using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Newtonsoft.Json; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info(" Vote", "TimQQ@Codefling", "1.2.3")] [Description("Voting reward plugin for")] public class RSVote: RustPlugin { #region Vars private Dictionary cooldown = new Dictionary(); #endregion #region Oxide Hooks private void Init() { foreach (var command in config.commands) { cmd.AddChatCommand(command, this, cmdChat); } timer.Every(Core.Random.Range(300, 500), () => { cooldown.Clear(); }); Puts($"Loaded server with id '{config.serverId}'"); } #endregion #region Commands private void cmdChat(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) { if (cooldown.ContainsKey(player.userID) == true) { var nextUse = cooldown[player.userID]; if (nextUse > DateTime.UtcNow) { player.ChatMessage("Cooldown..."); return; } cooldown[player.userID] = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(5); } else { cooldown.Add(player.userID, DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(5)); } player.ChatMessage("Trying to claim reward..."); var url = CheckUrl(player.UserIDString); Execute(url, "status", player); } #endregion #region Core private string CheckUrl(string steamId) { return BuildUrl("status", steamId); } private string ClaimUrl(string steamId) { return BuildUrl("claim", steamId); } private string BuildUrl(string action, string userId) { var url = ConfigData.baseUrl; url += $"action={action}"; url += $"&key={config.apiKey}"; url += $"&server={config.serverId}"; url += $"&steamid={userId}"; return url; } private void Execute(string url, string action, BasePlayer player) { webrequest.Enqueue(url, null, (i, s) => { HandleResponse(url, i, s, action, player); }, this); } private void HandleResponse(string url, int code, string response, string action, BasePlayer player) { var rInt = 0; if (int.TryParse(response, out rInt) == false) { PrintWarning($"Failed to parse response from '{response}'"); return; } if (action == "status") { switch (rInt) { case 0: player.ChatMessage($"Vote at the servers page to claim reward!\n" + $"{config.serverId}"); break; case 1: GiveRandomReward(player); break; case 2: player.ChatMessage("You already claimed your reward(s)"); break; } } if (action == "claim") { switch (rInt) { case 0: // Ignore break; case 1: // Ignore break; case 2: // Ignore break; } } } private void GiveRandomReward(BasePlayer player) { IReward reward; if (Core.Random.Range(0, 101) > 50) { reward = config.rewardCommands.GetRandom(); } else { reward = config.rewardItems.GetRandom(); } var userId = player.UserIDString; var result = reward.GiveTo(userId); if (result == false) { PrintWarning($"Failed to give reward to '{userId}' ({reward.Info()})"); player.ChatMessage("Failed to claim reward, please contact the server owner!"); return; } Puts($"Player {userId} received reward for voting"); player.ChatMessage($"You received {reward.Info()} for voting!"); var url = ClaimUrl(userId); Execute(url, "claim", player); } #endregion #region Config private class ConfigData { [JsonProperty("API Key")] public string apiKey = string.Empty; [JsonProperty("Server Id")] public string serverId = string.Empty; [JsonProperty("Chat Commands")] public string[] commands = { "claim", "vote", "votes", }; [JsonProperty("Reward items")] public RewardItem[] rewardItems = new[] { new RewardItem { shortname = "wood", amountMin = 1000, amountMax = 2000, }, new RewardItem { shortname = "stones", amountMin = 1000, amountMax = 2000, }, new RewardItem { shortname = "metal.refined", amountMin = 1000, amountMax = 2000, }, }; [JsonProperty("Reward Commands Help")] public string commandHelp = "use {steamid} to add user steam id\n" + "Examples:\n" + "sr add {steamid} 10 - to add ServerRewards points\n" + "deposit {steamid} 10 - to add Economics points\n"; [JsonProperty("Reward Commands")] public RewardCommand[] rewardCommands = new[] { new RewardCommand(), new RewardCommand(), new RewardCommand() }; [JsonIgnore] public const string baseUrl = ""; } private static ConfigData config = new ConfigData(); protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { config = Config.ReadObject(); if (config == null) { LoadDefaultConfig(); } } catch { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { PrintError("Configuration file is corrupt! Check your config file at"); } LoadDefaultConfig(); return; } SaveConfig(); } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { config = new ConfigData(); } protected override void SaveConfig() { Config.WriteObject(config); } #endregion #region Rewards private interface IReward { bool GiveTo(string userId); string Info(); } private class RewardItem : IReward { [JsonProperty("Item Shortname")] public string shortname; [JsonProperty("Description")] public string description; [JsonProperty("Item Amount Min")] public int amountMin; [JsonProperty("Item Amount Max")] public int amountMax; [JsonProperty("Item Skin id")] public ulong skinId; public Item GetItem() { var def = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(shortname); if (def == null) { return null; } var amount = amountMax > amountMin ? Core.Random.Range(amountMin, amountMax) : Core.Random.Range(amountMax, amountMin); var item = ItemManager.Create(def, amount); if (item == null) { return null; } = skinId; return item; } public bool GiveTo(string userId) { var player = BasePlayer.Find(userId); if (player == null) { return false; } var item = GetItem(); if (item == null) { return false; } player.GiveItem(item); return true; } public string Info() { return $"Item: {description}"; } } private class RewardCommand : IReward { [JsonProperty("Command")] public string command = "example {steamid} 1d"; [JsonProperty("Description")] public string description = "example Description (will appear on Message)"; [JsonProperty("Type")] public string type = "example type of Reward (Kit, Permission etc.)"; public bool GiveTo(string userId) { var cmd = command; cmd = cmd.Replace("{steamid}", userId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); cmd = cmd.Replace("{steam}", userId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); cmd = cmd.Replace("{id}", userId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); ConsoleSystem.Run(ConsoleSystem.Option.Server, cmd); return true; } public string Info() { return $"{type}: {description}"; } } #endregion } }