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Found 9 results

  1. Nferno

    Loot Breaker

    Version 1.0.2


    Overview: This plugin adds an additional twist to PVP within monuments by giving items within player inventories a chance to perma break on death meaning the looter might not get that shiny gun they were hoping to get. Each monument has a tier structure and the tiers break chance % can be modified to suit your playstyle , or if there are certain items you dont want to be apart of the item table you can add them to the white list. # Note - This will only affect items that have a condition/durability bar. Newly Added: Configurable option to set the Loot Breaker to the entire map rather than just Monuments! White listed: - Option to set up a white list that disregards items placed into list that have a condition (shortnames). Chat Command: - "/breakitems" - Test the plugin by breaking every item in your inventory that has a condition. Permissions: - "lootbreaker.exempt" - Use this permission if you want exemption from the plugin. Config Access: - The break chance is by % , changing these numbers below will set a new % rate for that monument tier. - Ability to set the monuments register size, currently set at 100m
  2. Version 1.0.5


    Experiments is a plugin introducing the old research system in Rust! Do you remember when tech tree was not around and you could gamble your scrap for a random blueprint? This plugin introduces just that and is made to be as close to the old system as possible with a ton of configurable options! Features: - Gamble scrap for a random bp at each workbench tier. - Disables tech tree system - Restrict certain blueprints from the random search - Change cost of research for each tier Here is a preview video I made to show off how the system works! Config: { "Block Tech Tree?": true, "Disable Research Sound?": false, "Experiment Time (Could effect timing with the reseach sound)": 10, "Tier 1 Scrap Cost": 75, "Tier 2 Scrap Cost": 500, "Tier 3 Scrap Cost": 1000, "Disable Default Blueprints?": true, "Blueprint Blackist": [ "electric.blocker", "electric.orswitch", "mask.balaclava", "fridge", "water.barrel" ] }
  3. Version 1.1.1


    Send Gametip messages on a timed interval to online players Features : Simple configuration. Sends Gametip messages on a configurable timed interval and duration (seconds). Can use a permission to ignore a player to get the messages. API support for other plugins to use its simplified queue system. Permissions : randomtips.exclude : To exclude the player from getting the Gametips sent by this plugin Configuration : Show Messages is set to false by default so it will not run the standard messages on plugin install. If you don't want to use a prefix , then you can leave it empty. Warning tips (RED) have a max lifetime of 5 seconds { "Show Messages": true, "Prefix": "[YourServer] ", "Interval (seconds)": 600, "Global Tip Duration (seconds)": 5.0, "Show as warning (max 5 sec)": false, "Messages": [ "Join our Discord ,Click <color=orange>[view webpage]</color> button.", "We run several cool Plugins !", "Grab one of our kits using /kit .", "<color=red>Color</color> code is supported" ] } API : void TIP(BasePlayer player, string message, float dur , bool warning) example call RandomTips?.Call("TIP", player, "Your text here", 6f ,true);
  4. tofurahie


    Version 1.2.4


    Open UI - /nlsettings FEATURES: Changing the wearable clothing of the npc Changing Drop from NPCs CallHook CanModifySpawnedBot(HumanNPC bot) returning a non-null value overrides default behavior
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Random VIP Giver Plugin Documentation Overview The Random VIP Giver plugin is designed to randomly assign VIP status to players on the server. Permissions randomvipgiver.admin: This permission allows the user to manually trigger the VIP assignment process. Commands /givemanualvip: This command manually triggers the VIP assignment process. The assigned VIP counts towards the daily limit. /givefreemanualvip: This command manually triggers the VIP assignment process. The assigned VIP does not count towards the daily limit. Configuration MaxVIPPerDay: The maximum number of VIPs that can be assigned per day. VIPGroups: A list of VIP groups that can be assigned to players. VIPGroupDisplayNames: A list of display names corresponding to the VIP groups. AddGroupCommand: The command used to add a player to a group. SayCommand: The command used to send a message to the server. VIPMessage: The message sent to the server when a player is assigned VIP. MinDays: The minimum number of days a player can be assigned VIP. MaxDays: The maximum number of days a player can be assigned VIP. MinInterval: The minimum interval (in minutes) between VIP assignments. MaxInterval: The maximum interval (in minutes) between VIP assignments. { MaxVIPPerDay = 3, VIPGroups = new List<string> { "metal", "stone", "wooden" }, VIPGroupDisplayNames = new List<string> { "<color=#ffeb00>Metal</color>", "<color=#a9ff00>Stone</color>", "<color=#ffae00>Wooden</color>" }, AddGroupCommand = "addgroup", SayCommand = "say", VIPMessage = ":heart: <color=#ef233c>[Giveaway]</color> <color=#55AAFF>{player}</color> won a {vipGroup} VIP in a random draw for {days} days!", MinDays = 1, MaxDays = 3, MinInterval = 60, MaxInterval = 480 }; Functionality The plugin automatically schedules VIP assignments at random intervals within the configured range. When a VIP assignment is triggered, a random player is selected and assigned a random VIP group for a random number of days. The assignment is announced to the server with a message.
  6. Wrecks


    Version 0.0.3


    Spice up your chat with Factoid. Factoid is a light plugin I made to drop little bitesize pieces of info here and there. API KEY NEEDED You can grab a free API key from this site https://api-ninjas.com/api/facts using my API Requests at the default interval allows me to print messages all wipe long, But you can adjust as needed. Config { "API KEY": "INSERT_API_HERE", "Announcement Interval": 631, "Chat Icon": 0 } Thanks for viewing! - Wrecks
  7. Version 2.1.1


    This plugin give the possibility to spawn a bunch of trap randomly across the map to make it a bit hard for your players. The selected numbers of traps are consistent through the server life, so as soon as 1 is activated, a new will spawn somewhere else. Traps set up after 30 sec after restart/reload. It can work with and without TruePVE . It handle separably the trap trigger and trap damage, what is configurable. The traps can't be picked up, only activated or disarmed. With the base setup it check for free location outside of monuments, radiation zones and ZoneManger zones. The traps dmg 50hp, can cause wounded effect with 50% for 5 second and TruePVE selected as to be used. Permissions surprisetrap.admin - To use the 3 command surprisetrap.trapdetect - Too be able to use a geiger counter to find traps on the map Commands Chat: /show - Show all possible found spawn location (use it with care, it can cause lag until the floating numbers present on the map, see screenshots) /trap - Show all active trap on the map (use it with care, it can cause lag until the floating numbers present on the map, see screenshots) /setup <mine|bear> - set up a trap where the character look, only for test purpose. (the new position will behave as a new spawn location, but only until the next restart) Console: show - information about the additional free spawn locations trap - information about the available amount of traps setup - manually start trap setup in case of not enough trap on the map (compared to the configured amount) Configuration "Bypass the distance limtiation on the trap and spawn location show command": false, "Enable/Disable Chat notification about player Death by any \"Random Trap\"": false, "If all originally set location occupied, then look for new position": true, "Minimum Distance From Building": 20.0, "Number of traps on the map": 500, "Prevent Traps To Be Respawn At Monuments": true, "Prevent Traps To Be Respawn At RadiationZone": true, "Prevent Traps To Be Respawn At ZoneManager": true, "Random knowdown duration": 5.0, "Retry to get a new location(the bigger the number, bigger the resource consumption to try a new free position)": 200, "The distance on the trap and spawn location show command (only if not bypassed)": 150, "Trap activation randomly knowdown": true, "Trapdamage default 50": 50.0, "Try to look free location this many times on server init (Not necesseary mean it will find this many free spot, bigger the number, bigger the resource consumption to try a new free position)": 2000, "Usage of Beartrap": true, "Usage of Landmine": true, "Usage of TruePVE": true, "Traps can be detected by players with Geiger detector": true, "The distance to detect by the player with Geiger detector": 50.0 API TrapDestroyedByPalyer(BaseTrap trap, BasePlayer player) can be used to catch triggen, when a player killed a trap (for example events or quest to destroy specificly spawned traps)
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin gives players random items or weapons for scrap, using a menu. This can be a little help for players after bp wipe Permission: randomloot.use ChatCommand: /randomloot In the config file you can set the scrap price and change the items.
  9. Ajie

    Lucky Rust

    Version 1.0.0


    Lucky Rust is a simple random reward system. With Lucky Rust, you can configure a list of rewards that players can win by typing a specific command in the chat. The rewards can include items and commands. And if you want to make things even more fun, you can choose to broadcast the rewards and/or the fact that a player has won a reward to all players on the server! Lucky Rust supports setting different cooldown times based on permissions. So why wait? Give your players a reason to keep playing with LuckyRust today! Chat Command: /lr - Get a random reward (default, can be changed in the config) Config: { "Plugin Setting": { "Chat Prefix": "[LuckyRust]\n", "Required Permissions (Empty = None)": "LuckyRust.use", "Command": "lr", "Default Cooldown (Seconds)": 300, "Broadcast Reward Message": true, "Cooldown Permissions (Permission Name | Cooldown)": { "LuckyRust.admin": 0, "LuckyRust.vip1": 180, "LuckyRust.vip2": 90, "LuckyRust.vip3": 30 } }, "List of Rewards": [ { "Reward Display Name": "VIP", "Chance(0-100)": 5, "Item Display Name": "", "Item Shortname": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Min Amount": 1, "Max Amount": 1, "Item Text": "", "Effect (Empty = no effect)": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab", "List of Run Commands (Empty = None)": [ "oxide.grant user %STEAMID% vip.name" ] }, { "Reward Display Name": "Wolf", "Chance(0-100)": 10, "Item Display Name": "", "Item Shortname": "", "Skin ID": 0, "Min Amount": 1, "Max Amount": 1, "Item Text": "", "Effect (Empty = no effect)": "", "List of Run Commands (Empty = None)": [ "spawn wolf \"%PLAYER.POS.X% %PLAYER.POS.Y% %PLAYER.POS.Z%\"" ] }, { "Reward Display Name": "M249", "Chance(0-100)": 10, "Item Display Name": "M249", "Item Shortname": "lmg.m249", "Skin ID": 0, "Min Amount": 1, "Max Amount": 1, "Item Text": "", "Effect (Empty = no effect)": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab", "List of Run Commands (Empty = None)": [] }, { "Reward Display Name": "prototype 17", "Chance(0-100)": 40, "Item Display Name": "prototype 17", "Item Shortname": "pistol.prototype17", "Skin ID": 0, "Min Amount": 1, "Max Amount": 1, "Item Text": "", "Effect (Empty = no effect)": "", "List of Run Commands (Empty = None)": [] }, { "Reward Display Name": "Scrap×100", "Chance(0-100)": 80, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Skin ID": 0, "Min Amount": 100, "Max Amount": 100, "Item Text": "", "Effect (Empty = no effect)": "", "List of Run Commands (Empty = None)": [] } ] }


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