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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo

    Scientest shoot Zombies

    Pretty sure HTN aren't even used in the vanilla game anymore so I may as well rename that Ignore_ZombieHorde.
  2. Hi, Import only happens if exported data exists. It's not the lightest of routines so I made it only export when you ask and only import once immediately after that. I can add a console command for it, so the export can be automated by some other plugin or script? I guess a lot of servers have wipe announcements or some kind of happy hour?
  3. Steenamaroo

    Scientest shoot Zombies

    As far as I know ZombieHorde are HTNPlayer do you probably want 'Ignore_HTN' false in the BotSpawn config file.
  4. Hi, No, the last update was just a quick fix for a bug that someone found. The next update will have teams support, though. I'll make it a priority. To be honest, I forgot about it.
  5. Steenamaroo

    error with the code

    This is now fixed. Thanks for letting me know.
  6. Version 1.0.6


    Admin and player UI for saving/recalling/deleting sign drawings. Gives players a 25 capacity image library so they can save, and restore, their artwork. Saved images exist even after the signs they're on are destroyed. Multi-layer support for animated signs allows save from and restore to each layer separately. Admin can view a 25 image history for any sign, with the SteamID of the painter shown. Clicking a SteamID shows a 25 image history for that player. UI delete allows for very easy moderation of unwanted images. Permissions SignManager.admin – Allows use of /sma command. SignManager.autosave – Allows auto-saving of paintings upon completion. SignManager.manualsave – Allows manual saving of paintings in UI menu. Chat commands Players. /sm – Opens SignManager UI. Player must be close to a sign Admin. /sma – Opens admin menu for closest sign. /sma <steamID> – Opens admin menu for closest sign /sma export – Exports all images/library data to file. These are auto imported on next server boot. Console commands sma export -Exports all images/library data to file. These are auto imported on next server boot. Configuration ButtonColour : “0.7 0.32 0.17 1” CommandAlias = "SignManager"; AdminCommandAlias = "SignManagerAdmin"; Note : SignManager uses Rust storage and, therefore, saved images will be wiped when the server is wiped. To avoid this, use the the `/sma export` chat command or `sma export` console command before shutdown and wipe.
  7. Steenamaroo

    error with the code

    Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  8. Steenamaroo

    error with the code

    Hi Could you dm me a copy of your data file, please?
  9. Steenamaroo

    No Loot

    Hi Pookins, Is your 'default.json' set up to give loot? It'd be worth double checking.
  10. Steenamaroo

    Console Error

    Hi Pookins, It looks like the contents of your CustomLoot.json config file are 'null'. There must have been some mistake in it, resulting in it failing to load properly. I'll add in a catch so the file doesn't get overwritten in this case - My other plugins have that. If you have a backup restore that. If not, just delete the CustomLoot.json from /config folder and reload the plugin.
  11. Oh, ok. If it's as simple as Plagued loaded - Issue....Plagued unloaded - No issue, then you're talking to the wrong guy. Most likely plagued is affecting all murderers on the map - That would make sense.
  12. Steenamaroo


    Hi, Just regular bullet weapons and melee weapons. The murderers can use melee-only, if you want, but the scientist have to have at least one normal bullet weapon.
  13. Steenamaroo

    Raidable Bases

    Hi Grumbles. NPCKits certainly could be the culprit, assuming you have some profile there set to 300HP. If there's any API to check if an npc is one of yours, @nivex, or even just a custom component name I can check for, I'd be glad to add that in.
  14. BotSpawn doesn't spawn Scarecrows but it does give the Scarecrow attire to its murderers as a default loadout, since they would spawn naked by default. None of them should be able to spawn naked now, unless Keep_Default_Loadout is false and the kit you're giving them has no clothes in it. Put simply, if you're trying to dress these npcs yourself, make sure you're giving them a valid kit and make sure that kit has clothing in the inventory portion. In addition, set Keep_Default_Loadout to false for that profile.
  15. Hi, Murderers spawned by BotSpawn are given the Scarecrow attire by default if you don't specify any kits. If yours are getting shirt/boots/pants then I guess you must be giving them Kits? Either way, each BotSpawn profile has options to Wipe_Belt and/or Wipe_Clothing upon death. They're both a percentage chance so if you set Wipe_Clothing_Percent to 100 then when your npcs die their clothing should not be available as loot.
  16. Steenamaroo

    color code

    Hi, It's RGB A decimal. The A is alpha - Transparency. This site's useful for getting your values. Just be sure to enter the correct format in PlayerRanks config file - There are no commas.
  17. No worries. Thanks for flagging it.
  18. Not really sure what else to suggest. Is your map publicly available for free? If so I could fire it up and test exactly as you are. if not perhaps the creator would agree to let me test it?
  19. I tested with your snippet without issue. Just noticing you're asking for 100 of them in that profile, though. If your other profiles are like that you've probably just overloaded the server. I'd reduce the numbers and test - Maybe disable all profiles except that one testing profile, with only a few npcs. If that works, you've just gone too far.
  20. Alright. Try them with no kit. If they move around just fine without the kits then double check kit contents and make sure there's nothing unusual in the belt. It should have regular bullet weapons and/or melee weapons only.
  21. I see. Ok. Are you using custom spawn points? If so, is Stationary set to true?
  22. "Thanks Steenamaroo, I have tried this and they don't move." If regular scientists aren't moving then it's likely to be something about the map/terrain and not something BotSpawn's doing. Not really sure how to help, other than to suggest trying lots of different areas around the map.
  23. Did they previously work fine on the same map?
  24. Hi, You can find out pretty easily if it's a BotSpawn issue or an obstacles/terrain issue. Go to where one of these static npcs is, look at the ground, and do spawn scientist in f1 console. If that new scientist also doesn't move, there's something about that location that's stopping them.
  25. Ah, ok. That's meant to work. There's an update due soon - It'll be fixed in that. In the meantime, use this. BotSpawn.cs


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