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Everything posted by dustyhansen

  1. dustyhansen

    Images Not Loading

    The latest update did not fix my image issues either. They are still not loading and I still have black rust logos showing.
  2. dustyhansen

    Codefling Plugins Broken

    The following Codefling plugins had updates but didn't show in update checker: Kill Feed Convoy Automated Messages It doesn't appear to be working for Codefling for me anymore, but does still show uMod, Chaos, and Lone.
  3. dustyhansen

    Stash Protection

    Well this person wasn't in a building zone, but how often are stashes placed in building zones?
  4. dustyhansen

    Backpack Trading

    So it is a little more complicated than that. What if a PVE player is selling another PVE or PVP player a backpack, diving tank, or parachute? They cannot do so because the receiving player won't be able to pick it up. We also have cases where players trade backpacks. For example, you buy a bunch of stone from me, so I drop my backpack full of stone and you drop your backpack (either empty or with scrap) and we trade them. To answer your question, however, I did do a little further testing. it does appear to affect PVE to PVE and PVE to PVP players only. If both players are PVP, then they can pickup/loot diving tanks and backpacks. Oddly enough, however, once dropped neither player (not the original owner nor the other player) could pick up the parachute, lol. So not sure why that one is broken. Is it also shared between clan members or just team members? It would be nice if clan sharing was also an option (they are not mutually exclusive on my server).
  5. dustyhansen

    Stash Protection

    Just so you are aware, we discovered today that stashes are not protected and can be looted by anyone.
  6. I have an admin mode and an owner mode. AdminToggle (1).json
  7. dustyhansen

    Inventory Not Saving

    I would say no. The inventory does not save if the server restarts and most of us restart our servers daily. If you can lose one of the inventories that easily, then I would say this feature should either be fixed so that it is more reliable or at the very least should have a warning added in the config that inventories do not save on server restart. I am not using this feature because I cannot trust it.
  8. I would say no. Your suggestion fixed the plugin for me, but it is not fixed for others unless you change it and release an update. And if you don't change it, I will have to update it myself every time you release an update. I would think that this should be changed for everyone or added as a config option to let us choose which one we want.
  9. Well, I would say no. The clothing bar is not truly locked when you set Lock Outfit to true, so I would say this is an open bug. You should probably either remove that config option/feature or fix it, but if you are ok with it being locked only one way then it is up to you I guess. I am not using the admin outfit feature because of this and because you lose the outfit if you die. Since I can't force them to keep the outfit on, this feature is kinda useless to me.
  10. dustyhansen

    Unable to Stack Furnaces

    I am getting the error "a ceiling is blocking you from stacking this furnace", but there is no ceiling above the area in which I am stacking. It's not the rock, because they stack fine on the left where the rock is lower.
  11. dustyhansen

    Backpack Trading

    Also parachutes.
  12. dustyhansen

    Heli Crates?

    I cannot believe this, but it just happened again with another player. Didn't happen once in 4 weeks and happens today twice in 90 minutes.
  13. dustyhansen

    Heli Crates?

    Lol that is exactly what happened. It fell in someone's base/TC area and it was blocked. I told him he was crazy and that didn't matter lol. Yea it would be nice if you could add an exception for that, since heli can fall anywhere...
  14. dustyhansen

    Heli Crates?

    Does War Mode do anything with heli crates? I had a player take down heli (and another player also shot at it) and when he went to loot the crates he was told "you don't have permission to loot this container". We use Loot Defender, so the heli crates are generally locked to whomever heli is locked to through Loot Defender, but he swears it was a War Mode message that he couldn't loot the crates.
  15. We discovered today that if you shoot incendiary ammo at someone, the fire from the ammo causes damage to them even if they are in PVE mode. So you can kill a PVE player by shooting them with incen ammo. They are not damaged by molotovs, flame throwers, etc.
  16. I am also able to use regular and incendiary ammo and not get raid blocked, but if I use explosive ammo I do get raid blocked.
  17. dustyhansen

    Raid Blocking Timer

    This appears to be working correctly now. I am getting raid blocked for 2 hours when set for 7200 seconds with the latest update. Before it was only blocking me for an hour.
  18. I am able to raid a base with a jackhammer, icepick, spear, melee weapons, etc. and not trigger raid block.
  19. Ok, someone built a base. I am not on TC. I have raid blocking enabled. "Block Time (Sec)": 7200.0, "Block Radius": 100.0, "Damaged Health Percentage on an entity to trigger a raid (0 = disabled)": 1, I am able to do more than 1% damage and not trigger raid blocking. In fact, I am able to completely destroy the structure and not not trigger raid blocking. So it appears that this damage threshold is not working for me.
  20. I was able to turn on the lights after mounting the mini, so I guess that is resolved. But the siren is still an issue.
  21. Just checking in on this to see if this will be updated soon, thanks!
  22. @_senyaa any chance on getting this fixed? my players miss the plugin.
  23. @cameron any chance on getting this made carbon compatible? my players really miss this plugin.
  24. @Iftebinjan can you please respond?
  25. dustyhansen

    Plugin Version

    @HexOptimal can you address this issue?


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