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  1. MrIce

    Heli Signals

    You can add as many profiles as you like and config it however you want. Just copy and paste one of the existing profiles in the config and edit it however you want. Job done. Okej but how can I change colour on this "Skin ID of the custom Supply Signal": 2920176024, Thanks for the answer //MrIce
  2. MrIce

    Heli Signals

    Hello ZEODE Is there any possibility to add another heli that you can modify yourself or make one like The Heli Boss like 500k or even more
  3. MrIce

    Heli Signals

    Have u try this Force Helicopter to Return to Player if it Moves Too far Away": true, "Force Helicopter to Return Even if Attacking Other Players": true, "Force Helicopter to Return To Original Called Position Instead Of Player": false, DONT use MINIGUN on them
  4. MrIce

    Heli Signals

    Hello Can I change so player can buy with Scrap here and how or where And I dont have Server Reward on server Purchasing Options": { "Player Buy Command (Chat or F1 Console)": "hsbuy", "Purchasing Currency (ServerRewards|Economics|Custom)": "ServerRewards", "Currency Unit Displayed e.g: RP | $ (Not Used for Custom Currency)": "RP", "Custom Currency": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "SkinID": 0, "Display Name": "Scrap"
  5. MrIce

    Harbor Event

    Hello This is what I get on mine server when the Event is on Do have video on it but to big. When it is going for the continer the bradley go like on the photo back and forward //MrIce
  6. MrIce


    Hello Think this plugin need to be updated, dont working
  7. MrIce


    Hello MACHIN3 I think there is clitch in this plugin, Have 3 player that are in top levels and the plugins was restartde this Thursday 17 nov. I have ask them how them can be so high level fast, Them say them are doing improvements but them are staying still dont doing nothing that I can see


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