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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hi, That link went down so I hosted the file at Codefling. Here you go - https://codefling.com/uploads/monthly_2024_07/16-169722_transparent-background-sticky-note-clipart.png.63332204e329e4cd726402534f64dac7.png
  2. Thanks @NooBlet As said there is a UI button to empty the group. For a command solution there's no empty but oxide does have remove + create which would achieve the same thing. oxide.group remove <group> Removes a group oxide.group add <group> <"[Title]"> <rank> Creates a new group. Title and rank are optional depending on the circumstance.
  3. Steenamaroo

    custom items added break

    Good morning. Looks like I misremembered. I added item.name and item.text copying in BotReSpawn, not CustomLoot, so that these custom values aren't lost when BotReSpawn is moving items (really creating new copies) between npc and corpse. When you create a custom item via chat commands in CustomLoot, CustomLoot stores the ItemShortName, to know what to spawn, and creates an entry in your loottable(s) under the custom name you specified. That custom name is applied as item.name. I've now added an ItemText field, which will be applied to item.text in cases where ItemShortName is not empty - I.E. only for custom items. Would you be willing to test this?
  4. Steenamaroo

    custom items added break

    Ha! Don't worry about it. Sure. Shouldn't be a problem. I think I already added it locally but haven't publicly updated yet. I'll send it to you tomorrow to confirm it does what you need, if you want.
  5. Steenamaroo

    custom items added break

    @MelodyZEI'm over here...
  6. Steenamaroo

    Rubber Banding Server

    Hope so.
  7. Steenamaroo

    Rubber Banding Server

    @ryan per- Have you updated your client today? I just updated mine and all rubber banding issues from yesterday are gone. Might be coincidence but worth checking.
  8. I don't know what one you've been using. Free Kits plugin from uMod is the one that's supported and tested. For any kit to show up in BotReSpawn UI it will need to have some kind of weapon in the belt. They are re-scanned every time you open the UI so if you make changes to kits be sure to close, and open, BotReSpawn UI again afterwards. Reloading BotReSpawn isn't needed.
  9. Sorry, what's the issue? Kits that you made aren't listed in the BotReSpawn UI, or the BotReSpawn UI closes/disappears when you try to select (increase the number for) some kit?
  10. Not aware of any issues there, no. Is there an error being printed to console when this happens? What Kits plugin, and what version, are you using?
  11. Steenamaroo

    Rubber Banding Server

    V1.3.5 has no such issue - It's caused by specific code that's not in that version, so I think maybe what you're describing is a more general server or performance issue. I had some serious lag and rubber banding on my local test server yesterday, which is new. That's an empty 1800 map with one player and one npc. I'll ask around and see if others are experiencing similar.
  12. Steenamaroo

    Rubber Banding Server

    There's no spawn/despawn based on real player distance but you can enable ai_dormant for your server, then set BotReSpawn Allow_Ai_Dormant to true. That way the npcs will cease activity if there are no players within a certain radius.
  13. I think there's a possibility that a player could get stuck with their metabolism max bleed at 0 if Zone Manager was suddenly unloaded. Not confirmed; I've only glanced at it. It might be worth loading ZoneManager then entering and exiting a NoBleed zone, then testing again. This all assumes you use ZoneManager and have some Zones with NoBleed true. If that's not the case please let me know. Alternatively, or additionally, do you have a test instance where you'd be able to temporarily move all plugins out of the plugins folder except Kits and BotReSpawn, then reboot it, so Kits and BotReSpawn are the only plugins that were ever loaded for that session?
  14. Thanks for the info. I'm struggling to think of a cause for this, especially when someone else reported bleed happening despite shield use, so I've seen bleed working fine on the current version. Maybe it's a weapon-specific issue - I'll test later with machete and skinning knife to confirm.
  15. Steenamaroo

    Rubber Banding Server

    There are two known issues right now which will be patched, hopefully today. One relates to collision when very close to npcs, so if the issue you're seeing happens during melee combat with npcs it's probably that. The other, as @Rynkisays, relates to homing missile launcheres. Both can be temporarily solved (avoided) by running V1.3.5. If you're experiencing lag or rubber banding on V1.3.5 then most likely your server is getting hammered. If that's the case do 'bot.count' in console and see how many are spawned.
  16. but it sounds like people are telling you that X.entity represents the product of planted seeds, so you can just set those to zero yourself? If this information is correct then that's exactly the same as me adding some option to give 0 RP from planted and grown items.
  17. It sounds like people are saying you can already achieve what you wanted, as the 'fruit' from planted seeds already have their own separate record in the config. What's the issue with just setting them to 0?
  18. Hi, You're looking at all the right options. It's just a matter of balancing them to suit. Roam Range only matters when the npc is not aggressive. It governs how far the npc can stray from its spawn point before turning around when it's in passive behaviour. Once the npc is aggressive towards a player Roam Range is temporarily ignored. Deaggro Range and Memory Duration are the two options governing when an npc will give up and return to being passive, and set course back towards its spawn point area. Say you have Deaggro at 40 and Memory Duration at 10, that would mean the player being attacked must get beyond 40 distance from the npc and stay there for at least 10 seconds before the npc will give up. If the npc was in pursuit of this player and managed to reduce the distance to 39, even briefly, that 10 second Memory Duration gets reset. If you're having issues with it it might be better to lean towards having Memory Duration too short rather than too long, keeping in mind that any time the npc is hurt by the player it will resume being aggressive again. Another option that might be useful is Running_Speed_Booster. The default is 10. You could turn that down slightly so the npcs can't run quite as fast as players?
  19. Steenamaroo

    permission back up

    Hi, When you make a backup with the `/perms data` menu, you have to choose to save permissions and groups. If you want to move that data to another server you'd have to copy the /Data/PermissionsManager.json from the first server to the second, reload PermissionsManager (so the file gets loaded), then use the same `/perms data` menu to load permissions and groups from your backup. Alternatively, to clone permissions and groups from one server to another, you can just copy the oxide.groups.data and oxide.users.data files (from /server/oxide/data) from one server to the other, but the destination server would need to be shut down first. That's really the only benefit to doing it via PermissionsManager - You don't have to reboot the server. If you're shutting down or rebooting the server anyway then copying the oxide files directly is easier.
  20. A lot of people still do. I get that - We stick with what's familiar or comfortable. Just know the UI is there. Maybe you'll find it useful when you need to make some minor change to a profile, and don't particularly want to have to unload/reload the whole plugin.
  21. Thanks @Delco I've identified an issue and will be updating for it soon. It *should* be the other way around though, where there's clipping if Ai_Weapon_Safe is true?
  22. Hi, I'll test later in game to be certain but I'm pretty sure it's working, because I got reports about bleed damage occurring even if the player is defending with a shield. I wonder could some other plugin be limiting or preventing bleed damage? An easy way to prove would be to oxide.unload * then oxide.reload BotReSpawn so BotReSpawn is the only loaded plugin. Also, what is your value for `Bleed Amount is Percent Of Damage` ? Thank you.
  23. Negative. V1.3.4 worked before this month's forced update. V1.35 and V1.36 are for use after forced update. Your error is from V1.3.4
  24. Same old skoolers who miss out commas then send me their errors.
  25. That's nostalgia! murderer:true <shivers>


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