About Loot Breaker
This plugin adds an additional twist to PVP within monuments by giving items within player inventories a chance to perma break on death meaning the looter might not
get that shiny gun they were hoping to get. Each monument has a tier structure and the tiers break chance % can be modified to suit your playstyle , or if there are certain
items you dont want to be apart of the item table you can add them to the white list.
# Note - This will only affect items that have a condition/durability bar.
Newly Added: Configurable option to set the Loot Breaker to the entire map rather than just Monuments!
White listed:
- Option to set up a white list that disregards items placed into list that have a condition (shortnames).
Chat Command:
- "/breakitems" - Test the plugin by breaking every item in your inventory that has a condition.
- "lootbreaker.exempt" - Use this permission if you want exemption from the plugin.
Config Access:
- The break chance is by % , changing these numbers below will set a new % rate for that monument tier.
- Ability to set the monuments register size, currently set at 100m