Hello everyone,
I am looking for a clean killfeed.
At the moment I am using the SimpleKillFeed from uMod.
Unfortunately, I don't like the display at all.
Do you know a better plugin, or can you help me to change the display from the current one?
The formatting should be like this:
[Player][Weapon] killed [Player][Head][5M]
This is how it looks at the moment:
"Show Traps and Entitys in Kill Feed": true,
"Show Animals kills (default true)": false,
"Show Npcs kills (Default true)": false,
"Show suicides (Default: true)": true,
"Show Deaths by Animals (Default: true)": false,
"Show Deaths by Cold (Default: true)": false,
"Show deaths by Drowning (Default: true)": true,
"Show Deaths by Fall (Default: true)": true,
"Show Deaths by Hunger (Default: true)": true,
"Show Deaths by Electricution (Default: true)": true,
"Show Deaths by Radiation (Default: true)": true,
"Chat Icon Id (Steam profile ID)": 76561197960839785,
"Max messages in feed (Default: 5)": 5,
"Max player name length in feed (Default: 18)": 18,
"Feed message TTL in seconds (Default: 7)": 7,
"Allow kill messages in chat along with kill feed": true,
"Log PvP Kill events": false,
"Height ident (space between messages). Default: 0.0185": 0.0185,
"Feed Position - Anchor Max. (Default: 0.995 0.986": "0.995 0.986",
"Feed Position - Anchor Min. (Default: 0.723 0.964": "0.723 0.964",
"Font size of kill feed (Default: 12)": 12,
"Outline Text Size (Default: 0.5 0.5)": "0.5 0.5",
"Default color for distance (if too far from any from the list). Default: #FF8000": "#FF8000",
"Distance Colors List (Certain color will apply if distance is <= than specified)": [
"DistanceThreshold": 50,
"Color": "#FFFFFF"
"DistanceThreshold": 100,
"Color": "#91D6FF"
"DistanceThreshold": 150,
"Color": "#FFFF00"
"Custom Entity Names, you can remove or add more!": {
"autoturret_deployed": "Auto Turret",
"flameturret.deployed": "Flame Turret",
"guntrap.deployed": "Gun Trap",
"landmine": "Landmine",
"beartrap": "Bear Trap",
"sam_site_turret_deployed": "Sam Site Turret",
"patrolhelicopter": "Helicopter",
"bradleyapc": "Bradley APC"
"Custom Animal Names, you can remove or add more!": {
"bear": "Bear",
"polarbear": "PolarBear",
"wolf": "Wolf",
"stag": "Stag",
"boar": "Boar",
"chicken": "Chicken",
"horse": "Horse",
"simpleshark": "Shark"
"Custom Weapon Names, you can add more!": {
"Assault Rifle": "Ak-47",
"LR-300 Assault Rifle": "LR-300",
"L96 Rifle": "L96",
"Bolt Action Rifle": "Bolt",
"Semi-Automatic Rifle": "Semi-AR",
"Semi-Automatic Pistol": "Semi-AP",
"Spas-12 Shotgun": "Spas-12",
"M92 Pistol": "M92"
"Custom Npc Names, you can add more!": {
"scientist": "Scientist Npc"