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Everything posted by dustyhansen

  1. dustyhansen

    Managing Group Membership

    Would it be possible to add the ability to remove players from a group when looking at the group membership screen? I know we can add/revoke members from a group, but that is only if they are on since the wipe. Sometimes we have members in the group that have not logged on this wipe and would need to remove them but cannot do so from this plugin.
  2. Ever since the update, electric furnaces either don't cook ore at all or start cooking ore and then stop suddenly. The fix is to shut them off and power them back on to get them to start cooking again.
  3. dustyhansen

    Not Creating Thread

    Sorry to log another issue, but my bot does not create a thread when it makes a post. The bot's profile has the create threads permissions and the bot has permissions to create threads at the channel level, so not sure why it wouldn't be working.
  4. dustyhansen

    Not Seeing Updates

    I am having the same issue here with this plugin as the free version. It is not seeing plugins that get updated, which kinda defeats the whole point of the plugin. Not trying to be rude, but I just don't understand how there can be plugins that check for updates that don't see updates. Both of these were updated today, but the plugin doesn't see them as needing an update at all. What is the reason for this? How do we make this more reliable?
  5. I have suggested this as well, along with other ideas for making identification easier. https://codefling.com/files/support/17028-identifying-mode-of-other-playersbases/
  6. dustyhansen

    Update Posts

    Yea, my bot is not working. It says it is running and updating Discord, but there are no posts in Discord. It has run 15 checks since that one above, but not posted or updated Discord at all. If I run /update_check it does make a new post.
  7. dustyhansen

    Console Error

    I got the following errors in console of the bot during the check process. Not sure what they mean: Checking for updates globally 53 | this.updaterInstalled = false; 54 | } 55 | 56 | async fetchPlugins() { 57 | this.rcon.login(); 58 | this.rcon.on('error', (err: any) => { ^ warn: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 error listeners added to [Client]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit at overflowWarning (node:events:163:14) at addListener (node:events:138:22) at /home/container/utils/servers.ts:58:19 at fetchPlugins (/home/container/utils/servers.ts:56:26) at /home/container/utils/servers.ts:226:26 at fetchAllPlugins (/home/container/utils/servers.ts:224:36) at /home/container/utils/versionCheck.ts:11:23 at init (/home/container/utils/versionCheck.ts:8:18) at /home/container/utils/updateCheckChannel.ts:67:28 at updateCheck (/home/container/utils/updateCheckChannel.ts:66:116) 56 | async fetchPlugins() { 57 | this.rcon.login(); 58 | this.rcon.on('error', (err: any) => { 59 | console.log(` Encountered an error while trying to connect to ${this.name} / ${(`${this.rcon.ws.ip}:${this.rcon.ws.port}`)} :\n ${err.message}`); 60 | }); 61 | this.rcon.on('connected', () => { ^ warn: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 connected listeners added to [Client]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit at overflowWarning (node:events:163:14) at addListener (node:events:138:22) at /home/container/utils/servers.ts:61:19 at fetchPlugins (/home/container/utils/servers.ts:56:26) at /home/container/utils/servers.ts:226:26 at fetchAllPlugins (/home/container/utils/servers.ts:224:36) at /home/container/utils/versionCheck.ts:11:23 at init (/home/container/utils/versionCheck.ts:8:18) at /home/container/utils/updateCheckChannel.ts:67:28 at updateCheck (/home/container/utils/updateCheckChannel.ts:66:116) 66 | 67 | setTimeout(() => { 68 | this.rcon.destroy(); 69 | }, 5000); 70 | }); 71 | this.rcon.on('message', (message: any) => { ^ warn: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 message listeners added to [Client]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit at overflowWarning (node:events:163:14) at addListener (node:events:138:22) at /home/container/utils/servers.ts:71:19 at fetchPlugins (/home/container/utils/servers.ts:56:26) at /home/container/utils/servers.ts:226:26 at fetchAllPlugins (/home/container/utils/servers.ts:224:36) at /home/container/utils/versionCheck.ts:11:23 at init (/home/container/utils/versionCheck.ts:8:18) at /home/container/utils/updateCheckChannel.ts:67:28 at updateCheck (/home/container/utils/updateCheckChannel.ts:66:116)
  8. dustyhansen

    Running Bot

    Yea I figured it out, thanks.
  9. dustyhansen

    Update Posts

    Does it not send new posts to the Discord channel every check? There have been 2 checks since 7:34, but no posts in Discord.
  10. dustyhansen

    Console Errors

    The plugin description says it supports GitHub though...
  11. dustyhansen

    Console Errors

    Isn't furance stacks ok at 1.0.5?
  12. dustyhansen

    Version Number

    Can you please change version numbers so that update checking plugins can see this properly? They are currently not able to read it through the API.
  13. dustyhansen

    Console Errors

  14. dustyhansen

    Console Errors

    What do these mean and how should they be handled? Error fetching or processing plugin from API: Debug Missing Parent Entity Invalid version number provided by API: null Error fetching or processing plugin from API: Furnace Stacks Invalid version number provided by API: 1.02 Error fetching or processing plugin from API: Lights On Invalid version number provided by API: 2.1.06
  15. dustyhansen

    Running Bot

    I am having trouble running the bot on my discord bot host. Are you sure the file index.ts isn't supposed to be named index.js?
  16. Yea right, it is all my fault. You haven't done anything wrong.
  17. Then why didn't you tag it as fixed in the next version? Or fixed at all? You just closed it without explanation. I have repeatedly asked you to treat me like a paying customer. I have bought 7 of your plugins and plan to buy 1 more soon. But every time we interact, you give me attitude and don't want to resolve my issues. What do we need to do to move past this?
  18. Reported
  19. How are you going to close this? It is still an open bug.
  20. Every time I write you I get attitude from you. Was I not supposed to report this as a problem?
  21. You intentionally designed it so it wouldn't show you more than one page of results when you search? You wanted players to not be able to see page 2 and beyond? Give me a break.
  22. So when you search for a skin and the results are more than one page, you cannot change pages to see all of the results. The Next and Back buttons are greyed out entirely. In this example we have two pages of "Regal" box skins, but they cannot see page 2.
  23. @Khan any thoughts on this? This is the only feature missing for me to really have this be useful.
  24. dustyhansen

    Vanish Mode Forced

    So vanish mode is forced on if Vanish is installed, even if you change the dependency to false for Vanish and have no Vanish command added. I have /mod setup for my mods who don't have access to vanish, but yet it still puts them in vanish mode.
  25. dustyhansen

    Console Command Support

    Would you consider adding support for console commands in addition to the chat commands? I would like to be able to enable god mode via the console command, for example, without having to download another plugin for it.


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