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Everything posted by Beast_
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
Hello, can you please dm me on discord. Discord: beast.1
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
or send me your discord and i'll add you.
The issue is if you looked at the "Actions Block" section, you have it disabled. what are you trying to block ? also i meant add me on discord not find me on server server. Discord: beast.1
if not then please send your config.
Hello, can you please dm me on discord ? my discord: beast.1
- #admin
- #restrictions
- (and 14 more)
Version 1.0.4
This is a simple plugin that allows players to use DLC gestures without having to buy them. Permissions rustgestures.use - Use the plugin. Commands /gestures or /rg - Open the gestures menu. Configuration Rust Gestures Commands - List of commands to open the rust gestures menu. Show all gestures in a single page - shows all the gestures in a single page (disable the multi pages) Gestures list - List of gestures and images. Note: Do not change the gestures ids in the config unless you know what you're doing.Free -
- 1
- #admin
- #restrictions
- (and 14 more)
Version 1.1.3
Allows you to restrict certain commands and actions for admins, monitor their activities, and prevent admin abuse. Features Command Blocking: Prevents specified commands from being executed by certain admins. Action Blocking: Disables interactions like looting, building, or interacting with vehicles, cupboards, and more. Team Management: Manage the admins team and their permissions. Anti-Abuse: Detects abusive behavior with configurable actions such as kick or ban. Action Logging: Logs movements and interactions. Permissions adminrestrictions.limitactions - limit the admin actions. adminrestrictions.ignore - ignores a specific admin. Configuration { "Commands Block": { "Enable commands blocking": false, "Commands list": [ "server.stop", "server.hostname", "server.description", "server.restart", "server.quit", "server.url", "kickall", "ownerid", "moderatorid" ], "Log without blocking": false, "Print to Console": false, "Log to File": false }, "Actions Block": { "Enable actions blocking": false, "Actions": { "Damage": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Loot": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Pickups": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Building": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Player Assist": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Gathering/Farming": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Locked Entity Usage": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Cupboard Interaction": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Codelock Interaction": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Stash Interaction": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Vehicles Interaction": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Turret Interaction": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Hack Locked Crate": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Bed/Sleeping Bag Renaming": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Oven Toggle": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Recycler Toggle": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Mixing Table Toggle": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Diesel Engine Interaction": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Excavator Interaction": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Vending Machine Interaction": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Entities Target": false, "Lift Usage": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Buttons Interaction": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Switches Interaction": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Explosives Usage": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Ent Kill": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Ent Lock": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false }, "Ent Unlock": { "Block Action": false, "Enable Discord Logging": false } }, "Print to Console": false, "Log to File": false }, "Team Management": { "Enable team management": false, "Force admins to be in one team (overwrites all the below)": false, "Team Permissions": { "Can create team": false, "Can leave team": false, "Can invite to team": false, "Can be invited to team": false } }, "Anti Abuse": { "Enable anti-abuse": false, "Action on Detection (0 = None, 1 = Kick, 2 = Ban)": 0, "Teleport to building block zone": false, "Teleport to cargo": false, "Teleport Damage": false, "Print to Console": false, "Log to File": false }, "Actions Logger": { "Enable action logger": false, "Actions": { "Movements": false, "Door Interactions": { "Door Opened": false, "Door Closed": false, "Door Knocked": false }, "Box Looting": { "Loot Started": false, "Loot Ended": false, "Item Added": false, "Item Looted": false } }, "Ignore player-owned entities": false, "Print to Console": false, "Log to File": false }, "Discord Logging": { "Enable discord logging": false, "Webhook": "" } } Note: Anti-Abuse will disable damage and teleport the player back to his previous location upon detection.$19.99- 4 comments
- 2
- #admin
- #restrictions
- (and 14 more)
Version 1.0.1
Explosives Detonation allows explosives to be detonated upon shooting them. It is a simple yet effective plugin designed to enhance gameplay by providing an additional layer of interactivity with explosives. Permissions explosivesdetonation.use - use the plugin. This plugin doesn't require any configuration.Free -
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
if you still need any help, please contact me on discord for easier and faster support Discord: beast.1
You need to enable it from the config and reload the plugin after.
Version 1.0.2
Allows you to control the spawns of entities on your server. Features Spawn Control: Define spawn chances for entities to control their frequency. Configurable: Easily customize the configuration to fit your server's needs. Automatic Cleanup: Remove entities with a spawn chance of 0. Configuration { "Enabled": false, "Spawns": [] } Enabled: if set to true it enables the plugin. Spawns: list of entities's prefabs and it's spawn chances (auto generated when you first load the plugin).Free