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Everything posted by dustyhansen

  1. you should open a support ticket under the support tab and make it private
  2. dustyhansen

    Tool Cupboard Support

    So I would like to have the warning pop up when placing tool cupboards. Is this something you can add as an entity or are you suggesting we add them ourselves? Since there is no config file, I am not sure how we can update the code to do this. Plus any updates you make will break what we change.
  3. dustyhansen

    Tugboat Flyhack

    Players are getting flyhack kicked for getting on the tugboat on the ship.
  4. Also, would you consider adding support for console commands in addition to the chat commands? I would like to be able to enable god mode via the console command, for example, without having to download another plugin for it.
  5. dustyhansen

    Discord Webhook

    The discord webhook does not show when I switch to Admin mode, only when I switch to player mode. Also, is there a way to update it to remove the color tags since they don't change the color of the text?
  6. dustyhansen

    Twig? Really?

    So I am a bit upset here. Nowhere on your description does it say that there are bases that have twig in them. Then you download the bases and are told via a readme that some bases contain twig and you need to change your profile settings in Raidable Bases to fix it. Well, that doesn't work for me. I don't want all my easy bases on the server to be made entirely out of stone, just because some of your easy bases might have twig in them. I don't want to make my nightmare bases entirely hqm or have to decide if mediums should be stone or metal. So my only solution is to spawn all 60 bases in and search for twig and either upgrade/re-save/re-upload them or remove them from rotation? Kinda lazy for you to sell these with twig, especially at a $70 list price. Do you at least have a list of which ones have twig? I am sure you don't, but thought I would check first.
  7. dustyhansen

    Backpack Trading

    Tested it on 1.3.0 and same result. No TC and couldn't pickup all 3. Untitled video (5).mp4
  8. Also, would you consider adding support for Advanced Status and Simple Status? That way it can show when you are in Admin/Mod/Staff mode? You wouldn't need to create a UI at all then. I see someone suggested this, but you just closed it out. BTW you should really reply to suggestions
  9. So does the dual inventory save to a data file or RAM? I tried a similar plugin to this and every time the server restarts you lose the inventory you are not currently toggled into because it doesn't save it to a data file or anything.
  10. Has anyone tried this with Carbon? Sometimes they work fine, the dev just doesn't wanna support/test it.
  11. No offense, but I kinda feel like you made the plugin useless now. If it can no longer update version numbers, then what is the point? How is it seeing the version number for my other 130+ plugins but not these 20? I don't understand. I'm not going to put 20 plugins on ignore because of your change. If it no longer updates version numbers then I don't see the use of this plugin.
  12. dustyhansen

    Backpack Trading

    1.2.2 I assumed you didn't change parachutes/diving tanks so it didn't matter, but I can retest with 1.3.0 if needed.
  13. the default meaning what the config came with? or default meaning like set them all to 1?
  14. dustyhansen

    Max Ore per Tick

    "Max Ore Smelted Per Tick": 3, We have this set at 3, the default value. However, the large furnace and electric furnace ore dropping by 6 each tick it seems. The legacy furnace does 3 per tick and the small furnace is 1 per tick. We have the smelting override set as follows (since I apparently cannot delete it): "Oven Smelting Overrides": { "furnace": 1, "refinery_small_deployed": 1 }, When we remove the perm for the plugin, the large furnace drops by 3 per tick, electric furnace by 6 per tick, legacy furnace by 3 per tick, and small furnace by 1 per tick. So, why does the plugin make the large furnace double the rate when max ore per tick is set at 3 and smelting override is set at 1? All the other furnaces seem to be vanilla rates with the plugin as I would expect based on my settings.
  15. dustyhansen

    Backpack Trading

    @Mr01sam here is a video showing a PVE player dropping a diving tank, parachute and backpack on the ground and another PVE player not be able to pick up any of them, with the chat showing War Mode as the reason why. I tried it both with and without the TC in the background, just to rule that out as interfering. Both results the same. Ideally it would be nice if you could exclude parachutes and diving tanks from War Mode as they are not lootable containers. Untitled video (4).mp4
  16. dustyhansen

    Compost Splitter Behavior

    What is the logic behind the compost splitter? When we put 50 dung in, it leaves 2 slots open when it only really needs to leave 1 for the fertilizer. When we put 11 dung in, it doesn't spread it out evenly at all.
  17. I am unable to remove these from the config. I tried unloading the plugin first and it still adds them back when the plugin is loaded. I don't want any furnaces to have charcoal rates or smelting rates other than vanilla. "Oven charcoal Overrides - Higher the number the less often charcoal is made": { "campfire": 4, "bbq.deployed": 2 }, "Oven Smelting Overrides": { "furnace": 1, "refinery_small_deployed": 2 }, I am trying to change it to this: "Oven charcoal Overrides - Higher the number the less often charcoal is made": { }, "Oven Smelting Overrides": { },
  18. "Delays Smelting by a Factor 0-25 (Used to reduce speeds below vanilla)": 2, Is 2 vanilla? If not, what is vanilla? "Disable Multi Fuel Speed Bonus": false, What is a multi fuel speed bonus?


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