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  1. More information about "Crimson Tide Custom Map"


    Crimson Tide Custom Map

    Crimson Tide is a large-sized map designed from the start to be great with cars with special attention given to the roads to add a nice mix of smooth and bumpy parts in the network of interlacing roads. To complement the map there is a rail network and full river system to add even more transport options.
    There are a lot of custom monuments in this map in all shapes and sizes from underwater to underground not to mention the huge lift and cable bridges.
    Size: 4000k
    Features a working surface railway with twin directional lines that runs around the full map and through underground tunnels and over rivers and even down to the subways and with no dead ends its perfect for other plugins like cargo train event also map comes with its own custom work cart and wagon spawning plugin. 
    Yes, you are allowed to edit the map and add stuff etc.
    Custom NPC
    Normal RustEdit Scientist’s have been replaced with my own set of NPC’S from the various factions from the rust world (Normal Scientist, Arctic Scientist, Tunnel Dweller and Underwater Dweller) if you do not like my NPC’s simply don’t install the plug-in and supply your own with any bot plugin you want.
    A special thank you to Steenamaroo for building the plugin for me.
    Rad Town 1 Nuclear Missile Silo Airfield Railway Maintenance Nuclear Submarine  Submarine Base Felling Field The Forth Bridges Deep Water Harbour Bandit Camp Excavator Fishing Village Gas Station Horse Stables Launch Site Lighthouse Military Tunnels Oil Rig Large Oil Rig Small Outpost Powerplant Sphere Tank Supermarket Trainyard Junkyard Underwater Labs Desert Military Base Arctic Research base Ferry Terminal Help And Contact
    If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553
    For help/support my discord group is best: Join Rust Maps By RobJ Discord
  2. More information about "MyF15"



    The MyF15 plugin modifies a standard Rust minicopter into an F15 fighter jet. It spawns the F15 asset on top of the minicopter and keeps it from flying. F15 is not an asset that can normally be kept in place or flown, it does not have collision. Players can use chat commands to spawn or despawn their aircraft, which behaves similarly to noclip movement. Permissions are required to use these commands, ensuring controlled access.
    W,A,S,D up, down, left, right
    SHIFT moves forward(speed can be configured in the cfg - higher speeds make it a bit jankier so be mindfull. The F15 is not meant to be static)
    /f15 - Spawns your personal F15 jet.
    /nof15 - Despawns your F15.
    myf15.spawn - Grants permission to spawn an F15 using the /f15 or /myf15 commands.
    Cooldown Mechanism: Spawning an F15 has a 2-second cooldown to prevent excessive aircraft spawning.
    Automatic Despawn: The F15 automatically despawns when a player disconnects, maintaining server performance and tidiness.
    No Explosion Effects: Fireball and explosion effects are disabled upon destruction, ensuring a smoother experience without visual clutter.
    Immediate Mounting: Players are automatically mounted to their F15 when spawned, making it quick and easy to take off.
    Configurable Settings:
    Spawn Distance: The distance at which the F15 spawns from the player can be adjusted, allowing for customization to fit different gameplay styles.
    Cooldown Duration: The cooldown period for spawning an F15 can be configured to suit server preferences, preventing abuse or enabling faster respawns.
    Speed Multipliers: The speed multiplier for regular flight and sprint-boosted flight can both be adjusted to modify how fast the F15 can travel.
  3. More information about "Vehicle Spawner Plus"


    Vehicle Spawner Plus

    Adds re-spawnable vehicles with command.

    About Vehicle Spawnper Plus

    With this plugin, you can:
    • Define spawn points for different vehicles anywhere in your server's world.
    • Set custom intervals for spawning vehicles, allowing you to control the frequency of vehicle respawns.
    • Specify random interval for spawning vehicles, adding an element of unpredictability to your server's spawnpoints.
    Whether you're looking to establish vehicle spawn zones, simulate dynamic vehicle distribution, or simply enhance the gameplay experience on your Rust server, this plugin gives you the flexibility and control to do so with ease.
    Commands (ONLY ADMIN);
    • /addvehiclespawn <name> <x> <y> <z> <vehicleName> <interval> ► You can create a spawn point with static time and vehicle.
    • /addvehiclespawnr <name> <x> <y> <z> <vehicleName> <intervalMin> <intervalMax> ► You can create a spawn point with random interval.
    • /deletevehiclespawn <name> ► You can delete spawn points with this command.
    • /showvehiclespawns ► Prints out spawn points in f1 console.
    ➡ "<name>" This defines your spawn points name which you can use in /deletevehiclespawn.
    ➡ "<x> <y> <z>" This is positions for vehicles to be spawned you can use console command "client.printpos" to see where you're standing at.
    ➡ "<vehicleName>" You need to use the short name for the item you want to be spawned, available vehicles are "minicopter", "scrapheli", "tugboat", "rowboat", "rhib", "motorbikesolo", "motorbikeduo", "bikesolo", "bikeduo", "subsolo" and "subduo".
    ➡ "<interval>" This defines the respawn time in seconds.
    ➡ "<intervalMin>", "<intervalMax>" you can adjust those values for how much time later the item will be respawned for random time. Ex; 1 10, Item will respawn every 1 to 10 seconds.

     Here is the default config file;
    { "Spawn1": { "Interval": 300.0, "IsRandomInterval": false, "RandomIntervalMax": 180.0, "RandomIntervalMin": 600.0, "SpawnPosition": { "x": 100.0, "y": 10.0, "z": 50.0 }, "VehicleName": "minicopter" }, "Spawn2": { "Interval": 300.0, "IsRandomInterval": true, "RandomIntervalMax": 600.0, "RandomIntervalMin": 180.0, "SpawnPosition": { "x": 100.0, "y": 10.0, "z": 50.0 }, "VehicleName": "scrapheli" } }
  4. More information about "Headphones"



    Looking to add some tunes while you conquer the wasteland? 🎧 The Headphones Plugin is here to elevate your Rust experience! Whether you're grinding for resources, gearing up for a raid, or just chilling in your base, this plugin lets you jam out to your favorite tracks without missing a beat. No more boring downtime—just pure rhythm while you dominate the game. Fire up your headphones, crank up the volume, and turn every Rust session into a full-blown adventure. 🎶🔥
    Create custom audio streams and let your players experience your unique soundtrack 🎵—whether you're giving audio instructions 📢 or simply setting the perfect vibe 🌟. The possibilities are endless, and your imagination is the only limit! 🚀
    How It Works:
    This plugin creates a virtual pair of headphones 🎧 that allow you to play music/audio in-game.
    The headphones won't spawn if you're wearing a hat or any other headgear. 🧢
    You can remove the headphones, and the music will continue playing, allowing you to wear other items on your head.
    /headphone – Spawns the headphones on your head (requires "headphones.use" permission)
    /removeheadphone – Removes your current headphones, disables UI and music 
    Look up to interact 🔄
    Hold E to change stations 🎧
    Stop the music before changing stations, as they don’t change live—press play again to load the new station.
    UI Controls:
    A button will appear in the top-right corner of the screen for easy access:
    Green Play button (▶) – Turns the headphones on
    Red Stop button (■) – Turns the headphones off
    Pro Tip:
    Use the tab button to quickly have mouse access to hit the button to toggle on and off... Takes less than a sec to turn the audio off in case of an emergency...
    Key Features:
    Automatic Position Updates 📍
    Permission System – Control access with the "headphones.use" permission
    Visual Feedback – Displays messages when headphones are turned on/off
    Fully Optimized for the best performance ⚡
  5. More information about "BetterTC"



    Fed up with the need to use multiple addons on my server for functions that players could execute from within the game, and considering the constant increase of new Skins for builds, I found myself dissatisfied with the limited supply of automatic upgrades on the market.
    For this reason, I have reworked the most used TC-related features on my server into a single plugin, which has been enriched with ideas contributed by players and other Rust administrators.
    All this under an attractive graphical interface, inspired by the item store of the game itself.
    Video Update 1.4.0
    Old Video
    It allows players or simply the rest of the Staff to easily see which players are authorized in the locker. Except for the administrators themselves, if you activate it in the config. (I don't think any player needs to know that the admin was authorized in their locker to check something) You can also allow authorizations to be deleted individually.  
    With BetterTC your players will be able to improve their builds to any level of improvement, but they will also be able to choose their favorite Skin (if you enable it) completely free of charge or offering it to the VIPS on your server. Update system: I have added a small system that checks for new skins to automatically add them to the configuration. When you install the plugin for the first time and once you obtain permission from bettertc.admin, you must click on "Check Update" so that it performs an internal check and adds all the skins and options that exist to date.
    Allows your players to upgrade the grade of their bases automatically by obtaining resources directly from the TC. As long as they don't have RaidBlock (if you use NoEscape/RaidBlock plugin of course). You can configure different speed levels and costs depending on the player's permission from the plugin's own settings. That is, you can have players improve a building every 5 seconds for free and VIPs can improve every 2 or 1... Use your imagination! In addition, you can also calculate the cost of materials that will be required to carry out said improvement by clicking on the info button.
    Allows your players to repair their bases automatically by obtaining resources directly from the TC. As long as they don't have RaidBlock (if you use NoEscape of course). Now since version 1.4.0 it will also repair damaged objects such as doors, trapdoors, windows, boxes!
    It allows players to regret upgrading their huge base to metal and not being able to afford it anymore. Of course, it will charge them resources as if they improved it from 0. However, if you do not want to allow downgrade you can disable it from the config.
    Allows your players to place any wallpaper available in the game automatically based on the building type. You will get the closet interior fabric as a placement cost. The skin list is remotely updatable, so if new skins are added they will be added without the need to update the plugin. You will just have to click (as admin) on the check for update button.

    In addition, with BetterTC you can place wallpapers on both sides of the walls, even if they are on the outside of the building, as it includes an option in the configuration to force this placement.

    Give your players the ability to change the appearance of their TC.

    A new configuration option has been added to allow saving items back to the TC.
    "Allow items in TC inventory": { "gunpowder": false, "sulfur": false, "sulfur.ore": false, "explosives": false, "diesel_barrel": false, "cctv.camera": false, "targeting.computer": false }  
    Allows players to disable auto-build buff effects and reduces headaches.However, if you do not want to allow them to disable this, you can disable it from the config.
    The plugin's interface has been programmed so that it maintains its size regardless of the interface scaling settings of each player. It has also been taken into account that perhaps not everyone wants to enable all options for their players. Therefore, the buttons that appear at the top of the TC have been programmed so that if a player does not have permission for a specific function, instead of leaving the space empty, the buttons adapt their position automatically. The player list GUI and construction SKINS have also been prepared with a pagination system if necessary. 90% of the images used in the plugin are loaded directly from the client side, thus optimizing the loading and rendering of the interface and reducing the use of Image Library.  
    bettertc.admin Exclusive for Admin. It allows you to check if there are new skins to add. You will not appear in the list of authorized players if the option in the settings is activated. bettertc.authlist Shows a button at the top of the TC to check which players are authorized. bettertc.deleteauth Allows you to individually revoke an authorized player. You can give this permission to players if you want them to be able to delete individually. bettertc.use It is the basic degree of use found in the configuration. bettertc.vip It is the level of use for advanced that is found in the configuration. Depending on how you configure it, it makes players with this permission improve/repair/change skin faster. Or it simply costs them less resources. bettertc.repair Displays a button on top of the TC to repair the build automatically. bettertc.repair.nocost No explanation needed I think. (USE WITH CAUTION) bettertc.reskin Allows players to change the skin of their build automatically. Imagine one day you upgrade your entire foundation to container and the next day you regret losing FPS and would like to leave it on normal metal. bettertc.reskin.nocost No explanation needed I think. bettertc.updefault Shows players the default upgrade options. Without SKINS. bettertc.upskin Show players upgrade options with SKINS. bettertc.upgrade Permission to evade blocking of all items. bettertc.upgrade.nocost No explanation needed I think. (USE WITH CAUTION) bettertc.wallpaper Allows players to place Wallpaper. bettertc.wallpaper.nocost No explanation needed I think. (USE WITH CAUTION)  
    There are no chat commands. Everything is managed from the TC interface.
    { "Use NoEscape Plugin": true, "Use RaidBlock Plugin": true, "GUI Buttons TC - Color Default": "0.3 0.40 0.3 0.60", "GUI Buttons TC - Color Active": "0.90 0.20 0.20 0.50", "GUI Buttons TC - AnchorMin": "0.71 0.862", "GUI Buttons TC - AnchorMax": "0.947 0.892", "Alert Gametip": true, "Alert Chat": true, "Alert Notify Plugin": false, "Notify: select what notification type to be used": { "error": 0, "info": 0 }, "Color Prefix Chat": "#f74d31", "Show Admin Auth List": false, "Show SteamID Auth List": true, "Upgrade Effect": true, "Reskin Enable": true, "Deployables Repair": true, "Downgrade Enable": true, "Downgrade only Owner Entity Build": false, "Upgrade only Owner Entity Build": false, "Upgrade / Downgrade only Owner and Team": true, "Wallpaper placement Cost (Cloth)": 5, "Wallpaper both sides": true, "Force both sides including external sides": true, "Cooldown Frequency Upgrade (larger number is slower)": { "bettertc.use": 2.0, "bettertc.vip": 1.0 }, "Cooldown Frequency Reskin (larger number is slower)": { "bettertc.use": 2.0, "bettertc.vip": 1.0 }, "Cooldown Frequency Repair (larger number is slower)": { "bettertc.use": 2.0, "bettertc.vip": 1.0 }, "Cooldown Frequency Wallpaper (larger number is slower)": { "bettertc.use": 2.0, "bettertc.vip": 1.0 }, "Cost Modifier for repairs": { "bettertc.use": 1.5, "bettertc.vip": 1.0 }, ... ] }  
    For any problem, doubt, suggestion or assistance do not hesitate to contact me by Discord ninco90#6219
    If you need me to configure everything from scratch, according to your tastes, for your server I can also do it for an additional fee. Although you should be able to configure everything yourself 😊 


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