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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hey, Not sure what could be causing that but I'll have a dig. The decision to issue/swap titles doesn't even reference the main data collection - Instead I maintain a separate collection just for title holders, Category / Name/Score. so every time someone gets a PVPKill, for example, it checks that person's total against the current PVPKills title holder's score, and if it's higher it updates the title holders' record and does the change title code. I guess something must be wrong if that's the behaviour you're seeing, but I can't spot it...at least not yet.
  2. Steenamaroo

    SQL use

    My pleasure. Let me know if you run in to any trouble.
  3. Steenamaroo

    SQL use

    Hi, There's no automatic live synchronisation I.E. You can't change a permission/group on one server and automatically see that change on other servers, but you can export your permissions, or groups, to local data file or SQL, then import that data in on your other server. It's all handled in the `/perms data` menu in-game. In the case of using local data file you do have to manually move that, like Server A : Save to local file copy /data/PermissionsManager.json to Server B Server B : Load from local file In the case of using SQL you just make sure both servers are connected with the same credentials (in config file) then Server A : Save to SQL Server B : Load from SQL. If you're new to SQL + Rust plugins I'd probably just go with the data file option because less can go wrong. When you do your save to local on the first server, I'd recommend taking a backup of that /data/PermissionsManager.json file. No reason to expect problems but a backup never hurt anyone.
  4. Steenamaroo

    !pop is not working

    Ok, It looks like the developer has hardcoded {players} and {queue}, both of which you can use in your config, so you could do { "replyToEveryone": true, "commands": [ { "command": [ "!wipe", "!wipee" ], "commandResponse": "I am a test" }, { "command": [ "!pop" ], "commandResponse": "There are {players} players online." } ] } @LorenzoZGX- This stuff really should be made clear in the description, though. @HYPPERS - Hopefully that gets you up and running. We will be following up with the author on this, though, and removing option to purchase if necessary.
  5. Steenamaroo

    !pop is not working

    Seems to work fine here. I suspect maybe you've had a syntax error when making your modifications? I tested default config, to confirm it worked, then tested the following. { "replyToEveryone": true, "commands": [ { "command": [ "!wipe", "!wipee" ], "commandResponse": "I am a test" }, { "command": [ "!nextwipe" ], "commandResponse": "I am a 2 test" }, { "command": [ "!pop" ], "commandResponse": "Test response for !pop" } ] }
  6. Steenamaroo

    !pop is not working

    @HYPPERSWhile we wait could you delete the config file for this plugin then reload the plugin please? I can confirm that the plugin does create a default configuration with !wipe, !wipee, and !nextwipe as preconfigured examples.
  7. Steenamaroo

    !pop is not working

    @LorenzoZGX- Could you take a look at this, please? Looks like the example configuration in documentation is blank.
  8. Good to know! Thanks for updating.
  9. Hi @Ghostie Angel Not sure what to tell you beyond what's above. There could be some circumstance or combinations of settings I didn't test but, so far, I haven't been able to replicate this issue. @Jayson - Were you able to solve it on your server?
  10. Steenamaroo

    Crafting Counts Bug

    Hi, Thanks for flagging that. Can't believe no one has noticed until now! I'll change it for the next update.
  11. Hi, I'll have a look and see if that's something I could work in. Thanks for the suggestion.
  12. Thanks for letting me know. That makes sense - The biome profile's locations are meaningless. Pretty sure they're 0,0,0, so I'll remove the marker options from those profiles.
  13. Hi, If there's an easy way for me to identify these npcs I can add them as separate categories. If there isn't, I'll modify RustRewards API so the owners of those plugins can cancel my default reward for their npcs and manually issue their own.
  14. Hi, I do intend to replace the basic marker with the marker with text in the near future, although you should know that the profile markers indicate where the profile is located - Not where any specific npc is located. I'm not sure if the marker options show up for biome profiles or not but, if they do, I should block that because it doesn't really make any sense.
  15. HI @Indefatigability Make sure your config file RewardCurrency section looks like this "RewardCurrency": { "UseScrap": false, "UseEconomics": false, "UseServerRewards": true }, and also make sure that ServerRewards is installed and compiling correctly. If you're sure about these reload RustRewards and watch the console for any relevant output. If there's an issue with SR or the config it should tell you at that point.
  16. Yes, that's fine. Basically once you've done /sma export, the plugin will import that saved data again immediately the next time it loads. As long as you don't accidentally load/reload the plugin after using the export command, or wipe the map twice, there shouldn't be a problem, but if you're more comfortable doing the export command then just removing the plugin until you're up and running again, that'll work.
  17. Hi, Sort of, yes. If you specify a list of skins for some item then one skin is chosen randomly from that list, so you could put the desired skin in once and put "0" in 9 times. That would result in the desired skin being chosen approx 10% of the time.
  18. Grant all what, to whom?
  19. Steenamaroo

    plugin need update?

    Not aware of any issues, @Alan Are you seeing some error or is something specific not working?
  20. Hi, If you do `/sma export` in chat right before you shut your server down before a wipe, it will save sign information into a json file then import it all again the next time the server starts - That should be post-wipe. It has to be perfect order, though - You can't do `/sma export` then reload the plugin or restart the server. Has to be /sma export shutdown (without reloading SignManager) wipe/update server start up fresh server - Import happens automatically.
  21. Depending how it's written, it's certainly possible. Easy test would be to just unload it for a moment and destroy a barrel.
  22. I think it's just a rounding thing. I'll get rid of it and you can safely ignore.
  23. Steenamaroo

    UI doesnt open

    No trouble. Have fun!
  24. Steenamaroo

    UI doesnt open

    Hi, It sounds like you aren't admin on the server and don't have the BotReSpawn.allowed permission. Either one of these will grant you access to the UI via chat command. The console command for bots.count doesn't require either of these, which is why you're getting a response from it.
  25. [Player] and [Admin] are from BetterChat, as far as I know. [Lifer] and other statistic specific titles are from PlayerRanks. If you look in your BetterChat.json config file, or the uMod overview, you'll see title settings - "Text": "[Player]", for example. For each entry here you have "Hidden": false, which you can set to "Hidden": true,


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