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Everything posted by dustyhansen

  1. I put in 60 min and 90 max, but no events are running now. I thought this would run an event every 60-90 minutes?
  2. That is not what they are asking. You added a new feature to have a min/max time for random event starting, but you didn't put it on the random event setting, you put it on the static time setting, which doesn't make any sense. For example, I want helicopter to run every 60-90 minutes, but that is still not an option with your plugin. I either have to choose to run every 60 minutes, or every 90 minutes. Or I can choose to have it run at 8:00am and 60-90 minutes, which doesn't make sense.
  3. Is it just these 3 that need to be updated? "AddedBuyListing": "Player {0} added buy listing of <color=#5c81ed>x{0} {1}</color> in {2} shop for {3}!", "AddedSellListing": "Player {0} added sell listing of <color=#5c81ed>x{0} {1}</color> in {2} shop for {3}!", "ItemPurchasedBroadcast": "Player {0} purchased <color=#5c81ed>x{0} {1}</color> from {2} in {3} shop for {4}!" To this? "AddedBuyListing": "Player {0} added buy listing of <color=#5c81ed>x{1} {2}</color> in {3} shop for {4}!", "AddedSellListing": "Player {0} added sell listing of <color=#5c81ed>x{1} {2}</color> in {3} shop for {4}!", "ItemPurchasedBroadcast": "Player {0} purchased <color=#5c81ed>x{1} {2}</color> from {3} in {4} shop for {5}!"
  4. Ok, it just showed the update is available. It took 9 hours, but it did show, so I wanted to let you know. I look forward to the updated API, thanks.
  5. dustyhansen

    XP Boost Calculation

    So, I am trying to understand the reasoning here. Players are complaining that they are not getting the advertised XP boost during an event and that it is misleading. For example, when the Chopping Trees event is running, it says for the next 12 minutes you will earn 120% bonus XP. However it appears that this bonus only applies to the final hit of the tree, not the hits leading up to the final hit, based on my math. So why do Rested XP and XP Gain Modifiers apply to all hits, but the XP Event Bonus only applies to the final hit? And if this is the expected behavior, shouldn't the notice be more clear about what you are getting bonus XP on then? I see that the event is called "TreeHitFinal", so I assume this is intended. I am not really saying this is a bug, nor is it really a feature request, but I am getting feedback from my players that it should be more clear on what the payout is. Personally, I think it should apply to all hits like the other XP bonuses do. But I am curious to hear what your thoughts/reasoning are for the way it is.
  6. I'm not sure what you mean. It always used to show updates pretty much immediately after they were posted on the website. Are you saying that is not the case? I don't know about Convoy because I already updated it.
  7. Still not working, Shoppy Stock got updated 3 hours ago and it is still not showing as needing an update for me.
  8. UpdateChecker (2).json
  9. Suddenly this morning the plugin is posting that all of my plugins are updated, which is not true because it previously found one update and listed 9 plugins it couldn't find. It has been doing this for 5 hours, so I thought I would report it.
  10. I just had this happen again. I switched from admin to player mode and lost my backpack and hazmat again.
  11. So I just switched modes and it teleported me back to where I was last night when I switched modes last. So where is it supposed to teleport you to? When I am on my roof and switch to player mode, it doesn't TP back to the roof. But it does seem to want to TP me to where I was when I last switched modes.
  12. When a player does /twig warn (or in my case /decay warn because i changed it), it removes the warning for their current session, but when they log off it doesn't save their setting. So the next time they login they get the warning again. I checked the data file and it is empty and hasn't been modified in over a month, which is when I installed the plugin I think, so it looks like it is not writing anything to the data file at all when players use the command. I assume this is a bug? TwigsDecay (1).json
  13. So back in the day, players used to be able to transfer all of the items from their inventory to a container by using shift + right click. For example, right clicking a stack of stone will transfer that stack to the container. But if you shift + right click it will transfer all stone from your inventory to the container. This was a feature of this plugin that my players used to love and became very used to having. Then one day it stopped working. I was discussing having a new plugin made to bring back this functionality and the developer said that your plugin still contains the code for it, but it is broken due to Facepunch changing the way moving items works a while back. The way your code is written now, using shift + right click will always leave the target container null. He suggests that you update your code to re-write the CanMoveItem section to take into account the code changes from Facepunch. I don't know if you are aware that this broke, but would you be willing to fix it so that it works again? We are hesitant to create a new plugin due to possible issues with item stacks and compatibility with this plugin, etc. I appreciate your time and sorry for the long message, thanks.
  14. Sorry to report another issue, but I have the separate inventories disabled per our conversation in this ticket. I switched from admin mode to player mode and my backpack disappeared from my body and everything inside it as well as my hazmat suit I was wearing. I switched back to admin mode and they did not return. I don't think I lost anything in my actual inventory or hot bar. So I am logging this as a separate bug, since I shouldn't lose/change any inventory items with my current settings.
  15. dustyhansen

    Auto Wipe Not Working

    Did you ever figure anything out on this? I ended up uninstalling the plugin since I couldn't get it to work, but thought I would check back since I saw this was still open and it has been a year.
  16. We are still having the issue where new signs are added on server restart and causing the blinking effect on the license plate. This was initially reported here and was marked as closed, but as someone else also reported in that ticket it is not resolved. It has been a year since this was reported, so it would be nice if this could finally get addressed. Otherwise I will likely remove the plugin since nobody really uses it since you can't see what you paint.
  17. Players frequently are unable to claim their rewards with /vote or /claim. When they attempt to do so, there is an error in console: Web request callback raised an exception in 'RustServer.gg Vote v1.2.1 by NightHawk@Codefling' plugin [200] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at void Oxide.Plugins.RSVote.GiveRandomReward(BasePlayer player) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/RSVote.cs:line 147 at void Oxide.Plugins.RSVote.HandleResponse(string url, int code, string response, string action, BasePlayer player) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/RSVote.cs:line 106 at void Oxide.Plugins.RSVote.Execute(string url, string action, BasePlayer player)+(int i, string s) => { } in /home/container/carbon/plugins/RSVote.cs:line 84 at void Oxide.Core.Libraries.WebRequests+WebRequest.OnComplete() in /home/runner/work/Carbon/Carbon/Carbon.Core/Carbon.Components/Carbon.Common/src/Oxide/Libraries/WebRequest.cs:line 385 Usually it works if they try again a few minutes later.
  18. dustyhansen

    37 Items Remaining

    This appears to have resolved itself, I have received no further complaints about it.
  19. This can be closed FYI.
  20. This can be closed FYI.
  21. dustyhansen

    Default Skins Missing

    This can be closed FYI.
  22. I have had this issue now for months, possibly years, and am just now getting around to reporting it. Every now and then players will complain that hemp clones stop stacking altogether. Initially I never thought it was this plugin, because I didn't change the stack size of hemp clones. They are still set at 50, the default. However, if I reload Stacks, it fixes the issue and they can once again stack hemp clones. This has only ever affected hemp clones, never any other item. It happens like once every couple weeks, so it is pretty infrequent, so much so that I really kept forgetting to come here and report it.
  23. He said he changed the time back to defaults though and still had issues. He also unloaded the only other building plugin, BGrade. Have you given this any more thought?
  24. Have you given any more thought to this? It would be nice to have the option to either not combat block the person receiving damage or to have a damage threshold that must be met for them to be combat blocked. Something like this would be awesome: "Combat Block": { "Enable Combat Block For Giving Damage?": true, "Enable Combat Block For Receiving Damage?: false, "Block Time (Min)": 60, "Damaged Health Percentage on a player to trigger combat (0 = disabled)": 0, "Exclude Steam 64IDs": [] }, Again, this has nothing to do with integrating with any other plugins. Plus this change would match features offered by the free version, so I think it would help other buyers as well, not just me of course. Please let me know your thoughts and I appreciate your time, thanks!
  25. dustyhansen

    Backpack Trading

    That is what I was afraid of, so this is not possible or are you saying that it is just currently not checking this? I don't know if this is necessary. I definitely don't want backpacks to be looted due to death, so I wouldn't want to enable this feature and risk that. So, if you added it I probably wouldn't use it and can't really think of another good reason to have it. Can you exclude diving tanks and parachutes since they are wearables, but not lootable perhaps? Awesome! Thanks for the update! Thanks, this would be a nice addition. It hasn't come up yet, but there are times where clan members are not on the same team. Perhaps it could be a config option to share loot with teams or clans separately.


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