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Everything posted by dustyhansen

  1. I think it is working ok now. Not sure what the issue was.
  2. Rust Translation API was just updated to 2.0.0 and does not compile on Carbon and the dev doesn't care, so your plugin is no longer Carbon compatible if it depends on this plugin: https://umod.org/community/rust-translation-api/55747-carbon-server-is-not-supported?page=1#post-3
  3. When I import some skins, the name and image do not show in Skinner. It shows a blank thumbnail and just the item name. For example, this large box skin: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3292388111 It is just called Large Wood Box and has no image.
  4. dustyhansen

    Random Events Not Running

    I have 8 events setup to run randomly every 45-75 minutes and none of them seem to be running after the update. TimesSettings.json
  5. dustyhansen

    Plugin Version

    Plugin has version 1.0.8 but Codefling says 1.0.9
  6. Here is a video: https://1drv.ms/v/c/090952a5dc267a43/Ec2BNCBJmUZCqEgqmf2bhLwBxRTGxLgHnDl9gNUPO6wmZQ?e=776amP
  7. I am not able to create more than one random event. I created a random event that starts between 45-75 minutes and added all of my events to it and saved it. I then tried to create a new random event for a different event and it won't save.
  8. dustyhansen

    Console Error

    i don't understand what you are saying, sorry your plugin doesn't allow me to sell scrap for multiple items and put a max stock on each item individually did you see my config file above? ExtraVendingMachine.json? it doesn't work. is there a way to fix this or do i have to have a separate vending machine for each item?
  9. dustyhansen

    Console Error

    what do you mean? i replied twice and you didn't respond...
  10. dustyhansen

    Console Error

    This is what I really want it to be set at, but it doesn't respect the individual settings and just adds them up. ExtraVendingMachine.json
  11. dustyhansen

    Console Error

    The problem with this is that because it is a scrap exchange (all of my buy items are scrap) that it adds up the max stock amounts and then allows them to sell larger quantities of the items than I want.
  12. dustyhansen

    Console Error

    I also have an issue where the vending machine does not re-stock after a purchase with that config. i have tried everything to fix it but cannot.
  13. dustyhansen

    Console Error

    ExtraVendingMachine (1).json
  14. So do I need to take a video of it not working then? I provided you files where there were clearly issues with the starting points.
  15. dustyhansen

    Console Error

    Getting the following console error after installing the latest version: Loaded plugin Extra Vending Machine v1.3.2 by NooBlet [58ms] Timer of 5s has failed in 'Extra Vending Machine v1.3.2 by NooBlet' [callback] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at void Oxide.Plugins.ExtraVendingMachine.SpawnVendingMachine1() in /home/container/carbon/plugins/ExtraVendingMachine.cs:line 471 at void Oxide.Plugins.ExtraVendingMachine.OnServerInitialized()+() => { } in /home/container/carbon/plugins/ExtraVendingMachine.cs:line 39 at Timer Oxide.Plugins.Timers.In(float time, Action action)+() => { } in /home/runner/work/Carbon/Carbon/Carbon.Core/Carbon.Components/Carbon.Common/src/Oxide/Libraries/Timer.cs:line 50
  16. @NooBletwould it be possible to add support for Bandit Camp? We run a smaller map without Outpost, but I would like to be able to have a custom vending machine like this.
  17. I just had 2 players buy VIP today and checked them out and neither got their starting points applied. So the original issue is still not addressed, plus I have the issue above where it appears they do not have the correct amount of points. 76561199643485199.json 76561199284803512.json
  18. I recently opened a ticket on lone about starting points not paying when a person is assigned to the oxide group that pays those points and the plugin needing to be reloaded or the server restarted for the starting points to be awarded. You applied a fix for this issue and I have been waiting for a scenario to test it. My 2 most recent VIPs should have 20 starter points each, based on the package they chose. However, one only seems to have 10 and the other 12. They both have the same oxide group assigned. Any idea why it is not 20? Any idea why they are not the same? You can see that their total skill points are 12 and 10 above their level (we pay 1 skill point per level at prestige 0). 76561198084196900.json 76561199245095176.json SkillTreeConfig.json
  19. dustyhansen

    Console Error

    I noticed the bot was no longer syncing and saw this in the console a few times and it looked like it crashed. Failed to connect to SFTP server: can't start new thread Error during sync: can't start new thread Waiting for 120 seconds before the next sync Starting periodic sync Loading configuration files from directory: config Loading configuration file: config/dev.yml Loading configuration file: config/staging.yml Loaded 2 configurations Unknown exception: can't start new thread Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/container/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/paramiko/transport.py", line 2151, in run self.packetizer.start_handshake(self.handshake_timeout) File "/home/container/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/paramiko/packet.py", line 259, in start_handshake self.__timer.start() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/threading.py", line 935, in start _start_new_thread(self._bootstrap, ()) RuntimeError: can't start new thread
  20. no, the path is correct. are you sure that you are supposed to include the /home/container part? when i access files via sftp, for example, i do not include that part. can we try just /carbon/data/KillFeed/Images?
  21. I see this is flagged as fixed, but you said you weren't going to implement it. Did you have a change of heart? I still would like to see these protected.
  22. dustyhansen

    no longer functions



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