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Everything posted by DutchPrelude

  1. i have noticed the refund of a craft can get a bit buggy you get random stuf back or you get random extra's along with the original materials no respec in the tree
  2. DutchPrelude


    no guard's spawn and players cant get access to the loot StoreRobbery.json
  3. DutchPrelude


    i redownloaded it did fresh install now its working (loading in)
  4. DutchPrelude


    i get this Error while compiling: StoreRobbery.cs(364,27): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `void', expecting `class', `delegate', `enum', `interface', `partial', or `struct'
  5. yeah after finding the correct spot on the door it worked all fine
  6. DutchPrelude

    not working any more

    dont know if its raidable bases or picklock thats messing it up but it is no longer working on raidable bases never mind had to select the doorframe its stil working
    Clean and nice looking gui works great no issues
  7. works like a charm
    beautiful map so much to explore and do on this map. i run the full version and i'm not regretting it
  8. nice new update but how do i exclude a custom monument ?
  9. i love the plugin but its a nightmare to have in combination with custom monuments. is there a way to exclude buildings ? like maybe a zone rule
  10. it could be only me but when using a player based npc the loot will not respawn near the clerk I've tested it and loot will not respawn I changed the payer base in the CS to : assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/scientiststationary.prefab and the loot respawns like it should and the plugin still works great. but the clerk holds a weapon and the custom name does not work or gets suppressed (i have custom npc's names). is there a way to take away the weapons they will use them on players still funy tho having immoral clerks that shoot on sight if you change it to : assets/prefabs/npc/bandit/shopkeepers/bandit_shopkeeper.prefab they will even wave to you no guns.. all works great con: No custom name and can't shoot to start robbery
  11. i cant confirm it yet but it seems the loot near the clerk does not respawn. loot wont respawn if there is a player nearby
  12. try this one assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/player/beartrap_scream.prefab stay in the player fx range
  13. this plugin is way more fun that is should no pve/pve you can rob the clerk and get out without shooting / killing it only shows on the map that a clerk is being robbed to attract other players for the loot or on a rp server you can dispatch police to it
  14. animals attack the clerks i have some animals reacting to the clerks the clerk is inside but wolves tend to be attracted to them and waiting outside
  15. and if its possible i would love to see a bridge between this plugin and the bounty one so if you rob a store you get a bounty on your head the IQHeadReward plugin has an api for it i would love to have that option and would love to pay extra for it
  16. its the one's i place my self i figured out that with some tinkering with the numers they rotate but its not easy and i found out that they tend to go invisible you can stil interact but cant see them a reload of the plugin helps but that should not be the point
  17. DutchPrelude

    rotation of the clerks

    how to set the rotation ? because no mater how i stand when i spawn the clerks they all face the same way
  18. DutchPrelude

    Bank Heist

    it would be fun if there is an option to have the IQHeadReward included in this when they robbing the bank a bounty wil go on their head
  19. iq ranks is nowhere to be found can you set it up with normal permissions ? i don't want players to put up bounties (i want it automated ) and i have a player with a bounty on his head (auto picked) but after 2 hours its still active even tho i set this in config "Время по умолчанию(секунды) | Default time(seconds)": 3600,
  20. "Ссылка на PNG | Link PNG": "https://i.imgur.com/QVatu3D.png",
  21. i need to ad more items, but will load it on the players tomorrow new job opening on an rp server : Bounty hunter btw there was a image in the config linked to one with some Russian text on it it there a " clean" version of it ?
  22. that's the interval for the automatic system right ? I'm guessing its in seconds? And will it will pick from the players who are online ? (minimum of players online? ) and the stashed can be opened by anyone or just the player who " won " And per 6 items given a stash will added like 5 items its 1 stash and with 10 items its 2 ? maybe for a future update add a weight system for the loot now it pure random but to make sure high value items stays " rare" they have a 0.10% chance of dropping automatically in the stash like option 0= common, 1=uncommon, 2= rare


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