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Version 1.2.9
This plugin will allow players to visit the depths of the ocean to discover 3 new locations included in this plugin: a Sunken Cargo Ship, Submerged Ore Farm, and a Shipwrecked Barge. In the wreckage you will find a high concentration of loot. Just be careful! The COBALT group has already arrived and is exploring the site. They have submarines and divers already in the water! Patrol Submarines Subs do a LOT of damage, but they have low visibility and low accuracy. Very unreliable at Titanic depths. Subs are a serious threat if you arrive in a submarine yourself. Try to sneak up behind them and destroy them, you don't want to be the one to sink, trust me! Cobalt NPC Divers High accuracy, but not much armor and don't pack a huge punch. Almost harmless if you arrive in a submarine, but they are still a threat! Keep your eyes on these guys, it might just be you or them! Killer Sharks These sharks have smelled all the blood in the water, after being drawn to the area already by all of the disturbance. They are here, they are mad, and they are bloodthirsty and hungry! The plugin includes 3 locations: Shipwrecked Cargo Ship There are three rooms in the Sunken Cargo Ship location that are opened with a keycard. The map type can be selected within the configuration file. Sunken Barge A great place to find some Shipping Containers, as well as Killer Sharks! The Cobalt group has been busy in this area, they must have taken this Barge down recently as well. Submerged Ore Farm An ore rich location with multiple farmable ore nodes, as well as some other scattered loot including fuel barrels. Chat commands (only for administrators) /shipwreckstart – launches the event in a random configuration /shipwreckstart <shipwreckstart> – launches the event in the <eventPresetName> configuration /shipwreckstartmyloc – launches the event in a random configuration in your location /shipwreckstartmyloc<shipwreckstart> – launches the event in the <eventPresetName> configuration in your location /shipwreckstop – stops the event /screatepath– starts recording the route for the npc/shark/sub /ssavepath <npc/shark/subPresetName> – saves route for npcs/sharks/sub /scancelpath – cancels route recording Console commands (RCON only) shipwreckstart – launches the event in a random configuration shipwreckstart <shipwreckstart> – launches the event in the <eventPresetName> configuration shipwreckstop – stops the event Config plugin_en – example of plugin configuration in English location_en – example of location configuration in English plugin_ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian location_ru – example of location configuration in Russian Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify DiscordMessages AlphaLoot CustomLoot Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Hooks void OnShipwreckStart() void OnShipwreckStop() My Discord: adem9554 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$34.99 -
Version 2.2.0
A new event includes a lot of game mechanics Description The event starts with a warning in the chat: a submarine will soon be passed near the island. A submarine will appear on the water when the time is up. There are 4 floors in the submarine. 2 floors are over the water and 2 floors are under the water. It is possible to get into the submarine on absolutely any transport. There are 4 outside entrances, 4 underwater entrances, and 2 submarine entrances (added in the Underwater Update). There are about 50 NPCs outside the boat and two upper floors. There are about 120 crates of items, rooms with blue and red doors, locked crates, recyclers, workbenches in the submarine (it is possible to set up in the configuration). There are also 4 cameras on the submarine that you can connect to (Submarine1, Submarine2, Submarine3, Submarine4). The number and location of all NPCs and crates can be changed in the plugin configuration. It is also possible to change the dropdown items in them. It is necessary to blow up the doors on the submarine with explosives to get to the crates (it is possible to set up the amount of damage to the doors in the configuration). When an event appears, a marker will display on the map (configurable in the configuration file). It is possible to set up in the configuration the PVP zone for those who use the TruePVE plugin. A timer with a countdown to the Event end and the number of crates and NPCs will display for all players in the Event zone. The conditions for the completing event are the end of the timer or the end of the loot crates. The submarine will disappear at the end of the event. It is possible to set up an automatic event appear on the map. All timers can be set up in the configuration. It is possible to lower the FPS on the server due to the large number of entities during the submarine appearance or the end of the event! Dependencies Required NpcSpawn Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits Chat commands (only for administrators) /waterstart - start the event /waterstop - end the event /waterpos - determining the position and rotation coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates.It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the submarine is read) Console commands (RCON only) waterstart - start the event waterstop - end the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnWaterEventStart(HashSet<BaseEntity> entities, Vector3 position, float radius) – called when the event starts void OnWaterEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnWaterEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here! The submarine is designed by Jtedal$40.00 -
Version 1.2.3
This plugin does not have its own functionality This plugin is only used as an API for other plugins Creates a configurable PVE mode out of compatible events and plugins Supported Plugins AirEvent HarborEvent WaterEvent Satellite Dish Event Power Plant Event JunkyardEvent Defendable Bases BossMonster BetterNpc Convoy API void EventAddPveMode(string shortname, JObject configJson, Vector3 position, float radius, HashSet<uint> crates, HashSet<uint> scientists, HashSet<uint> tanks, HashSet<ulong> owners, BasePlayer owner) Creates a PVE event mode shortname – name of event configJson – PVE mode configuration (more details below in the description) position – event position on the map radius – radius of the event zone crates – list of all event crates (including locked crates) scientists – list of all NPCs active during event tanks – list of all Bradley events owners – list of all event owners (this parameter is necessary if you need to create an event zone several times) owner – event owner (this parameter is required if you need to run an event with the owner) void EventRemovePveMode(string shortname, bool addCooldownOwners) Removes PVE mode for the event shortname – name of event addCooldownOwners – should there be a cooldown for all event owners if this parameter is active in the PVE mode configuration? (this parameter is necessary if you need to create an event zone several times and issue a cooldown only in the last iteration) void EventAddCrates(string shortname, HashSet<uint> crates) Adds crates to the event if active in PVE mode shortname – name of event crates – list of event crates to be added (including locked crates) void EventAddScientists(string shortname, HashSet<uint> scientists) Adds NPCs to the event if active in PVE mode shortname – name of event scientists – list of added event NPCs to be added void EventAddTanks(string shortname, HashSet<uint> tanks) Adds Bradley to the event if active in PVE mode shortname – name of event tanks – list of added Bradleys event to be added HashSet<ulong> GetEventOwners(string shortname) Returns a list of SteamID for all of the Event Owners during the operation of an event shortname – name of event ulong GetEventOwner(string shortname) Returns the SteamID of the current Event Owner (if there is no Event Owner, it returns 0) shortname – name of event void SetEventOwner(string shortname, ulong owner) Sets the current Event Owner shortname – name of event owner – SteamID of the player HashSet<string> GetEventsPlayer(ulong id) Returns a list of event zones where the player is located id - SteamID of the player Dictionary<string, double> GetTimesPlayer(ulong id) Returns a list of events and the time when the player participated in the event the last time id - SteamID of the player PVE Mode Configuration float Damage – The amount of damage that the player has to do to become the Event Owner HashSet<ScaleDamageConfig> ScaleDamage – Damage coefficients for calculation to become the Event Owner bool LootCrate – Can other players and teams loot the crates if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool HackCrate – Can other players and teams hack locked crates if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool LootNpc – Can other players and teams loot NPC corpses if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool DamageNpc – Can other players and teams deal damage to the NPC if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool DamageTank – Can other players and teams do damage to Bradley if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool TargetNpc – Can an Npc attack other players and teams if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool TargetTank – Can Bradley attack other players and teams if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool CanEnter – Allow other players and teams to enter the Event Zone if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool CanEnterCooldownPlayer – Allow a player who has an active cooldown as the Event Owner to enter the event zone? [true/false] int TimeExitOwner – The time that the Event Owner can leave the Event Zone and retain title [sec.] int AlertTime – The Warning time until Event Owner status will end [sec.] bool RestoreUponDeath – Prevent RestoreUponDeath plugin from functioning in the Event Zone? (Player will drop gun and inventory when in Event Zone) [true/false] double CooldownOwner – Cooldown timer for Event Owner until they can achieve the title again, after the end of an event where the player was its owner [sec.] int Darkening – Darkening of the dome (0 – disables the dome) Example: JObject config = new JObject { ["Damage"] = 500f, ["ScaleDamage"] = new JArray { new JObject { ["Type"] = "NPC", ["Scale"] = 1f }, new JObject { ["Type"] = "Bradley", ["Scale"] = 2f } }, ["LootCrate"] = false, ["HackCrate"] = false, ["LootNpc"] = false, ["DamageNpc"] = false, ["DamageTank"] = false, ["TargetNpc"] = false, ["TargetTank"] = false, ["CanEnter"] = false, ["CanEnterCooldownPlayer"] = true, ["TimeExitOwner"] = 300, ["AlertTime"] = 60, ["RestoreUponDeath"] = true, ["CooldownOwner"] = 86400, ["Darkening"] = 12 }; Chat commands EventsTime - shows the player a list of how much time has passed since participating in the event the last time Console commands (RCON only) ClearTimePveMode {steamid} - clears the list of the time when the player with SteamID ({steamid}) participated in the event the last time My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$15.00 -
Version 1.0.1
The Magic Water Panel plugin is an extension for the Magic Panel plugin. Indicates if the Water event is active and will change the color of the Water icon when the event is active and will disappear when the event is over! (Addon for Magic Panel) Information: Magic Water Panel does not work without the 2 plugins "Magic Panel and Water Event", so we ask you to install them first! #Configuration The settings and options can be configured in the MagicWaterPanel file under the config directory. The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. { "Active Color": "#00FF00FF", "Inactive Color": "#FFFFFF1A", "Panel Settings": { "Dock": "center", "Width": 0.02, "Order": 1, "BackgroundColor": "#FFF2DF08" }, "Panel Layout": { "Image": { "Url": "", "Enabled": true, "Color": "#66666666", "Order": 0, "Width": 1.0, "Padding": { "Left": 0.1, "Right": 0.1, "Top": 0.05, "Bottom": 0.05 } } } } #Credits Thanks to MJSU for the Magic Panel plugin. We reworked one of the plugin extensions so that MagicPanel now also supports the Water Event plugin.Free