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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo

    Awards have stopped

    No points at all or just for collectibles? Does the console print anything relevant when you reload RustRewards?
  2. I removed some unnecessary rounding in the last update. Looks like I went a step too far. I'll get it sorted. Thanks for pointing it out.
  3. I replied to this earlier in the week. There's so many things one plugin can do that could alter how another plugin works...Too many to speculate. It would make more sense to approach the other developer. I'm not guaranteeing it's their fault or problem, but they have access to both plugins. I do not.
  4. Steenamaroo

    0 points on awards

    Great to hear. Thanks for letting me know.
  5. Steenamaroo

    Bot Issue

    Sorry about that. An alternative is to set Ai_Weapon_Safe to false for that profile, but I appreciate that's not always an option. 1.3.5 doesn't have the issue and 1.3.7 should be published soon. Thanks again.
  6. Steenamaroo

    Bot Issue

    Hi, This is a known issue that will be resolved soon. Thanks for reporting it. In the mean time, if it's causing big problems, you can revert to the previous version V1.3.5.
  7. Thanks Tom. Already said in DM but for anyone else reading, I'll null check entity?.net?.ID in future versions to suppress the error. Unfortunately that's all I can do but hopefully, with that new info, the other dev can do something at their end. Thanks again!
  8. Steenamaroo

    0 points on awards

    Hi, I think it's a multiplier issue. Don't change anything - There'll be an update soon.
  9. @SLATE I've found where I need to do some work. Are you on discord? If so feel free to connect with me there. If not I'll DM when I have something.
  10. No worries. I can't remember if that options adjustable via UI or not but if it's not `3` is the value that corresponds to `Off`
  11. Ok no problem. Thanks. I remove the content because it had IP addresses and steam IDs.
  12. What's your reward seconds interval? Was there a gap where the plugin wasn't loaded? I'm just thinking, it's possible RR is giving out larger rewards on the first loop to make up for time missed, because it does track server up time and player connection time. Even if it was unloaded for a while, it would know what a player is entitled to when it came back online again. I suppose you'll know for sure if the next loop of rewards is normal amounts again. If that's not it then I just messed something up.
  13. Damn, I'm sorry about that. There were some multiplier related changes so I'll go over that in the morning and get it figured out. Thanks for letting me know.
  14. If you're still getting it on 3.2.1 then I'll DM you tomorrow and get to the bottom of it with you, if you're willing. Thanks for reporting.
  15. I'm sorry, there's not really a lot to go on there. That plugin is a $40 plugin to which I don't have access so I can't really try to recreate the issue or investigate. Send me a copy of a log file from a day when the problem happened. Maybe something will jump out at me. For the image, I posted an alternative link a couple of posts back. If you change the link in your config file to the one I posted that'll solve that problem.
  16. Hi, I can't think what would cause that. Are you seeing relevant errors in console? If you can replicate the issue but watch the console while you do it that'd be helpful. Failing that, just DM me a full log file from a day when the issue occurred.
  17. Hi, Thanks for this. I did some work this week to introduce individual names or, in some cases, names representing groups of various wood dispensers, instead of just 'Tree' and addressed the issue of double rewards. I'll be publishing it soon.
  18. Hi, Are you talking about the issue with this plugin which results in "[UpdatesChecker] Unable to contact Codefling.com" in console? If so I'll be updating for that today. If it's an other issue specific to that plugin you'd need to notify Amino.
  19. Steenamaroo

    permission back up

    I don't. It's certainly not meant to do that. Is the import, players or groups, working? Do you see any console errors when attempting?
  20. Hi, Thanks for reporting. I became aware of an issue yesterday and have patched it now, so I'll push that as a public update tomorrow.
  21. Hi, There's no immediate plan for a UI but the idea of having a scrap multiplier is a good one and shouldn't be hard. I'll make a note of that.
  22. Hi, It's not based on vanilla tables. Any new loottable that it creates for you gives out nothing at all until you customise what you want from it. However, the plugin does automatically update to include new items in your loot tables. Any new items added to the game should appear in all of your loot tables.
  23. Steenamaroo

    Error Message

    Hi, Can you private message me a copy of your oxide or full server log for that day please? Thanks.


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