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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo


    Hi, Can you show me a screen shot of what you see? it's meant to be doing what you describe - Sort by online/offline, and by displayname.
  2. Steenamaroo


    Hi, @TheEye I updated Kits to be on the same version as you and I'm not seeing an issue. Would you mind rolling back NPCKits to confirm for sure if it's related or not?
  3. Uploaded file is 2.2.3. Confirmed by downloading.
  4. @Country_SassNot really, no. Each npc chooses random points to walk to, within the roam range of his spawn point. ZombieHorde does that, though.
  5. I don't see any API for identifying helis from that plugin but I can take a punt that it's adding a custom component and/or changing OwnerID. I'll send you something for testing, if you're willing.
  6. Hi, The advice would have been to ensure that nav_wait is true. If it's false then the server starts up fully before navmesh generation is complete, so then there's nowhere for the npcs to spawn at first. It wouldn't apply to any profiles where Stationary is set true, as those npcs don't move and don't need navmesh.
  7. I can probably increase it with distance. Thanks for pointing that out.
  8. Thanks for reporting. I got this one last night so it'll be in the next update.
  9. Steenamaroo


    Hi, It changes whether clicking the > or < arrows in the ui move the value by 1, 5 or 10. You probably don't want to adjust npc health in increments of one, for example..
  10. Steenamaroo


    Alright, thanks for letting me know. I don't know what would have caused that but don't hesitate to report if you see it again.
  11. Hi, I don't know anything about that particular plugin, I'm afraid, but I do have API allowing other plugins to get the profile name of any given BotReSpawn npc. BotReSpawn has a built in option to let you choose a preferred container type, to change the loot that will appear on the npc corpse, but these are all vanilla options. For non vanilla my free CustomLoot plugin can recognise every BotReSpawn npc profile by name. It's not the most intuitive loot plugin out there, but it has that option where most others do not.
  12. Steenamaroo

    Plugin not being detected

    Looking at your first edit, it sounds like oxide isn't installed. When you drag a plugin into the plugins folder the server will immediately try to compile it and will give you confirmation or an error. If that isn't happening, you need to shut down and install oxide.
  13. Steenamaroo

    Plugin not being detected

    Hi, oxide.reload PermissionsManager and watch console for confirmation that the plugin loaded. If you get an error instead, delete the associated config file and try again. If you're still getting an error, re download the plugin from Codefling to rule out corruption or something like that.
  14. Steenamaroo

    Title Changes

    Hi, If you do /pr chat in-game, was it set to false? Users have the option of setting this to false to disable messages like that for themselves.
  15. Steenamaroo


    Have you recently introduced any new loot or npc plugins which could be doing something to npc inventories? If you have a test server I'd recommend firing it up with no plugins except for NPCKits and Godmode, then kill off a few vanilla npcs (modified by npckits) to see if the issue persists.
  16. Steenamaroo


    Are you getting that often or was it a one-off? I think that can only happen if a corpse spawns and has null or empty inventory so I've added a condition to check for that. That's a strange thing to happen, though.
  17. Peacekeeper_Uses_Damage will be a new option in the next up date. With the setting false, Peacekeeper functions as it does in the current version. With it set to true, peacekeeper npcs should ignore you until you actually hurt one of them. Thanks for the suggestion!
  18. Steenamaroo

    Not attacking player

    Marking this as fixed in next update. Confirmed - Attacking an npc with your rock as a noob does mark you hostile (vanilla mechanic) but BotReSpawn continues to make the npc ignore you if Target_Noobs is false. I've fixed that now so the player will retain their noob status but the NPC will defend himself. Thanks again!
  19. Steenamaroo

    Not attacking player

    Ha! Ok, good to know. That's an oversight on my part but very easy to fix. I'll get it done later and it'll be in the next update which, to be honest, is getting overdue! Thank you.
  20. Steenamaroo

    Not attacking player

    Glad it was something simple. That shouldn't be the case - The Target_Noobs setting works off the vanilla sash system so as soon as you pick up or craft a tool or weapon you lose that status and the npcs should start responding to you. If you're finding newly spawned players are able to kill npcs with their rock/torch without repercussion that might be possible. I'd have to check but if it is possible I'll fix that in the next update.
  21. Steenamaroo

    Not attacking player

    Hi, Are you testing as a fresh-spawned player with only rock and torch? If so they could be ignoring you because Target_Noobs is false. If that's the case simple craft/spawn/pick up some tool or weapon, and you'll lose your noob status. NPCs should start attacking you as normal then. Might also be worth making sure you, and the npcs, aren't in a safe zone, as Respect_Safe_Zones is set to true. I'm not sure if Vanish works with BotReSpawn npcs or not but you might want to make sure you aren't vanished, just to rule it out. If those don't fix it please just let me know - We'll get it sorted. FYI, the faction settings only govern how BotReSpawn profiles interact with each other. It wont affect how they interact with real players.
  22. That's how it used to be in BotSpawn but it often raised eyebrows - People didn't understand why they couldn't hurt the npcs with melee. I think your first suggestion makes the most sense, making the npcs ignore completely unless you actually hurt them. I'd probably just add PeaceKeeper_Follows_Hostility : true/false, with the default true so, by default, nothing changes, then if you set that to false it would work based on whether you've hurt the npc or not.
  23. I'll take a look.
  24. I'll look into that. Shouldn't be too difficult to give a global option for how peacekeeper works. Right now it's based on Rust hostility so what you're describing makes sense.
  25. The plugin that keeps on giving! @Country_Sass - You'll find it there for every profile, under the 'Other' tab in UI,


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