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  1. More information about "IQDefenderSupply"



    IQDefenderSupply is a plugin for RUST servers that adds new types of airdrops. These airdrops come equipped with additional protection such as armor, drones*, NPCs*, and turrets, providing more complex and engaging interactions in the game!

    An excellent solution for any type of server, whether it's an automated event or a scheduled manual launch!
    The video showcases all types of protection with enabled NPCs* and drone defenses*. The video demonstrates the visual presentation of protected airdrops, their deployment, and player interactions with the protected airdrops!
    You can also review everything in the "Screenshots" section. Feel free to use the video link on your social media and channels as a demonstration of the update and plugin for your players.

    Plugin Installation:
    When you download the resource, you will receive an archive with "plugins" and "data" folders.
    Move the file from "data" to the exact path as in the archive (oxide/data/IQSystem/IQDefenderSupply). This folder contains pre-configured standard positions and will hold your future positions. Move IQDefenderSupply.cs from "plugins" to the exact path as in the archive (oxide/plugins). Note for users who use "Web File Editors" on hosting services: Before moving the files, unpack the archive to a convenient location and then transfer the files from there.

    List of Features:
    Protection and Defense of Airdrops:

    Easy: Features protective walls with an embedded turret. No access card required.
    Medium: Features a fully enclosed dome with grates, with a door secured by an access card.
    The card can be set to a specific level or randomly assigned. No turret is included in the protection.
    Hard: Features a fully enclosed dome similar to the medium level, but includes two defensive turrets.
    NPC and/or Drone Protection:
    Each protection level can be further enhanced with NPCs* and drones* with various settings.
    You can assign different outfits and weapons to NPCs* for each preset, and use custom presets for drones*.
    Customizable number of NPCs* and drones* around the protected airdrop.
    Turret Protection:
    Turrets are used directly from the game and are minimally modified, except for certain details such as: detection radius, accuracy, health level, weapon, and ammunition.
    Turrets have increased damage, so players can destroy them with any weapon. The time to destroy and the amount of ammunition depend on the turrets' health level!

    Preset Configuration:
    The plugin is not limited to three types of protection; you can create an unlimited number of presets using the three protection types.
    You can use any type of protection in different presets with varying defense settings, loot drops, and more.
    Loot Configuration:
    For each preset, you can configure the loot in the protected airdrop. You can adjust the items, drop chances, and their quantities!
    Similarly, you can configure the items dropped by killed NPCs*.
    The plugin features its own randomization system that ensures unique and non-repeating results each time!
    Automatic Start:
    You can use the plugin with automatic start based on a timer!
    It supports chat and GameTip notifications for players.
    Discord Integration:
    The plugin includes integration with Discord!
    You can send beautifully formatted messages with @everyone support to your Discord chat, such as: the airdrop plane has taken off, the plane has dropped the cargo, the protected airdrop was opened by a player, or the protected airdrop was removed.
    Messages are nicely formatted and configurable in the settings.

    G-Map Display:
    The plugin supports displaying each preset on G-Map, with customizable marker color and border settings.

    Drones* - Requires the IQDronePatrol plugin.
    For drone operations and protecting the cargo with drones - an additional plugin is required.
    NPCs* - Requires the NPCSpawn plugin.
    For protecting the cargo with NPCs - an additional plugin is required.

    List of Console and Chat Commands:
    * Administrative rights (ownerID) are required for usage.
    * Commands for setting and editing positions require the administrator to be on the server and execute the command in chat or the F1 console.
    * Items marked with "*" are mandatory arguments.
    * You can specify presets as a list (lite_supply, middle_supply, etc.), or use just one.
    iqds send.supply NamePos PresetName - send a plane to drop cargo at the specified position. iqds setup.pos NamePos* PresetName (Example: iqds setup.pos myPosName lite_supply,middle_supply) - set a position linked to a monument. iqds custom.pos NamePos* PresetName (Example: iqds custom.pos myPosName lite_supply,middle_supply) - set a custom position. iqds remove.pos NamePos* - remove a position. iqds edit.pos NamePos* PresetName (Example: iqds edit.pos myPosName lite_supply,middle_supply) - edit the coordinates of an existing monument-linked position. iqds edit.custom NamePos* (Example: iqds edit.custom myPosName lite_supply,middle_supply) - edit the coordinates of an existing custom position. iqds info.custom.pos - display all custom positions. iqds info.monument.pos - display all monument-linked positions. iqds info.all.pos - display all positions.
    API :
    Boolean IsValidTurret(UInt64 ownerID) // Returns true if it is a plugin turret Boolean IsValidSupplyDrop(UInt64 ownerID) // Returns true if it is a plugin drop List<String> GetAllPresetsKeys() // Returns a list of all preset keys from the configuration List<String> GetAllPositionsKeys() // Returns all position keys for drop locations List<String> GetParentPositionsKeys() // Returns all position keys for drop locations linked to monuments List<String> GetCustomPositionsKeys() // Returns all position keys for drop locations not linked to monuments void SendCargo() // Sends protected cargo to a random position with a random key void SendCargo(String keyPreset) // Sends protected cargo to a random position with the specified preset key void SendCargo(String keyPreset, String keyPosition) // Sends protected cargo to the specified position key with the specified preset key
    Configuration example :
    { "Auto event settings for protected cargo plane launch": { "Use automatic launch of planes with protected cargo (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Preset list settings for automatic launch [Preset] = Chance (From 0 to 100)": { "lite_supply": 80, "middle_supply": 45, "hard_supply": 10 }, "How often the protected drop will be launched automatically (specify the time in seconds)": 3600 }, "Other settings": { "Time after which protected cargo will be removed after being fully looted": 180, "When will the protected loot be removed if players do not loot it": 1800, "Notification settings from the plugin": { "IQChat: Notification format settings": { "IQChat : Custom prefix in chat": "<color=#CD412B>[IQDefenderSupply]</color> ", "IQChat : Custom chat avatar (If required)": "0" }, "Use GameTip notification for cargo plane takeoff": true, "Use chat notification for cargo plane takeoff": true, "Use chat notification for dropped protected cargo": true, "Use chat notification when player starts looting protected cargo": true }, "Automatically clear custom drop positions on map change/server wipe (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Discord notification settings. [MessageType (CargoSpawned - Plane departure, SupplyDropped - Supply drop, SupplyDestroyed - Supply removed, SupplyOpened - Supply opened)] = Setting": { "CargoSpawned": { "WebHook (leave empty to not use this type of notification)": "", "Title": "Cargo plane launched", "Description": "A plane has launched to your island, carrying a special cargo of scientists with special protection!", "Color (Embed discord format)": 9824766, "Footer text": "", "Author name": "Scientist records intercepted", "Author avatar (use direct .png link)": "https://i.ibb.co/RjyHCbs/air-plane-New.png", "Thumbnail avatar (use direct .png link)": "https://i.ibb.co/RjyHCbs/air-plane-New.png", "Message above embed (e.g., @everyone)": "@everyone" }, "SupplyDropped": { "WebHook (leave empty to not use this type of notification)": "", "Title": "Supply dropped", "Description": "Protected cargo has been dropped on your island. You can seize it! If you can...", "Color (Embed discord format)": 9830049, "Footer text": "", "Author name": "Scientist records intercepted", "Author avatar (use direct .png link)": "https://i.ibb.co/GM1hf85/supply.png", "Thumbnail avatar (use direct .png link)": "https://i.ibb.co/GM1hf85/supply.png", "Message above embed (e.g., @everyone)": "" }, "SupplyOpened": { "WebHook (leave empty to not use this type of notification)": "", "Title": "Protected cargo opened", "Description": "Protected cargo has started being looted!", "Color (Embed discord format)": 16709013, "Footer text": "", "Author name": "Scientist records intercepted", "Author avatar (use direct .png link)": "https://i.ibb.co/GM1hf85/supply.png", "Thumbnail avatar (use direct .png link)": "https://i.ibb.co/GM1hf85/supply.png", "Message above embed (e.g., @everyone)": "" }, "SupplyDestroyed": { "WebHook (leave empty to not use this type of notification)": "", "Title": "Protected cargo removed", "Description": "Protected cargo has been completely looted!", "Color (Embed discord format)": 16684437, "Footer text": "", "Author name": "Scientist records intercepted", "Author avatar (use direct .png link)": "https://i.ibb.co/GM1hf85/supply.png", "Thumbnail avatar (use direct .png link)": "https://i.ibb.co/GM1hf85/supply.png", "Message above embed (e.g., @everyone)": "" } } }, "Protected cargo presets settings": { "lite_supply": { "Drop protection settings": { "Drop protection level: 0 - Easy, 1 - Medium, 2 - Hard": 0, "Drop protection settings with access card (for defender levels `Medium` and `Hard`)": { "Use access cards for drop (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Use random access card for drop": false, "Required access card: 1 - Green, 2 - Blue, 3 - Red": 0 }, "G-Map marker display settings": { "Display marker with protected cargo on the map (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Main marker color": "#738D45", "Outline marker color": "#C26D33", "Marker radius on the map": 0.25 }, "Additional settings": { "IQDronePatrol: Drone protection settings for the drop": { "Use defender drones in this preset": false, "Number of drones spawned to protect the drop": { "Minimum quantity": 3, "Maximum quantity": 6 }, "Number of drones that can attack one player simultaneously": 2, "Drone preset settings and selection chance [PresetFromConfig] = Chance": { "LITE_DRONE": 100 } }, "NPCSpawn: NPC protection settings for the drop": { "Use NPCSpawn in this preset": false, "Number of NPCs to spawn near the drop": { "Minimum quantity": 6, "Maximum quantity": 6 }, "Bot settings": { "Bot health": 150.0, "Damage multiplier": 1.25, "Aim cone multiplier": 1.0, "Running speed": 7.0, "NPC clothing": [ { "Shortname": "roadsign.jacket", "SkinID": 2991830202, "Mods weapon": [] }, { "Shortname": "coffeecan.helmet", "SkinID": 2991835101, "Mods weapon": [] }, { "Shortname": "roadsign.kilt", "SkinID": 2991832819, "Mods weapon": [] }, { "Shortname": "hoodie", "SkinID": 2936196960, "Mods weapon": [] }, { "Shortname": "pants", "SkinID": 2936196259, "Mods weapon": [] }, { "Shortname": "shoes.boots", "SkinID": 2980941295, "Mods weapon": [] } ], "NPC weapon variation": [ { "Shortname": "smg.mp5", "SkinID": 2873774818, "Mods weapon": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight" ] } ], "Drop loot settings from NPC": { "Use custom loot list (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Maximum loot drops": 3, "List of loot drops": [ { "Drop chance": 1, "Shortname": "smg.mp5", "SkinID": 2873774818, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 52, "Shortname": "ammo.pistol", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 15, "Maximum quantity": 60 } }, { "Drop chance": 12, "Shortname": "metalpipe", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 3, "Maximum quantity": 5 } }, { "Drop chance": 10, "Shortname": "sheetmetal", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 3 } }, { "Drop chance": 10, "Shortname": "metalspring", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 5 } }, { "Drop chance": 10, "Shortname": "sparkplug3", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 20, "Shortname": "smgbody", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 35, "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 3 } }, { "Drop chance": 15, "Shortname": "largemedkit", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 50, "Shortname": "bandage", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 3 } }, { "Drop chance": 8, "Shortname": "pickaxe", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 5, "Shortname": "knife.combat", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 20, "Shortname": "weapon.mod.simplesight", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 15, "Shortname": "weapon.mod.silencer", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 15, "Shortname": "roadsign.gloves", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 10, "Shortname": "roadsign.kilt", "SkinID": 2991832819, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 20, "Shortname": "grenade.beancan", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 25, "Shortname": "grenade.flashbang", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 25, "Shortname": "grenade.f1", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 30, "Shortname": "grenade.molotov", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } } ] } } } } }, "Turret settings for protected drop": { "Will loot drop from the turret upon destruction? (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Turret mode: true - passive / false - active": false, "Enemy detection radius (according to the standard - 30.0)": 40.0, "Turret accuracy (aimCone) (default 4)": 4.0, "Turret health level (default 1000)": 1000, "Turret weapon configuration": { "Turret weapon": { "shortname": "smg.thompson", "skinID": 0 }, "List of weapon mods in turret": [ { "shortname": "weapon.mod.silencer", "skinID": 0 } ], "List of ammo in turret": [ { "shortname": "ammo.pistol.fire", "amount": 150 }, { "shortname": "ammo.pistol.hv", "amount": 150 } ] } }, "Custom loot settings in drop": { "Use custom loot list (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Maximum loot drops": 8, "List of loot drops": [ { "Drop chance": 30, "Shortname": "keycard_green", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 86, "Shortname": "ammo.pistol", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 25, "Maximum quantity": 93 } }, { "Drop chance": 63, "Shortname": "ammo.shotgun", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 12, "Maximum quantity": 42 } }, { "Drop chance": 53, "Shortname": "ammo.rifle", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 25, "Maximum quantity": 128 } }, { "Drop chance": 33, "Shortname": "metal.refined", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 42, "Maximum quantity": 100 } }, { "Drop chance": 73, "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 700, "Maximum quantity": 3000 } }, { "Drop chance": 33, "Shortname": "scrap", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 169, "Maximum quantity": 320 } }, { "Drop chance": 25, "Shortname": "hoodie", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 20, "Shortname": "roadsign.kilt", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 5, "Shortname": "metal.facemask", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 20, "Shortname": "pants", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 3, "Shortname": "metal.plate.torso", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 20, "Shortname": "coffeecan.helmet", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 21, "Shortname": "roadsign.jacket", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 20, "Shortname": "bucket.helmet", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 20, "Shortname": "jackhammer", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 10, "Shortname": "explosive.timed", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 8, "Shortname": "supply.signal", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 4, "Shortname": "military flamethrower", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 13, "Shortname": "smg.mp5", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 12, "Shortname": "pistol.m92", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 2, "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 11, "Shortname": "rifle.m39", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 15, "Shortname": "pistol.prototype17", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 29, "Shortname": "grenade.f1", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 3 } }, { "Drop chance": 35, "Shortname": "explosive.satchel", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 2, "Maximum quantity": 2 } }, { "Drop chance": 25, "Shortname": "smg.thompson", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 25, "Shortname": "smg.2", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 25, "Shortname": "rifle.semiauto", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } }, { "Drop chance": 12, "Shortname": "shotgun.spas12", "SkinID": 0, "Drop quantity setting": { "Minimum quantity": 1, "Maximum quantity": 1 } } ] } }, } }  
  2. More information about "XWaterSleepingBag"



    Deploy floating sleeping bags with customizable settings like distance from land, movement, and wave effects, giving you total control over placement. Breaks on collision with boats or cargo ships, and can be picked up with a hammer. Reskin restrictions and cooldown settings keep things balanced, while multilingual support ensures accessibility. Be careful—if the sleeping bag rolls over, you won’t be able to respawn on it!
    Key Features
    There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. Ability to disallow sleeping bag reskinning. Ability to customize the maximum distance from land. Ability to disable drifting towards the island. Ability to disable movement. [ Sleeping bag will always stay in the same place. ] Ability to disable the effect of waves. Ability to set CoolDown to default. [ CoolDown settings by permissions. ]. The sleeping bag breaks down in a collision boat/cargo ship. A water sleeping bag is subject to the limit of regular sleeping bags. The water sleeping bag can be picked up with a hammer. A water sleeping bag can be broken in any number of ways. If the sleeping bag rolls over, you cannot respawn on it.  
    xwatersleepingbag.use - allow a sleeping bag to be placed. xwatersleepingbag.admin - allow a player(administrator) to use the command to give sleeping bags.
    give_wsb steamID amount - to give a water sleeping bag to a player.
    bool IsCustomWI(WaterInflatable mountable) - check if the board is part of the water sleeping bag. bool IsWSB(SleepingBag bag) - check if the sleeping bag is a - water sleeping bag.
    { "General settings": { "Item: Water sleeping bag - SkinID": ?, "Item: Custom name": "Water sleeping bag", "Default sleeping bag - SkinID": ?, "Allow sleeping bag reskin": false, "Distance to the edge of the map. The sleeping bag cannot be placed far from the land. [ The default value is 0, which is the edge of the map. Set any value to increase or decrease the distance to land. (100.0 or -100.0) ]": 0.0, "Enable drift towards island": false, "Enable movement": false, "Enable wave effect": true, "Default CD": 300.0, "List of permits and CD for water sleeping bag": { "xwatersleepingbag.cd90": 90.0, "xwatersleepingbag.cd150": 150.0, "xwatersleepingbag.cd210": 210.0 } } }
  3. More information about "ObjectLimiter"



    ObjectLimiter is a plugin for the game Rust designed to limit the number of objects a player can build on the server. The plugin provides a convenient and intuitive interface (UI) that allows the server administrator to set individual limits for different user groups.
    Main features of the plugin:
    Limit Settings: The administrator can set the maximum number of each type of object that a player can place on the map. Limits can be configured for all players (Default group) as well as for specific groups like VIP and Admin. Flexible Privilege System: The plugin allows you to create new privilege groups and copy settings from existing groups for easier configuration. The ability to set different limits for each group enables a diverse gameplay experience for different categories of players. Object Management: The plugin's interface allows easy enabling or disabling of restrictions on specific objects. The option to quickly enable or disable all objects for a specific user group. Optimization: ObjectLimiter is highly optimized, allowing the plugin to run without significant load on the server. This ensures stable performance even on servers with a large number of players and objects. Team limits support: Plugin contains implementation for some clans plugins and rust teams  

    *build 51 twig foundation
    server fps limit = 30
    PC spec: i5 11400f, 32gb ddr4 ram
    /ol - open main ui(requires permission objectlimiter.admin
    This plugin is ideal for administrators who want to control construction on their server, ensuring balance and preventing the excessive use of certain objects.
  4. More information about "Stranded cargoship"


    Stranded cargoship

    An old, stranded version of the cargoship.
    This monument is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates!

    2 versions are included, one that can be placed on the shore, and one that can be placed as an addon to the ferry terminal, like I've done on my cresis map / or anywhere on the ocean. Contains loot, recycler, a blue keycard puzzle (you can edit this) This monument offers great performance, as it doesn't have the massive amount of lights that the original cargo ship has. NOTES
    – If you need support, I’m most active on my discord server @ discord.gg/TJxwpKT2Ge
    – You can edit the monument.
  5. More information about "GameTipBroadcast"



    GameTipBroadcast is a simple plugin that will broadcast all SERVER global.say chat messages as GameTips with a configurable style & duration; additional option to hide GIVE notices included.
    NOTE: Will not work with BetterSay or other SERVER SAY plugins.
    Example Console Usage: global.say This is a GameTip notification!
    Join my Discord for support and updates: https://discord.gg/teSffnDQ7N
    Default Config
    { "GameTip Duration": 10.0, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "Hide GIVE Notices": true, "Hide KICKING Notices": true, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 } }  



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