About Vote Rewards
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About Voting Rewards
Reward your players for voting at the Rust Servers toplist. *Exclusive plugin for rustservers.gg
Votes give Points which are included in the ranking system, get above your competition by letting your community vote for your server.
Randomized items, or commands that you provide (Give users Economics or special rank, or whatever you prefer as a command)
Very lightweight, and easy in use.
Chat Commands:
All do the same function which shown below, its very simplified so users can understand.
1) Check if user voted no-> provides user with URL where they can vote: https://rustservers.gg/server/ID
2) If voted -> User gets Randomized reward, or you can remove rewards and just make it static.
3) User voted already, will provide a message that they can come back later.
Here are some console command examples that you could add inside the config file (!Console commands only!)
to add ServerRewards points
sr add {steamid} 10
to add Economics points
deposit {steamid} 10
Where can I find the API key of my server?
QuoteYou will find the API key of your server inside the edit page of your server.
Where can I find the id of my server?
QuoteYou can find your ID on the edit page where you can copy + paste it to your configuration file.
Config File Example(1.2.3):
{ "API Key": "", "Server Id": "", "Chat Commands": [ "claim", "vote", "votes" ], "Reward items": [ { "Item Shortname": "wood", "Description": null, "Item Amount Min": 1000, "Item Amount Max": 2000, "Item Skin id": 0 }, { "Item Shortname": "stones", "Description": null, "Item Amount Min": 1000, "Item Amount Max": 2000, "Item Skin id": 0 }, { "Item Shortname": "metal.refined", "Description": null, "Item Amount Min": 1000, "Item Amount Max": 2000, "Item Skin id": 0 } ], "Reward Commands Help": "use {steamid} to add user steam id\nExamples:\nsr add {steamid} 10 - to add ServerRewards points\ndeposit {steamid} 10 - to add Economics points\n", "Reward Commands": [ { "Command": "example {steamid} 1d", "Description": "example Description (will appear on Message)", "Type": "example type of Reward (Kit, Permission etc.)" }, { "Command": "example {steamid} 1d", "Description": "example Description (will appear on Message)", "Type": "example type of Reward (Kit, Permission etc.)" }, { "Command": "example {steamid} 1d", "Description": "example Description (will appear on Message)", "Type": "example type of Reward (Kit, Permission etc.)" } ] }