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  1. SiCkNeSs

    Admin Video

    Version 1.0.7


    Want to troll cheaters you have on your server? Maybe you have taken a clip of them cheating, or want to rick roll them. Maybe you want to show an advertisement to your players? Then this is the plugin for you! A friend had wanted to know how he could send a video to play on a cheaters screen, because this person was streaming while cheating, and he had clipped it. This plugin integrates with Rust's built in "client.playvideo" command, but with the added benefit of being able to just supply a Youtube URL, or a Twitch URL. The integration with the Twitch and Youtube API is offloaded onto my web server, to minimize outside web calls, and to minimize load on your server. WARNING! Be careful of the length of the video that you add! Player will have NO input, will NOT be able to F1 kill, or even log out of server until the video is completed! They will need to ALT+F4 if they want to leave before video finishes. Known Issues: Video “could” be closed by a player if they know the client commands and send a video to themselves thinking of implementing a “close” button that you can enable on ads etc to allow the user to close the video Any comments, concerns, questions, or suggestions are greatly appreciated To show video on first join of wipe: Config set both Show a welcome video, Show welcome video ONLY on first join of the wipe to true. Make sure to delete the file "data/AdminVideo.json" each wipe "Show a welcome video": true, "Show welcome video ONLY on first join of the wipe": true, "Welcome Video URL": "https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hT5BqdjT1Hs", Links Supported: Direct .mp4 link - eg. https://archive.org/download/rick-roll/Rick Roll.mp4 Youtube Video Link - eg. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvQkif96CTg - Currently fixing due to an api change Youtube Shorts Link - eg. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8sTHiZI_tus - Currently fixing due to an api change Twitch Clip Link - eg. https://www.twitch.tv/camomo_10/clip/NastySleepyCockroachFutureMan-ihrWpONnkxv4ayv4 Command works from both ingame console, and RCON console. Safety Checks: Commands with safety checks will only send video if the player is: In a SafeZone AND not mounted (such as on a mini) OR TC Authorized and INSIDE AND not mounted (such as on a mini) AND Has not been in combat for at least 20 seconds These are to limit the possibility of players being killed while frozen and unable to move. Additional safety checks can be added if needed Command format: Send a forced video to a player (no safety checks, perfect for forcing on cheaters): adminvideo {steam_id|displayname} {url|shortname} Send a video to all players (has some safe checks): adminvideo all {url|shortname} Send a video to all players (has NO safe checks): adminvideo allunsafe {url|shortname} Send an ad video to a player (has some safe checks): adminvideo ad {steam_id|displayname} {url|shortname} Send an ad video to all players (has some safe checks): adminvideo ad all {url|shortname} Add a video shortname into the config: adminsavevideo add {shortname} {url} Remove a video shortname from the config: adminsavevideo remove {shortname} eg. Send video to specified steamID (no safety checks) adminvideo 123456789 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8sTHiZI_tus Send video to player name (no safety checks) adminvideo sickness https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8sTHiZI_tus Send RickRoll video to player name based on saved shortname adminvideo sickness rickroll Send RickRoll video to all online players based on saved shortname (has safety checks) adminvideo all rickroll Send ad video to specific player (has safety checks) adminvideo ad sickness https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8sTHiZI_tus Send ad video to all online players (has safety checks) adminvideo ad all https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8sTHiZI_tus Add a video shortname into the config: adminsavevideo add boom https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8sTHiZI_tus Remove a video shortname from the config: adminsavevideo remove boom Permissions: adminvideo.use - to be able to issue videos to players adminvideo.admin - allows you to use the shortname creation command adminvideo.adbypass - allows you to bypass "ad" videos Default Config: { "Admin Bypass Ads/Welcome": false, "Show a welcome video": false, "Show welcome video ONLY on first join of the wipe": false, "Welcome Video URL": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScMzIvxBSi4", "ShortNameVideos": { "rickroll": "https://archive.org/download/rick-roll/Rick Roll.mp4" } } (Note: Video player auto resizes to fit the content aspect ratio) Shoutout to @ELF for the original idea and for some live testing NOTICE: The backend API for converting youtube/twitch videos, is to be used by the Admin Video Plugin. Using it for any other purposes, eg. integrating into a bot, or integrating it into another plugin, without express consent/permission from SiCkNeSs, can result in blocking of access to the IP address's/services that are integrating it, with no notice, or refund.
  2. Version 1.0.2


    Troll those cheaters in style with the Rocket Man ! After exploding up in the sky their loot will drop all over the place, just like a Piñata. Use the chat command /troll.rocketman <player> or the rcon command troll.rocketman <player>. The player argument will accept a partial player name or a full Steam ID. All users with the Oxide "admin" role will get access to the command, but you may grant per user/group access using the permission oxidationtrollrocketman.use.
  3. Version 1.3.1


    Description The goal of this plugin to block the unwanted ladders and extra twig frames on player bases from random players, who has no right to build on the given place. This plugin is ideal for PVE servers, where the Player bases are not raidable. This plugin is working with the Raidable Bases plugin together, so the ladders and twig frames are allowed while the Raidable Bases are the targets. Localization English language file generated by default, texts supported by the language files. Donation: Check my other plugins as well or if you feel you would like to support me with the Donate link on the right side. Configuration Disable plugin feature true/false Permission antiladderandtwig.bypass - bypass plugin feature
  4. Version 3.0.0


    Description The goal of this plugin to block the possibility to steal from other player planterboxes. It is ideal plugin for PVE servers to allow player to freely build anywhere without fear to lost the grown things. Only the owner (who put it down) of the planterbox have access to the grown vegetables/items, and the team members, Friends and Clan members. Permissions planterboxdefender.admin - to bypass the plugin restriction Dependencies Optional Clans (Clans or Rust:IO Clans) and Friends plugin dependency, in case of usage of them. Localization English language file generated by default, texts supported by the language files. Donation: Check my other plugins as well or if you feel you would like to support me with the Donate link on the right side.
  5. Steenamaroo


    Version 1.0.5


    Boom is an admin/troll/OP tool which adds c4 explosions to regular weapon damage. Details. When a player, or turret, has permission any damage that it inflicts with bullets results in a (real) c4 explosion and c4 damage. Anything that can be hurt/damaged/broken with bullets will go boom. Examples - Animals, players, barrels. Trees and nodes, for example, do not take damage and, therefore, do not go boom. Permissions boom.admin - Allows unrestricted use of boom. boom.allowed - Allows players to toggle boom. boom.turretsallowed - Allows players to toggle boom for their turrets. boom.costs - With this permission each boom costs 1c4 (taken from inventory). Chat Commands /boom - Toggles boom on and off for players who have the permission and are not on cooldown. Initial use of the /boom command enables the tool and begins 'EnabledMinutes' countdown. Subsequent uses will toggle the tool on and off but will not pause the countdown. /boomturret - Toggles boom on or off for the turret that a player with the turret permission is looking at, and authorised on. Turrets are not subject to a countdown, or cooldown. /boom addweapon - Adds the weapon you're holding to the AllowedWeapon list. /boom removeweapon - Removes the weapon you're holding from the AllowedWeapon list. Config. The config options govern player use of /boom command. EnabledMinutes = 1; - How long the player can use boom for. CoolDownMinutes = 1; - How long before player can use boom again. AllowedWeapons = []; - Shortprefabnames of weapons which will make booms. RespectPVEPlugins = false; Notes. AllowedWeapons is a List<string> and should be formatted as follows. ["lr300.entity"], for single or [ "lr300.entity", "m92.entity", "etc", "etc" ], for many. Leaving AllowedWeapons blank enables all weapons.
  6. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Punish misbehaving players and cheaters! More Curses to be added in future! follow for more updates! Installation: - Load into oxide.plugins - Grant permission to Admin NexusCurse.Admin Curses: - AfricanDelight (set thirst to 0) - Cancer (300 radiation points) - Weakness (sets health to 5) Commands /NCurse (playername) (cursename) Have fun, enjoy and please be sure to like and follow!
  7. Version 1.0.1


    Introduction SeekerOnSteroids is a strong, powerful missile plugin. The features are as follows: It allows you to change/add custom targets to the Homing Missile Launcher, providing you with the ability to add more targets, making the launcher more flexible. Players can purchase a missile attack, for example, 1000 scrap and 4 homing missiles, to eliminate a player. This feature is balanced to prevent it from being overpowered. It includes several commands/operations to use the homing missiles. Command overview: /gseek => Spawns 4 missiles on each corner of the map and targets the specified player. /seek => Spawns a specified number of missiles to attack the player. /cseek => Spawns a specified number of missiles above a player (missile cloud). After a while, they descend and target the specified player. /godstrike => Every time you fire a shot, a strong, fast homing missile targets the object wherever you are currently looking. Permissions: seekeronsteroids.admin => Master permission. Don't give this normal players. seekeronsteroids.gridseek => This is for the grid seek attack (payed attack) Configuration: { "PluginPicture": 76561198838421574, "PluginChatPrefix": "<color=#191A28>[</color><color=#CC3B28>SeekerOnSteroids</color><color=#191A28>]</color> ", "CustomSeekerTargets": [ { "PrefabName": "assets/rust.ai/agents/wolf/wolf.prefab", "Enabled": true, "Strength of missles (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIGHEST)": "LOW" } ], "Missle behavior of grid-seek command": { "Amount of scrap a player needs to start the attack.": 1000, "SeekerMissleConfiguration": { "Min amount of time until missle explods": 100.0, "Max amount of time until missle explods": 100.0, "ExplosionRadiusMultiplier": 1.0, "DamageScaleMultiplier": 1.0, "Handling-smoothness of the missle": 6.0, "Strength of missles (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIGHEST)": "LOW", "MissleSpeedMultiplier": 1.2 } }, "Missle behavior of godstrike command": { "Missle offset (spawn distance between player and missles)": { "x": 0.0, "y": 10.0, "z": 0.0 }, "SeekerMissleConfiguration": { "Min amount of time until missle explods": 10.0, "Max amount of time until missle explods": 10.0, "ExplosionRadiusMultiplier": 10.0, "DamageScaleMultiplier": 10.0, "Handling-smoothness of the missle": 4.0, "Strength of missles (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIGHEST)": "LOW", "MissleSpeedMultiplier": 3.0 } }, "Missle behavior of cloud-seek command": { "Time until missles attack in milliseconds": 10000.0, "Missle offset (spawn distance between player and missles)": { "x": 0.0, "y": 100.0, "z": 0.0 }, "SeekerMissleConfiguration": { "Min amount of time until missle explods": 100.0, "Max amount of time until missle explods": 100.0, "ExplosionRadiusMultiplier": 1.0, "DamageScaleMultiplier": 1.0, "Handling-smoothness of the missle": 6.0, "Strength of missles (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIGHEST)": "LOW", "MissleSpeedMultiplier": 1.0 } }, "Missle behavior of seek command": { "Min amount of time until missle explods": 100.0, "Max amount of time until missle explods": 100.0, "ExplosionRadiusMultiplier": 1.0, "DamageScaleMultiplier": 1.0, "Handling-smoothness of the missle": 4.0, "Strength of missles (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIGHEST)": "LOW", "MissleSpeedMultiplier": 1.0 } }
  8. Drxp

    Admin Troll

    Version 1.0.3


    Admin Trolling Tool Commands: /nofarm <playerNameOrID>: Toggle a player's ability to farm. /nodamage <playerNameOrID>: Prevent the player from causing any damage to anyone or anything. /dropchance <playerNameOrID> <percentage>: Set a base chance for a player to drop their weapon when damaging an enemy. /sit: Seat the target player in a chair at the admin's crosshairs. /noheal <playerNameOrID>: Toggle a player's ability to heal themselves using medical items. /dropplayer <playerNameOrID>: Drop a player from a height. /dropinventory <playerNameOrID>: Discard all items from a player's inventory. /reflectdamage <playerNameOrID>: Reflect any damage the player inflicts back onto the target player. chairs you can use (Change in the config oxide/config/AdminTools.json) assets/prefabs/deployable/secretlab chair/secretlabchair.deployed.prefab assets/bundled/prefabs/static/chair.invisible.static.prefa assets/bundled/prefabs/static/toilet_b.static.prefab assets/prefabs/misc/summer_dlc/beach_chair/beachchair.deployed.prefab
  9. Zeeuss


    Version 0.1.0


    What is it ZPunisher is a utility for punishing cheaters or bad players a better/funnier way Permissions zpunisher.use -- Gives you access to all commands Commands zpunisher -- Opens a GUI where you can choose a player and then punish him zpunisher {playerNameOrID} -- Opens punish menu with already selected player zpunisher.freeze {playerNameOrID} -- Freezes the player zpunisher.unfreeze {playerNameOrID} -- Unfreezes the player zpunisher.lag {playerNameOrID} -- Start lagging the player zpunisher.stoplag {playerNameOrID} -- Stops lagging the player zpunisher.kill {playerNameOrID} -- Kills the player zpunisher.rocket {playerNameOrID} -- Starts rocketing the player zpunisher.stoprocket {playerNameOrID} -- Stops rocketing the player zpunisher.ignite {playerNameOrID} -- Ignites the player zpunisher.extinguish {playerNameOrID} -- Extinguishes the player zpunisher.stop {playerNameOrID} -- Stops all effects on the player All these commands except the main one with GUI can be used even in console Features Target's info: Target's Name Target's ID Target's IP Address Target's Ping Target's Status (Alive/Dead) Target's XYZ pos with TP button Refresh button Freezer: Once you execute this command on the player he won't be able to move untill you stop the effect Lagger: Once you execute this command on the player his game will start lagging soon untill he won't be able to do anything/untill his game crashes Rocketboy: Once you execute this command on the player an hv rockets are gonna start spawning in him Simple Kill: Once you execute this command on the player he will die Igniter: Once you execute this command a fire will spawn on a player and will follow it untill it disappears Stop All Effects Button: You think that the player had enough? Or have you forgot which effects you gave him? No worries just click the button and all the effects are gone! Localization: { ["noPlayer"] = "There's not such a player", ["stopAllSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.stop player", ["stoppedAll"] = "Stopped all effects on: {0}", ["freezeSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.freeze player", ["startFreeze"] = "Starting to freeze: {0}", ["unfreezeSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.unfreeze player", ["stoppedFreezing"] = "Stopped freezing: {0}", ["lagSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.lag player", ["startLag"] = "Starting to lag: {0}", ["stopLagSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.stoplag player", ["stoppedLag"] = "Stopped lagging: {0}", ["killSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.kill player", ["killMsg"] = "You have killed: {0}", ["rocketSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.rocket player", ["startRocket"] = "Started rocketing: {0}", ["stopRocketSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.stoprocket player", ["stopRocket"] = "Stopped rocketing: {0}", ["igniteSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.ignite player", ["startIgnite"] = "Ignited: {0}", ["extSyntax"] = "Syntax: /zpunisher.extinguish player", ["startExt"] = "Poured water on: {0}", ["infoTitle"] = "Target's Info:", ["infoName"] = "Name: {0}", ["infoID"] = "ID: {0}", ["infoIP"] = "IP Address: {0}", ["infoPing"] = "Ping: {0}ms", ["infoStatusAlive"] = "Status: <color=#52bd36>Alive</color>", ["infoStatusDead"] = "Status: <color=#c70000>Dead</color>", ["infoPos"] = "XYZ Position: {0},{1},{2}", ["infoTPBttn"] = "TP", ["infoRefresh"] = "Refresh", ["choosePl"] = "Choose a player:", ["dsc"] = "..........Description..........", ["freezer"] = "Freezer", ["freezerDsc"] = "Once you execute this command on the player he won't be able to move untill you stop the effect", ["enable"] = "Enable", ["disable"] = "Disable", ["kill"] = "Kill", ["lagger"] = "Lagger", ["lagDsc"] = "Once you execute this command on the player his game will start lagging soon untill he won't be able to do anything/untill his game crashes", ["lagPS"] = "P.S. If you enable this on yourself you must disable it via console - zpunisher.stoplag {Your nick}", ["rocketer"] = "Rocketboy", ["rocketerDsc"] = "Once you execute this command on the player an hv rockets are gonna start spawning in him", ["ignite"] = "Ignite", ["pw"] = "Pour Water", ["killTitle"] = "Simple Kill", ["killDsc"] = "Once you execute this command on the player he will die", ["igniterTitle"] = "Igniter", ["igniterDsc"] = "Once you execute this command a fire will spawn on a player and will follow it untill it disappears", ["stopAllEffects"] = "Stop All Effects!", ["previous"] = "Previous", ["Next"] = "Next" }


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