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Everything posted by imthenewguy

  1. Use the command to generate an example perm: /addtestpermsnode This will add a node called "Test perms node" to the Cooking tree (but if will be disabled by default). Gives you an example of the formatting.
  2. imthenewguy


    If they are using scientists as the base NPC then it should work fine I imagine.
  3. imthenewguy

    Console only usage

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  4. Changed Status from Pending to Gremlins
  5. Fixed in next update.
  6. The only reason the genes wouldn't set is if another plugin is setting the genes to something else once deployed (ie the custom genetics plugin). I recommend unloading the other plugin, reloading SkillTree and testing it like that to see if the issue persists.
  7. Its been added to the next patch. Just waiting for a few more bugs to appear before I release.
  8. Raise the chance that it procs to 50% and try a few times
  9. imthenewguy

    Console only usage

    Ahh fair enough. No intention of preventing UI access unfortunately. The only thing you could do would be to disable the button in the next update via the config, and then prevent the chat command from running using a third party plugin.
  10. Yeah those are gremlins. It isn't game breaking and it wont affect performance. Still can't pinpoint what causes the null reference exception during the timer.
  11. imthenewguy


    With updates in the near future, no. If I was to restructure the entire plugin, yes. It will be a huge undertaking and it won't be anytime soon though so you should be fine.
  12. imthenewguy

    Console only usage

    Why would you want to stop access to the inspector? That is how players are able to see what the stats of their items are. You can disable crafting with the first line I posted above "Should players have a chance of their crafted items becoming enhanced?": false, Setting the values for each create/npc type to 0.0 removes them from world drops. Setting the following to false prevents players from scrapping the items and using epic scrap to create new ones "Enable scrapping of equipment for a special currency that can be used to enhanced weapons?": false, Having access to the HUD and the chat command still allows the player to inspect their equipment pieces and buffs, but will not allow them any means to obtain new items, so long as you follow my config options above.
  13. Best to look up a guide for language in oxide. I only add support; have never had to actually use it before. This is incredibly odd. Add me on discord and perhaps we can discuss it over voice. im the new guy#0001
  14. Sounds good, look forward to it. One question: are you getting xp when you gather?
  15. That is really weird. Do you have a test server in addition to your main server that you could test on? If so, delete all other plugins besides ImageLibrary and a fresh copy of 1.2.0 SKillTree and see if the issue persists there. Also what item are you gathering? A video may assist as well, showing your invested skill points, then gathering a hemp plant etc, just so I can see what is going on.
  16. imthenewguy


    Not sure if I would add a perk for that into the EpicLoot, but I may API it so it could add a SkillTree node that increases the chances. Based on the structure of the plugin, your suggestion for random sets etc wouldn't be possible. Can't create your own buffs unfortunately, although I may add this in a future update. It is hard coded with an enum as the key (Buff.Miners, Buff.Transporters etc). You can adjust the set bonuses and modifiers etc within each buff type though. I do plan to change it so you could create your own set types, but it would involve a complete structural change to do so.
  17. So long as the loot table can take a custom name, skin ID and item shortname, you can simply input them in as displayed in the config. Doesn't matter what plugin generates them, as long as the item.name, item.skin and item.info.shortname are a match.
  18. They are inbuilt loot tables. Dictionary<string, List<LootItems>> GetUnderwaterLoot() { Dictionary<string, List<LootItems>> result = new Dictionary<string, List<LootItems>>(); List<LootItems> items = new List<LootItems>(); foreach (var item in ItemManager.GetItemDefinitions().Where(x => x.category == ItemCategory.Component)) items.Add(new LootItems(item.shortname, 1, 3)); result.Add("assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_underwater_basic.prefab", items); result.Add("assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/underwater_labs/crate_normal_2.prefab", items); result.Add("assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/underwater_labs/crate_normal.prefab", items); foreach (var item in ItemManager.GetItemDefinitions().Where(x => x.category == ItemCategory.Electrical || x.category == ItemCategory.Weapon || x.category == ItemCategory.Attire)) { if (item.category == ItemCategory.Attire || item.category == ItemCategory.Weapon) items.Add(new LootItems(item.shortname, 1, 1)); else items.Add(new LootItems(item.shortname, 1, 3)); } result.Add("assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_underwater_advanced.prefab", items); result.Add("assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/underwater_labs/crate_elite.prefab", items); return result; } crate_underwater_basic, underwater crate_normal_2 and underwater crate_normal all have the chance of giving players with the perk who open them (assuming they are the first to open the crate), any component. crate_underwater_advanced and crate_elite have the same components as the above, in addition to any electrical item, weapon item or attire item. The reason there is no config for this is due to the sheer size that it would add to the config, including all of these items. Shark loot simply includes all items in the game List<LootItems> GetSharkLoot() { List<LootItems> loot = new List<LootItems>(); foreach (var item in ItemManager.GetItemDefinitions()) loot.Add(new LootItems(item.shortname, 1, item.isWearable ? 1 : item.isHoldable ? 1 : UnityEngine.Random.Range(2, 5))); return loot; }
  19. Have you modified the .cs file at all? o.O haven't seen those errors appear before, especially since all of those variables are being used.
  20. imthenewguy

    Console only usage

    Just to confirm; you dont want them to be able to get the items as drops in the world, or obtain them while crafting or use EpicScrap to get them? Only via console command? If so, set the following config options: "Should players have a chance of their crafted items becoming enhanced?": false, "Loot crate info": { "Should we use the default item loot table for the below containers?": true, "Containers and their chance for an enhanced item to spawn": { "crate_normal_2": 0.0, "crate_normal": 0.0, "crate_elite": 0.0, "crate_underwater_basic": 0.0, "crate_underwater_advanced": 0.0, "heli_crate": 0.0, "bradley_crate": 0.0, "codelockedhackablecrate": 0.0, "codelockedhackablecrate_oilrig": 0.0, "crate_tools": 0.0 }, "Barrels and their chance for an enhanced item to spawn": { "loot-barrel-1": 0.0, "loot_barrel_1": 0.0, "loot-barrel-2": 0.0, "loot_barrel_2": 0.0 } }, "Corpse loot info": { "Corpse types and their chance for an enhanced item to spawn": { "scientistnpc_heavy": 0.0, "scientistnpc_cargo": 0.0, "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any": 0.0, "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300": 0.0, "scientistnpc_ch47_gunner": 0.0, "scientistnpc_excavator": 0.0, "scientistnpc_full_any": 0.0, "scientistnpc_full_lr300": 0.0, "scientistnpc_full_mp5": 0.0, "scientistnpc_full_pistol": 0.0, "scientistnpc_full_shotgun": 0.0, "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol": 0.0, "scientistnpc_oilrig": 0.0, "scientistnpc_patrol": 0.0, "scientistnpc_peacekeeper": 0.0, "scientistnpc_roam": 0.0, "scientistnpc_roamtethered": 0.0 } }, "Enable scrapping of equipment for a special currency that can be used to enhanced weapons?": false, These options are spread out throughout the config.
  21. imthenewguy

    Custom Repec cost issue

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  22. imthenewguy

    Custom Repec cost issue

    tyty found the issue and added it to the next release.
  23. So long as the {0} {1} {2} {3} etc remain, you can change the english words to whatever you want.
  24. The next update will have a lang entry for the back and forward buttons on the menu so you can edit them for your server.


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