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Gay Sparkly T-Rex

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Everything posted by Gay Sparkly T-Rex

  1. Im using clans from UMOD and same one as from the other 2 servers I run... but Ill disable it and take a look
  2. Would really like an update before the update as lie posted above its not showing the right information... when comparing for example woof farmed... I have over 10k farmed and a friend has about 9k farmed yet when we go into the compare screen it says I have 4 and 5 for me.... just isnt right.
  3. Feel free to add me on discord: Gay Sparkly T-Rex#7265
  4. Latetest version and changed the above still getting: (17:47:11) | Failed to call hook 'OnEntityTakeDamage' on plugin 'PunishAttacker v1.3.4' (InvalidCastException: Null object cannot be converted to a value type.) at System.Convert.ChangeType (System.Object value, System.Type conversionType, System.IFormatProvider provider) [0x00029] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 at System.Convert.ChangeType (System.Object value, System.Type conversionType) [0x0000c] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.Call[T] (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00008] in <0fbce81d88d64454b3e7abb24df7026b>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PunishAttacker.IsClanMemberOrAlly (System.String playerId, System.String targetId) [0x00026] in <60531ba9fdda43209f1f1b1b8a5a03cb>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PunishAttacker.IsAlly (System.UInt64 playerId, System.UInt64 targetId) [0x0002f] in <60531ba9fdda43209f1f1b1b8a5a03cb>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PunishAttacker.OnEntityTakeDamage (BasePlayer victim, HitInfo info) [0x00144] in <60531ba9fdda43209f1f1b1b8a5a03cb>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PunishAttacker.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x003f2] in <60531ba9fdda43209f1f1b1b8a5a03cb>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <31122a27a2414cd799150f8677cf39d4>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <0fbce81d88d64454b3e7abb24df7026b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <0fbce81d88d64454b3e7abb24df7026b>:0 PunishAttacker.json
  5. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Error using Zones

    So I am using DynamicPVP to make airfield a PVP zone, the rest of the server is PVE.... I have attached my config. True PVE is set to allow players to damage players. But Im getting the following error: (15:54:46) | Failed to call hook 'OnEntityTakeDamage' on plugin 'PunishAttacker v1.3.3' (InvalidCastException: Null object cannot be converted to a value type.) at System.Convert.ChangeType (System.Object value, System.Type conversionType, System.IFormatProvider provider) [0x00029] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 at System.Convert.ChangeType (System.Object value, System.Type conversionType) [0x0000c] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.Call[T] (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00008] in <0fbce81d88d64454b3e7abb24df7026b>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PunishAttacker.IsClanMemberOrAlly (System.String playerId, System.String targetId) [0x00026] in <d47939b638ac43ac9f49b846438a0cda>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PunishAttacker.IsAlly (System.UInt64 playerId, System.UInt64 targetId) [0x00028] in <d47939b638ac43ac9f49b846438a0cda>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PunishAttacker.OnEntityTakeDamage (BasePlayer victim, HitInfo info) [0x00116] in <d47939b638ac43ac9f49b846438a0cda>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PunishAttacker.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x003f2] in <d47939b638ac43ac9f49b846438a0cda>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <31122a27a2414cd799150f8677cf39d4>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <0fbce81d88d64454b3e7abb24df7026b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <0fbce81d88d64454b3e7abb24df7026b>:0 Also damage is not being negated by punish attacker outside of the zone. PunishAttacker.json
  6. Is it possible to add Zone Manager support? Im looking to have Airfield as a PVP zone and dont want people to be punished within the zone but only be punished outside of the zone... sorry if I have missed a setting to already do this. I used Dynamic PVP to make the area around Airfield a PVP zone but dont see a space to specify in Punish Attacker to set zones not to apply punishments
  7. You couldnt have the addon just run a console command? I mean how is the addon giving RP or Econ?
  8. A possibility that we could have the rewards run RCON commands? Like I run Timed Permissions and would love to give 1st place 1hr donator+, 2nd place 1hr donator, 3rd 1hr donator then 4th to 10th some RP
    Once I figured out how the addon and had one bug fixed it worked perfectly! One thing I wish I knew before tho (and would have made it easier to set up) Global Limit dosent mean server wide (which is what I thought) global limit means total for that 1 player Building limit means per building/TC Example if you set a global limit of 5 windmills and a building limit of 2 windmills then that means 1 player can have 2 bases with 2 windmills on each and a 3rd base with 1 windmill on it.
  9. Gay Sparkly T-Rex


    If you want to add me on discord I can show you Gay Sparkly T-Rex#7265
  10. Gay Sparkly T-Rex


    on the stone base the TC placer was the other guy but I am authed on it.
  11. Gay Sparkly T-Rex


    Heres a video because I suck explaining in text (removed video becuase issues was fixed)
  12. Gay Sparkly T-Rex


    Ive also found a "bug" where I can only place 5 spotlights outside of TC range but if I go into TC range I can place unlimited spotlights
  13. Gay Sparkly T-Rex


    So I cant seem to get the addon to stop windmills from being able to be placed. I have attached the config below as well. I verified that your addon with the default config does indeed block windmills at 5. Ive gotten the configured version to work with spotlights and ceiling lights and it appears to be appropiatly blocking them once the player reaches there limit but for some reason setting windmills to 0 just seems to break blocking windmills LimitEntities.json
  14. Gay Sparkly T-Rex


    I would love this per page if possible...
  15. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Closing Error

    David I tried sending you a message as Im having an issue with the wipe module. I can send you configs if needed as well. https://youtu.be/P-ziqbflzds
  16. It looks cool but definitly needs ZoneManager support for servers that are PVE
  17. Any ETA on permissions?
  18. All good, not in a huge hurry. Maybe talk to Steenamroo about getting some help
  19. Gay Sparkly T-Rex

    Full Kit Support

    Any chance we can full kits support? I want to put good loot on my NPCs but when players kill them all they get is default NPC loot.
  20. I have no problem paying for an addon but my problem is paying for an addon to be maintained every 6 months from a dev Ive never seen on UMOD/Oxide and has no free addons on here... so at this point you want server owners to pay for addons (then pay again and again to keep them up to date) from a dev that most people havent even herd of before.... Personally I would rather pay a higher 1 time fee then a lower fee and a update fee every x mount of time... The number of devs I ve seen come along make some great addon then vanish with the cash leaving server owners on there ass....
  21. so wait if someone buys this addon they pay almost 7us to buy it then almost 2us a month? Whats the process to cancle the renewal term?


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