_Show_Map_Marker": false,
        "MurdererSound": false,
        "Immune_From_Damage_Beyond": 400,
        "Short_Roam_Vision": false,
        "Off_Terrain": false

Edited by pookins
  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

@william longThere isn't really a default, with reference to vanilla, as there's multiple different npc types within vanilla Rust, all with different behaviours, weapons, clothing etc.

BotReSpawn doesn't spawn a vanilla junkpile guy, or heavy scientist, or whatever - Its AI and specs differ from the vanilla npcs and there are behaviour customisations and various difference.

The default settings provided for things like health and aggro/deaggro are just a sort of middle ground, just trying to avoid making any particular setting extreme.

Edited by Steenamaroo
william long


hey mate did you put in the toggle for bots to be able not to get damage from vehicles 

  • Administrator


No, not yet. The last update was just a patch to stay up to date with Facepunch changes at wipe.
I always list all the changes in update notes so you'll see it added, most likely in the next version. 👍

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I have a question about the newly added line "Block Event Here" - is that what I think it means?  Blocking Server Events in the radius around the NPC? 

  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

You can use it to prevent event profiles from taking place in close proximity to some monument/profile
so, for example, you could have npcs spawn when a PatrolHeli is taken down,
but you you could set up your airfield profile to prevent the above, if it takes place near the airfield.

Edited by Steenamaroo
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Evan Mayo


Best plugin i've got, drives my players mad and keeps chat full of deaths notes. Is there any chance of a Turrets do damage true/false for Airdrop on its own as well as normal global true/false setting. My Players can buy Airdrops to throw at their base, using turrets they clear up my Airdrop bots, i would like to stop that. 😉.

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  • Administrator


That's a great idea @Evan Mayo
I'll take a look at that soon. Thanks for the comments!

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i use BotReSpawn together with "Kits 1.2.16" (paid Kits from codefling). How i can prevent to drop loot from this Kits? NPCs should drop vanilla loot.

  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

To ensure that the npcs drop vanilla loot you'd need to make sure that Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent is 100, and Rust_Loot_Source is "Default NPC".
To prevent contents of the main container of the kit being lootable from the npc's corpse you'd set Wipe_Main_Percent to 100.

You can, alternatively, just remove the unwanted items from the kit.

These options are all per-profile and can be found in the UI for any profile under the 'Death' tab.

Edited by Steenamaroo
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7 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

To ensure that the npcs drop vanilla loot you'd need to make sure that Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent is 100, and Rust_Loot_Source is "Default NPC".
To prevent contents of the main container of the kit being lootable from the npc's corpse you'd set Wipe_Main_Percent to 100.

You can, alternatively, just remove the unwanted items from the kit.

These options are all per-profile and can be found in the UI for any profile under the 'Death' tab.

Thank you!

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Papa Bear

Posted (edited)

After discovering I can change the kits of my normal NPCs  through "NPCKits" on Oil, G E and Desert Base ... I added a bit of more excitement by adding some BotReSpawns and with their superior AI, and Protect the Group mentality, and Grenade tossing abilities ... it does keep people their toes. 

I've also dressed up a bot (his name is Matt Damon) and I put him in a gillie suit in the open and edittool some bushes around him.  He's got a 360 Degree Advantage (Set his movements to  "0") and health around 2000.  Hand him a silenced L92 and five rotating spawn points.  Keeping him in Peacekeeper so he only fires when they're firing.  Really mess with the players.

Made a 6K boss, we call Big Daddy ... has a 10% Chance to drop his M249 and he's deadly with F1 Grenades. 

Also set up so Frankenstein's Monsters with the Murderer sound and handed them some smoke grenades. 

Our server wouldn't be the same, with all the the things you can dream up. -

One issue I'm having though, is I used to be able to set my Sniper, Matt Damon up on a tower in Airfield.  Now, he won't spawn unless he's on the ground.  If anyone knows the secret of what I forgot, please let me know.  Otherwise, best plugin, worth the money!


Edited by Papa Bear
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  • Administrator


HI @Papa Bear
Glad to hear you're having fun customising your npcs, between NPCKits and BotReSpawn.

If you're placing a custom spawnpoint up in that tower the npc should spawn exactly where you placed it, as long as there's navmesh up there.
You can check to confirm by using the check navmesh button in the BotReSpawn UI, when you're placing/moving spawnpoints.

If there's no navmesh then you'd have to set the profile for that npc to Stationary : true in order to force him to spawn there.
The tradeoff is that if Stationary : true is required the npc won't be able to navigate around. It'll just stay in that exact spot.



Hello all!

@SteenamarooLove the mod!  Keeps my group of friends engaged in Rust and is an awesome addition... Worth every penny.

I just wanted to throw a question out there. What are some of y'alls favorite setups?  I've been playing around with a handful of settings attempting to balance out NPCs however I am hitting a bit of a scaling issue.  I feel the difficulty is starting to wane as we progress towards mid to late game. 




1 hour ago, Madakushka said:

Hello all!

@SteenamarooLove the mod!  Keeps my group of friends engaged in Rust and is an awesome addition... Worth every penny.

I just wanted to throw a question out there. What are some of y'alls favorite setups?  I've been playing around with a handful of settings attempting to balance out NPCs however I am hitting a bit of a scaling issue.  I feel the difficulty is starting to wane as we progress towards mid to late game. 


You are always going to have that problem as your players improve in their gameply, if you make the bots too many,too fast or too hard to kill it will deter new players from staying on your server (i lost 40% of my regular players) and they dont come back. i make the more valuable monuments harder and the smaller ones reasonably easy, the biome bots vary, from lightly armed nomads , mid armed survivalists to hard to kill snow patrol ,


Posted (edited)


When I add a custom profile in game, finish working with it and reload the profile via the ui, all data is saved.
I then go into the data folder to edit the customprofiles for botnames and announcement text which I do for our Boss NPCs. 
However when I change the values here in the data .json file and save them - they dont load in game.

If I reload the plugin, the old files reload (.ie before I added the botnames and announcement text etc). If I instead save the .json data then  reload the specific custom profile in game they also dont update and the config is overwritten by the in game values, which have no botnames or announcement text.   

What am I doing incorrectly? Is there a waiting period or command I'm missing ?

Edited by Malkizid
  • Administrator


As the moment if you want to make manual edits to the json data files, the plugin needs to be unloaded first.
I was always meant to add a 'reload from file' option to facilitate loading in edits without reloading the whole plugin, but I never got around to it.

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Posted (edited)

15 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

As the moment if you want to make manual edits to the json data files, the plugin needs to be unloaded first.
I was always meant to add a 'reload from file' option to facilitate loading in edits without reloading the whole plugin, but I never got around to it.

No problem, I wasn't sure what was the best way to go about it, as most edits work from the ui and are written I had presumed updating the data while the plugin is loaded would function. Thanks a lot for the reply!

Edited by Malkizid
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Have a question about the Bots for patrol Heli - I have then parachuting down however they blow up in mid air I'm not sure why. Is there something I could be overlooking? 


Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, Stark said:

Have a question about the Bots for patrol Heli - I have then parachuting down however they blow up in mid air I'm not sure why. Is there something I could be overlooking? 

That happened to me a couple of times too, with my Custom Boss bot profiles on occasion. Was equally funny as it was frustrating

Its the suicide timer I believe - iirc, set it above zero and to  a minimum amount of minutes you want those bots not to suicide boom.
Because of your configuration (or the default configuration) some profiles are set to suicide and to explode while doing so, when there are too many active bots.  If this timer is zero, then I think they boom instantly.

Edited by Malkizid
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