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Found 9 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    in this file you can make your own unique PFP for any social networks or your project. This beautiful and luscious art goes with everything. All necessary elements are in the archive. To change you need Adobe Photoshop program When purchasing you receive endless support from the author
  2. Version 1.0.0


    All effects are automated. Just 10 minutes of time and you will have ready-made icons! Also in the resource archive there is a font used in the template There are already five ready-made icons with all the effects, all that remains is to change the color and name.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    The package consists of a header, wallpaper and logo In this big pack you will find: 3 different text banner designs with different effects 8 unique fonts for your design adaptive effects that automatically apply to your changes a complete set for the design of your project All necessary elements are in the archive. To change you need Adobe Photoshop program When purchasing you receive endless support from the author
  4. Version 1.0.0


    With this template you can create your own unique icons in a couple of minutes. All effects are automatically applied in the template. You just need to change the text, font and colors. To change the template you need Photoshop CS 6 or higher! All necessary elements are in the archive. To change you need Adobe Photoshop program When purchasing you receive endless support from the author Also, upon purchase, you are given a promotional code for a discount when ordering a design in our studio. Look for it inside the work and use it
  5. Version 1.2.5


    Description : This plugin allows you to have a graphical interface on your servers which will then give you information on the number of players, my not only that, all that in real time Editor : https://hud-panel.foudugame360.com/ Requires : ImageLibrary Compatible : TimedPermissions Economics TruePVE ServerRewards ZoneManager BuildCost UI Panel function : An ON/OFF button on the panel. A store button/Kits/Info/... An online player counter. An sleeping player counter. An player counter. A clock that gives the time of the match. A dial that gives the player balance. A dial that gives PVP/PVE information. A dial that indicates the time of a leave. A dial that displays your messages. A counter that gives the distance between you and your point. A dial that shows the player’s position on the map in real time. A dial that gives the server’s fps. An icon for the cargo plane event. An icon for freight events. An icon for ch47 events. An icon for attack helicopter events. An icon for tank events. An icon for your custom events via ( hook). Time format : file : /oxide/lang/en/HUDPanel.json for 12h format "Time_Format": "hh:mm tt", for 24h format "Time_Format": "HH:mm", https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/blogs/date-and-time-format-in-c-sharp-programming1 Themes : HUD BASIC CUBE TRIANGLE Icon ID : Contents : - HUDPanel.cs Install : rust\oxide\plugins\HUDPanel.cs Config : rust\oxide\config\HUDPanel.json { "Scan current map events on reload": true, "Chat command to show/disappear the HUDPanel": "h", "Anti Freeze Server Fps Limit": 15, "Change the overall size of the HUD Panel (30 - 100) Default 48": 48, "Width between icon": 18, "Change the sound of the On/Off button": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.lock.prefab", "Type the coordinate ( X: 1000 | Z: 1000 : 0 ), ( map : A1 : 1 ), ( Auto : 2 )": 2, "List Messages": { "Messages": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "How long until the next message": 10, "Messages": [ "Messages 1", "Messages 2", "Messages 3" ], "The order the icon should place": 0, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "CenterTop", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#3f51b5", "Color 3": null, "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 2.1, "Icon ID": "Messages", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 8 } }, "Timed Permissions: Edit 'vip_*' ( Permissions / Groups )": { "vip_1": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Reload delay": 5, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": null, "The order the icon should place": 0, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "CenterTop", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff9800", "Color 3": null, "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.5, "Icon ID": "Vip_3", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 7 }, "demo": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Reload delay": 5, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": null, "The order the icon should place": 0, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "CenterBottom", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff9800", "Color 3": null, "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.5, "Icon ID": "Vip_1", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -2 0", "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 7 } }, "Custom events": { "Sputnik": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "The order the icon should place": 5, "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "RightTop", "On Event start ( Hook )": "OnSputnikEventStart", "On Event End ( Hook )": "OnSputnikEventStop", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff8100", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.4, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.6, "Icon ID": "Sputnik", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#000000", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 0.0, "Opacity 3": 0.1, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.6, "Icon ID": "Sputnik", "URL Custom": null }, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 1 }, "Convoy": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "The order the icon should place": 6, "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "RightTop", "On Event start ( Hook )": "OnConvoyStart", "On Event End ( Hook )": "OnConvoyEnd", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff8100", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.4, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.6, "Icon ID": "Convoy", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#000000", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 0.0, "Opacity 3": 0.1, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.6, "Icon ID": "Convoy", "URL Custom": null }, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 1 }, "ArmoredTrain": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "The order the icon should place": 7, "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "RightTop", "On Event start ( Hook )": "OnArmoredTrainEventStart", "On Event End ( Hook )": "OnArmoredTrainEventStop", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff8100", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.4, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.6, "Icon ID": "Train", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#000000", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 0.0, "Opacity 3": 0.1, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.6, "Icon ID": "Train", "URL Custom": null }, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 1 }, "Harbor": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "The order the icon should place": 8, "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "RightTop", "On Event start ( Hook )": "OnHarborEventStart", "On Event End ( Hook )": "OnHarborEventEnd", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff8100", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.4, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 2.0, "Icon ID": "Harbor", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#000000", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 0.0, "Opacity 3": 0.1, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 2.0, "Icon ID": "Harbor", "URL Custom": null }, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 1 } }, "Default events": { "Patrol": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "The order the icon should place": 2, "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "RightTop", "On Event start ( Hook )": null, "On Event End ( Hook )": null, "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff0000", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.6, "Icon ID": "Patrol", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff0000", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 0.0, "Opacity 3": 0.1, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.6, "Icon ID": "Patrol", "URL Custom": null }, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 1 }, "Ch47": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "The order the icon should place": 3, "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "RightTop", "On Event start ( Hook )": null, "On Event End ( Hook )": null, "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff0000", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "Ch-47", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff0000", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 0.0, "Opacity 3": 0.1, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "Ch-47", "URL Custom": null }, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 1 }, "Plane": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "The order the icon should place": 10, "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "RightTop", "On Event start ( Hook )": null, "On Event End ( Hook )": null, "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#007f00", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "Plane", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff0000", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 0.0, "Opacity 3": 0.1, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "Plane", "URL Custom": null }, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 2 }, "Cargo": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "The order the icon should place": 4, "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "RightTop", "On Event start ( Hook )": null, "On Event End ( Hook )": null, "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#007f00", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.5, "Icon ID": "Cargo", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff0000", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 0.0, "Opacity 3": 0.1, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.5, "Icon ID": "Cargo", "URL Custom": null }, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 1 }, "BradleyAPC": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "The order the icon should place": 1, "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "RightTop", "On Event start ( Hook )": null, "On Event End ( Hook )": null, "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff0000", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.4, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.4, "Icon ID": "BradleyAPC", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff0000", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 0.0, "Opacity 3": 0.1, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.4, "Icon ID": "BradleyAPC", "URL Custom": null }, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 1 } }, "Information frame": { "Power": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Reload delay": 0, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": null, "The order the icon should place": 1, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "LeftTop", "Position of text in the logo": "0 0 0 0", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#007f00", "Color 3": null, "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "Power", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff0000", "Color 3": null, "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "Power", "URL Custom": null }, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 1 }, "Players": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Reload delay": 1, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": null, "The order the icon should place": 2, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "LeftTop", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#3d3d44", "Color 3": null, "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "Players", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 3 }, "Sleep": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Reload delay": 2, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": null, "The order the icon should place": 3, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "LeftTop", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff8100", "Color 3": null, "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "Sleep", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 2 }, "Joining": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Reload delay": 1, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": null, "The order the icon should place": 4, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "LeftTop", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff0000", "Color 3": null, "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "Joining", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 2 }, "Times": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Reload delay": 5, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": null, "The order the icon should place": 5, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "LeftTop", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#00a7c2", "Color 3": null, "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "Times", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 2 }, "ServerRewards": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Reload delay": 3, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": null, "The order the icon should place": 1, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "RightBottom", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff5722", "Color 3": null, "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "ServerRewards", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 5 }, "Economics": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Reload delay": 0, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": null, "The order the icon should place": 6, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "LeftTop", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#007f00", "Color 3": null, "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "Economics", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 5 }, "FPS": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Reload delay": 1, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": null, "The order the icon should place": 2, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "LeftBottom", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff0066", "Color 3": null, "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "FPS", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 2 }, "PvpPve": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Reload delay": 10, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": null, "The order the icon should place": 1, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "LeftBottom", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#ff0066", "Color 3": null, "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "PvpPve", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 3 }, "Coordinate": { "On/Off (true/false)": false, "Reload delay": 3, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": null, "The order the icon should place": 5, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "RightTop", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#006bc3", "Color 3": null, "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "Coordinate", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 6 }, "MarkerPos": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Reload delay": 1, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": null, "The order the icon should place": 2, "Change text alignment": 4, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "RightBottom", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#feab00", "Color 3": null, "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.3, "Opacity 2": 1.0, "Opacity 3": 0.0, "Opacity icon": 1.0, "Enlarge icon": 1.8, "Icon ID": "MarkerPos", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 2 } }, "Button Custom": { "Shop": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": "shop", "The order the icon should place": 6, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "Change text alignment": 4, "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "CenterBottom", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#000000", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.4, "Opacity 2": 0.4, "Opacity 3": 1.0, "Opacity icon": 0.9, "Enlarge icon": 1.7, "Icon ID": "Shop", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 2 }, "Kits": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": "chat.say /kit", "The order the icon should place": 6, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "Change text alignment": 4, "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "CenterBottom", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#000000", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.4, "Opacity 2": 0.4, "Opacity 3": 1.0, "Opacity icon": 0.9, "Enlarge icon": 1.7, "Icon ID": "Kits", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 2 }, "Info": { "On/Off (true/false)": true, "Commands (leave blank to disable)": "chat.say /info", "The order the icon should place": 6, "Text size": 11, "Text fonts ( 0 - 3 )": 0, "Color Text ( HEX )": "#ffffff", "Position of text in the logo": "20 0 -1 0", "Change text alignment": 4, "The position on the screen that the icon should be ( LeftTop, CenterTop, RightTop, LeftBottom, CenterBottom, RightBottom)": "CenterBottom", "Swich On": { "Themes ( HUD - BASIC - CUBE - TRIANGLE )": "HUD", "Color 1": "#000000", "Color 2": "#000000", "Color 3": "#ffffff", "Color Icon": "#ffffff", "Opacity 1": 0.4, "Opacity 2": 0.4, "Opacity 3": 1.0, "Opacity icon": 0.9, "Enlarge icon": 1.9, "Icon ID": "Info", "URL Custom": null }, "Swich OFF": null, "Width BAR SIZE : 1 - 15": 1 } } }
  6. Kalvi


    Version 1.2.0


    Plugin that changes the icon in all messages from other plugins. Does not change players' avatars Command /changeicon <SteamID>: Sets the new SteamID as the icon for system messages. Uses permission “changeicon.admin” /changeicon reload: Reloads the configuration file. Uses permission “changeicon.admin” Permission changeicon.admin Configuration file { "User SteamID": 76561198272553228 } Lang { "NoPermission": "<color=#FF0000>You do not have permission to use this command.</color>", "IconChanged": "<color=#00FF00>Steam ID has been changed to: {0}</color>", "InvalidSteamID": "<color=#FF0000>Invalid Steam ID.</color>", "ConfigReloaded": "<color=#00FF00>Configuration reloaded.</color>", "Usage": "<color=#FFFF00>Usage: /changeicon <SteamID> or /changeicon reload</color>" }
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Enhance your projects with our new 3D case icons, created using Blender and Photoshop. This includes four custom renders, providing a high-quality visual upgrade for your applications. The PSD file contains comprehensive instructions for modifying text and adjusting light sources, making customization straightforward and efficient. Key Features: 4 Custom 3D Renders: Unique and professionally designed case icons. Editable PSD File: Easily change text and light sources with detailed instructions. Professional Design: Created with industry-standard tools like Blender and Photoshop. For personalized assistance or queries about modifying the PSD file, our experienced designers are available to help. Reach out to us on your preferred social network for prompt support.
  8. Version 1.2.0


    Receive 5 customizable icons available in both PSD and pre-named PNG formats. EASY EDITABLE: Text, Text Color, and Font. "Note: If you have Photoshop knowledge, you can also change the icon colors." Assistance and Support: If you purchase and do not have Photoshop knowledge or membership, I can assist you in changing the texts. Important: When using images in the Kit tab, please use 512x512 resolution. For the Store tab, you can use any resolution you prefer. Pre-named Icons: DISCORD KIT IRON VIP AURUM VIP RUBY VIP SUPREME VIP
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Emblematic towers of Madrid, Spain. Two leaning towers. this rust reanimation monument is not enterable but on the roof there are x2 hack able crates.


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