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About Me

  1. Version 1.2.2


    Video : Showcase Video Features : - Randomized loot respawn intervals, configurable for each monument. Example: "launch site": "5-10" (in seconds) - Default respawn time is set between 30-60 minutes but can be fully adjusted through the configuration. - Automatically removes monuments that no longer exist after a server wipe, keeping the configuration clean and up-to-date. Supported Crates : Supported Monuments : All Game Monuments Additional Settings : "Direct container removal without dropping loot": false, "Enable When Player Dont Finish Looting Containers Will Drop Loot On Ground": true,
  2. Version 1.0.3


    This 10x Server allows you to get your rust server up and running quickly and easily without the hassle. Hassle free setup: Installing can take as little as 5 minutes once you have bought/downloaded the plugins. Eliminating the countless frustrating days it takes to setup a server. Balanced setup: All loot tables are perfectly balanced to enhance gameplay for all players on your server. Teleportation: Players can teleport to anyone with a simple command as long as they are not combat or raid blocked. Blocked Teleportation: Players who are combat / raid blocked will not be able to teleport or trade for a set period of time. Rust Skins: Players will get access to all rust skins when using the /s command. (If you do not own skinbox you can uses skins from UMOD for free!) Admin Tools: Users with admin permissions will be able to vanish and moderate other players. And so much more features below! What's included? - Better chat config -Trading - Better Loot config - Automated events - Automatic Authorization - Fancy Drop config - Furnace Splitter - 10x Quick Smelt - 10x Gather Manager - Image Library - No escape config - NTeleportation config - Custom Recycler Speeds - Stack Size modifications - Always in stock vending machines. - Welcome Panel + UI Addons (CONFIG) - Skin Box (CONFIG) - Clans Reborn (CONFIG) Not all plugins have to be used. You can also modify all of the plugins to your exact liking if you wish to change anything. All of the items above are already modified for a 10x server.
  3. Version 1.14


    Vanilla LootTable example for use with BetterLoot includes min and max amount of each item to spawn per container and min and max items to spawn per container.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Want a full 2x server? Or maybe you just want certain things 2x? If you buy this you will receive a total of 8 plugin configurations. The file has configs for 3 different component plugins that you can choose from. AlphaLoot - BetterLoot - MagicLoot 2 Plugin configs for stack sizes that you can choose from. StacksExtended - StackSizeController 1 Plugin config for gather rate. GatherManager 1 Plugin config for smelting/cooking speed. QuickSmelt 1 Plugin config for recycler speed. RecyclerSpeed Plugins are NOT included. Purple#8917
  5. Version 1.1.0


    About 5x Loot Table Config 5x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. In case you have some suggestions or ideas what to add/improve don't hesitate to contact me in discord or here. Get the plugin here https://umod.org/plugins/better-loot DM me for more info in discord cursedee
  6. Version 1.1.0


    About 3x Loot Table Config 3x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. In case you have some suggestions or ideas what to add/improve don't hesitate to contact me in discord or here. Get the plugin here https://umod.org/plugins/better-loot DM me for more info in discord cursedee
  7. Version 1.1.0


    About 2x Loot Table Config 2x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. In case you have some suggestions or ideas what to add/improve don't hesitate to contact me in discord or here. Get the plugin here https://umod.org/plugins/better-loot DM me for more info in discord cursedee
  8. Version 1.0.3


    10X Loot system complete with BetterLoot & StackSizeController Tables Features: - Improved loot - Removed junk - Better Loot rates - Heli & Bradly Loot tables - Underwater labs loot tables - StackSizeController table Instaliation Guide: Step 1 - Navigate to oxide>data>Betterloot, And drop the new LootTables.json file in there. Step 2 - Navigate to oxide>config And replace the existing BetterLoot.json with the new one. Step 3 - Navigate to oxide>config And replace the existing StackSizeController.json. Step 4 - Save & Reload BetterLoot and StackSizeController. If you need any support/have any questions refer to the READ_ME.txt file included with the download. Alternatively, feel free to shoot me a message on Discord - @empress.rose Thanks for considering my product, enjoy!
  9. Version 2.0


    x5 Optimized Loottables! all Loot Tables have been stripped of all junk and useless items to make the looting experience a little more enjoyable. So exactly what every server needs. if you want to have an individual table created or you don't like something don't hesitate to contact me REMOVED/ADDED Changelog: -balanced High tier loot (bradly,heli etc) -added revolver & pistol ammo to low tier crates -removed junk from high tier loot crates/events -balanced low tier loot (radtown,barrels etc) -lowered electrical loot by -1 per container 2.0 UPDATE -removed all electrical loot -removed all clothing -balenced mid tier loot -balanced low tier loot -balanced high tier loot
  10. Version 1.0.0


    About 10x Loot Table Config 10x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. In case you have some suggestions or ideas what to add/improve don't hesitate to contact me in discord or here. Get the plugin here https://umod.org/plugins/better-loot DM me for more info in discord cursedee
  11. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    About 20x Loot Table Config 20x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. In case you have some suggestions or ideas what to add/improve don't hesitate to contact me in discord or here. Get the plugin here https://umod.org/plugins/better-loot DM me for more info in discord cursedee
  12. Version 1.0.0


    About 50x Loot Table Config 50x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. In case you have some suggestions or ideas what to add/improve don't hesitate to contact me in discord or here. Get the plugin here https://umod.org/plugins/better-loot DM me for more info in discord cursedee
  13. Version 1.0.0


    About 1000x Loot Table Config 1000x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. In case you have some suggestions or ideas what to add/improve don't hesitate to contact me in discord or here. Get the plugin here https://umod.org/plugins/better-loot DM me for more info in discord cursedee
  14. Version 2.0


    x100 Optimized Loottables! all Loot Tables have been stripped of all junk and useless items to make the looting experience a little more enjoyable. So exactly what every server needs. if you want to have an individual table created or you don't like something don't hesitate to contact me REMOVED/ADDED Changelog: -balanced High tier loot (bradly,heli etc) -added revolver & pistol ammo to low tier crates -removed junk from high tier loot crates/events -balanced low tier loot (radtown,barrels etc) -lowered electrical loot by -1 per container 2.0 UPDATE -removed all electrical loot -removed all clothing -balenced mid tier loot -balanced low tier loot -balanced high tier loot
  15. Version 1.0.3


    About 2x Server Setup (Full & Complete 2x Server) This 2x Server allows you to get your rust server up and running quickly and easily without the hassle. Hassle free setup: Installing can take as little as 5 minutes. Eliminating the countless frustrating days it takes to setup a server. Balanced setup: All loot tables are perfectly balanced to enhance gameplay for all players on your server. Teleportation: Players can teleport to anyone with a simple command as long as they are not combat or raid blocked. Blocked Teleportation: Players who are combat / raid blocked will not be able to teleport or trade for a set period of time. Rust Skins: Players will get access to all rust skins when using the /s command. (If you do not own skinbox you can uses skins from UMOD for free!) Admin Tools: Users with admin permissions will be able to vanish and moderate other players. And so much more features below! What's included? - Better chat config -Trading - Better Loot config - Automated events - Automatic Authorization - Fancy Drop config - Furnace Splitter - 2x Quick Smelt - 2x Gather Manager - Image Library - No escape config - NTeleportation config - Custom Recycler Speeds - Stack Size modifications - Always in stock vending machines. - Welcome Panel + UI Addons (CONFIG) - Skin Box (CONFIG) - Clans Reborn (CONFIG) Not all plugins have to be used. You can also modify all of the plugins to your exact liking if you wish to change anything. All of the items above are already modified for a 3x server.
  16. Version 1.0.3


    This 5x Server allows you to get your rust server up and running quickly and easily without the hassle. Hassle free setup: Installing can take as little as 5 minutes. Eliminating the countless frustrating days it takes to setup a server. Balanced setup: All loot tables are perfectly balanced to enhance gameplay for all players on your server. Teleportation: Players can teleport to anyone with a simple command as long as they are not combat or raid blocked. Blocked Teleportation: Players who are combat / raid blocked will not be able to teleport or trade for a set period of time. Rust Skins: Players will get access to all rust skins when using the /s command. (If you do not own skinbox you can uses skins from UMOD for free!) Admin Tools: Users with admin permissions will be able to vanish and moderate other players. And so much more features below! What's included? - Better chat config -Trading - Better Loot config - Automated events - Automatic Authorization - Fancy Drop config - Furnace Splitter - 5x Quick Smelt - 5x Gather Manager - Image Library - No escape config - NTeleportation config - Custom Recycler Speeds - Stack Size modifications - Always in stock vending machines. - Welcome Panel + UI Addons (CONFIG) - Skin Box (CONFIG) - Clans Reborn (CONFIG) Not all plugins have to be used. You can also modify all of the plugins to your exact liking if you wish to change anything. All of the items above are already modified for a 5x server.
  17. Version 1.0.3


    This 3x Server allows you to get your rust server up and running quickly and easily without the hassle. Hassle free setup: Installing can take as little as 5 minutes. Eliminating the countless frustrating days it takes to setup a server. Balanced setup: All loot tables are perfectly balanced to enhance gameplay for all players on your server. Teleportation: Players can teleport to anyone with a simple command as long as they are not combat or raid blocked. Blocked Teleportation: Players who are combat / raid blocked will not be able to teleport or trade for a set period of time. Rust Skins: Players will get access to all rust skins when using the /s command. (If you do not own skinbox you can uses skins from UMOD for free!) Admin Tools: Users with admin permissions will be able to vanish and moderate other players. And so much more features below! What's included? - Better chat config -Trading - Better Loot config - Automated events - Automatic Authorization - Fancy Drop config - Furnace Splitter - 3x Quick Smelt - 3x Gather Manager - Image Library - No escape config - NTeleportation config - Custom Recycler Speeds - Stack Size modifications - Always in stock vending machines. - Welcome Panel + UI Addons (CONFIG) - Skin Box (CONFIG) - Clans Reborn (CONFIG) Not all plugins have to be used. You can also modify all of the plugins to your exact liking if you wish to change anything. All of the items above are already modified for a 3x server.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Package Includes: 2X Loot Table 5X Loot Table 10X Loot Table Vanilla Loot Table Plugins needed: https://umod.org/plugins/better-loot How to Install: 1. Unload the plugin by typing the following into your F1 Console: "o.unload Loottable" 2. Navigate to oxide - data 3. Delete the current "Loottable" file. 4. Upload the unzipped "Loottable" file to oxide - data 5. After everything has finished uploading please type "o.load Loottable" into your F1 Console.
  19. Version 1.2.0


    Better Loot 5x Loot Table config -Removed Junk Loot -Better Loot Rates -Heli and Bradley Loot Table To install go to oxide>data>betterloot
  20. Version 1.2.0


    Better Loot 3x Loot Table config -Removed Junk Loot -Better Loot Rates -Heli and Bradley Loot Table To install go to oxide>data>betterloot
  21. Version 1.2.0


    Better Loot 10x Loot Table config -Removed Junk Loot -Better Loot Rates -Heli and Bradley Loot Table To install go to oxide>data>betterloot
  22. Version 1.2.0


    Better Loot 2x Loot Table config -Removed Junk Loot -Better Loot Rates -Heli and Bradley Loot Table To install go to oxide>data>betterloot
  23. Version 2.0


    x15 Optimized Loottables! all Loot Tables have been stripped of all junk and useless items to make the looting experience a little more enjoyable. So exactly what every server needs. if you want to have an individual table created or you don't like something don't hesitate to contact me REMOVED/ADDED Changelog: -balanced High tier loot (bradly,heli etc) -added revolver & pistol ammo to low tier crates -removed junk from high tier loot crates/events -balanced low tier loot (radtown,barrels etc) -lowered electrical loot by -1 per container 2.0 UPDATE -removed all electrical loot -removed all clothing -balenced mid tier loot -balanced low tier loot -balanced high tier loot
  24. Version 2.0


    x10 Optimized Loottables! all Loot Tables have been stripped of all junk and useless items to make the looting experience a little more enjoyable. So exactly what every server needs. if you want to have an individual table created or you don't like something don't hesitate to contact me REMOVED/ADDED Changelog: -balanced High tier loot (bradly,heli etc) -added revolver & pistol ammo to low tier crates -removed junk from high tier loot crates/events -balanced low tier loot (radtown,barrels etc) -lowered electrical loot by -1 per container 2.0 UPDATE -removed all electrical loot -removed all clothing -balenced mid tier loot -balanced low tier loot -balanced high tier loot
  25. Version 2.0


    x3 Optimized Loottables! all Loot Tables have been stripped of all junk and useless items to make the looting experience a little more enjoyable. So exactly what every server needs. if you want to have an individual table created or you don't like something don't hesitate to contact me REMOVED/ADDED Changelog: -balanced High tier loot (bradly,heli etc) -added revolver & pistol ammo to low tier crates -removed junk from high tier loot crates/events -balanced low tier loot (radtown,barrels etc) -lowered electrical loot by -1 per container 2.0 UPDATE -removed all electrical loot -removed all clothing -balenced mid tier loot -balanced low tier loot -balanced high tier loot


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