About Vote Rewards
# RSVote Plugin for RustServers.gg
A powerful voting reward plugin for Rust servers that integrates with RustServers.gg, featuring multi-server support, customizable rewards, and Discord integration.
## Features
### Core Functionality
- Multi-server support with independent configurations
- Automatic vote tracking and reward distribution
- Configurable cooldown periods
- Customizable chat commands
- Real-time vote status checking
### Reward System
- Multiple reward categories based on:
- Vote streaks
- Total votes
- Server-specific rewards
- Random reward selection within categories
- Streak bonus rewards
- Customizable reward items with:
- Min/max amounts
- Custom skins
- Item descriptions
### Statistics & Tracking
- Vote streak tracking
- Total vote counting
- First vote date recording
- Player statistics command
- Leaderboard system
### Notifications
- Discord integration via Discord Messages plugin
- Global server messages
- Customizable message colors
- Streak notifications
- Reward announcements
### Commands
- `/vote [server-id]` - Vote for a server
- `/votestats [player]` - View voting statistics
- `/voteleaderboard` - Display top voters
- Customizable command aliases
## Configuration
### Server Configuration`
``json { "Server Name": "My Server", "Server Id": "server1", "API Key": "your-api-key", "Enable Discord Notifications": true, "Enable Global Messages": true, "Global Message Color": "#00ff00", "Enable Streak Bonus": true, "Streak Bonus Interval (days)": 7, "Vote Reward Categories": [...] } ```
### Reward Categories
"Name": "Default",
"Description": "Regular voting rewards",
"Required Streak": 0,
"Required Total Votes": 0,
"Rewards": [...]
### Reward Items
"Item Shortname": "wood",
"Description": "Wood",
"Item Amount Min": 100,
"Item Amount Max": 200,
"Item Skin id": 0
## Dependencies
- Discord Messages plugin (for Discord notifications)
- RustServers.gg API access
## Permissions
- `rsvote.admin` - Access to admin commands and player statistics
## Data Storage
- Automatic data saving
- Persistent vote statistics
- Streak tracking
- Vote history
## Support
For support, please visit the plugin's GitHub repository or contact the developer.