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About Paraplane

I introduce to you a brand new plugin to make custom and configurable use of the new addition of parachutes to the game of Rust! This plugin will add the ability for players on your server to use a Paraplane! Paragliders have the ability to gain altitude with the help of an engine on the player's back, as well as gain more speed in comparison with a parachute.

You can create a great number of paraglider presets that can differ in HP, Speed, Drag, Fuel Consumption, and more! This plugin will give you the opportunity to create countless presets, your imagination is one of the only limitations! You can create parachute presets without an engine, where you can also configure and customize the default and additional parachutes that can appear in your loot tables.

Paraplanes and Custom Parachutes can be given to yourself or players with the use of commands, or you can add them to any of your existing loot tables! The plugin comes with configuration options to place them in whatever loot tables you decide.


Paraglider control
The control of the paraglider completely coincides with the control of the parachute. To climb, hold down the [S] key and the engine key [SHIFT].
By default, to turn on the engine, the player needs to have fuel in the inventory.

Chat commands (only for administrators)
- /giveparaplane <paraplanePresetName>

Console commands (RCON only)
- giveparaplane  <paraplanePresetName> <userid> <amount>

plugin_en – example of plugin configuration in English
- plugin_ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian

My Discord: Adem#9554
Join the Mad Mappers Discord here!
Check out more of my work here!

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